The Remere Login specification was created to automate the process of users signing into websites, in order to make it easier for users, and make the process more secure. (i.e. Enable password alternatives.) It has the following primary characteristics.
Primary characteristics:
Eliminates login forms on websites. Instead, the login status and operations will be displayed in the browser chrome. (In the menu bar, etc.) A website may also choose to include a special anchor or button to display and change the login status.
The browser chrome will contain a menu item or image that displays the "login status" of the current website. (i.e. If the browser is logged into the current website or not.) The image (or menu item) is a button and can be activated to start the different login actions. (login, logout, etc.)
A Login Manager is a more advanced version of a "password manager". It is an online account (or a physical device, etc.) that is separate from the browser. It is therefore usable from all browsers. The Login Manager contents (i.e. User Logins, passwords, etc.) can NOT be accessed by websites. The contents can only be accessed by the browser. In a special browser popup window.
Starting the login process causes the browser to connect to a Login Manager and retrieve a list of available User Logins for the current website from it. The browser will then display the list to the user, asking which one to use.
(Note that the popup window that contains the User Logins can NOT be viewed or connected to by any website. It is authored by the browser.)
Normally, all the user has to do is select which User Login to use from the list.
The browser automatically takes care of sending the User Credentials to the website and logging the user in. (And it will update the displayed login status.)
Increased security for the login process. Uses public keys instead of passwords.
A Login Manager uses public keys by default. (But still allows passwords. It can use them as a Credential Source, etc.) A Login Manager supports storing a general type of Credential Source. (Used to create a User Credential.) Using a Credential Source (such as public keys) allows the browser to login using a "single-use Credential Proof".
The entire User Authentication process works WITHOUT JavaScript. (The browser is not required to enable JavaScript for any website.)
Example of a ServiceTrigger HTML Element (a Anchor HTML Element) and login selection popup list. Note that the "remere" menu item in the browser chrome will change its status depending on the login status of the selected tab. (i.e. If the browser is logged into the website or not.) If the browser is logged in, then the menu item will display a different icon or label. And it will display different UserLogin list items in the popup dialog box, etc.
Example HTML.
Includes a ServiceOffer HTML Element (contains a FiskOffer), and a ServiceTrigger HTML Element (contains a FiskTrigger).
The Remere User Authentication process is commonly started when a user clicks on a Service Trigger. The trigger defines what FiskProfile to use, and what Operation to perform. (In the FiskTrigger.protocolOp property.) The process will connect to the Login Manager (if it has not already done so), and request from it a list of User Logins for the current website. It will display the list of login items to the user, and allow the user to select a login from the list, or create a new one. Upon selection, it will ask the Login Manager to generate a Proof of Identity from the selected User Login and the HTML page's challengeTime. (A Proof of Identity includes a "username" and a list of "Credential Proofs", etc.) Then the process will create a Service Request (an RML Request), encode the Proof of Identity in it, and send the request to the Service Endpoint. The website will perform the requested operation and will return a Service Response (an RML Response). The Remere process will receive the response from the website, finish logging in the user, and will then update the HTML page being displayed.
Intro to Soc
Intro to "Service Order Configuration"
The Remere Login specification works like this. The browser creates a "Proof of Identity" (that contains various User Credentials) and sends it to the website. (It is sent inside of a Service Request.) The website evaluates the proof, and sends a response. The response includes a confirmation, if the proof was accepted or not. If the proof was accepted, the response might also also include an instruction that the browser should (or can) refresh the current page. Or it might contain a url of a new page the browser should be redirected to.
The hardest part is the creation of the Proof of Identity. That is what Soc is for.
Simply put, Soc is a bunch of properties, that tell the browser HOW to create the Service Request. (SOC is JSON. Usually it is embedded in an HTML page somehow.) It is a means to avoid the web page having to contain JavaScript. It is a list of requirements, instead of a list of instructions to perform. (i.e. It is not code. Not an algorithm.) It is used to avoid the web page having to contain JavaScript code.
SOC allows custom Service Requests to be created. It is a more-advanced alternative to a web page including a pre-made URL. Like the following.
<a href="remere://">Send info to website</a>
A pre-made URL will work for simple service requests. However, it is not possible to make more advanced Service Requests with a pre-made URL. For example, a service request with dynamic argument values. Where the argument values require processing or a choice. For Example: Argument values that are determined at the time of the service call. And/or argument values that are copied from the browser. (That have to do with the browser state, etc.) To perform an advanced Service Request, a custom URL may have to be created, that contains custom arguments.
When a more advanced Service Request needs to be performed, the traditional way to do it is with JavaScript. (Example: AJAX call, etc. JavaScript is used to create a custom URL or custom arguments, and process the results.) However, in the case where using JavaScript is not an option, something else was needed. That is what SOC is. (Note that SOC generally uses the HTTPS POST mechanism. Not HTTPS GET.)
Think of an order form to order a product. (Or an application form to apply for a job, service, etc.) An SOC Profile specifies what data the browser needs to supply in the order form.
SOC is customizable by protocol. Each protocol defines its own type of FiskProfile. And a browser must have a protocol handler installed that will perform the tasks required by that protocol.
The Remere Login specification uses the concept of a website "Service". The entire Remere Login process is simply one type of service, offered by the website. This particular service defines a general process for how User Authentication will work. With a "service" an RP can declare that it supports a particular service, (like the Remere Login "service"), and the browser can then call the service when it wants to perform an action. (To login or logout, etc.)
Because the process of defining and invoking a "website service" may be useful for other types of services beyond User Authentication, it was generalized and split out from Remere Login into a separate specification, called the Capis specification.
A "service" defines a specific process. Each service must have a well-known API and protocol, so that the browser can behave as the spec requires. A service works *without JavaScript*. (The browser is not required to enable Javascript for the website.) A service is performed by the browser, depending on what JSON settings are included in the HTML. The ConfigSettings (a FiskProfile JSON object) allow a service to be customized. They define what the caller (the browser) should do when making a service call. A website (or an individual page on a website) can define different JSON settings to use with the service, to get the behavior that it desires. Each service defines its own set of JSON settings, that a caller (the browser) can choose to use or not. A website can choose what services it wants to offer, and what JSON settings it wants to include in the HTML page.
A service works a lot like a form submission. The browser assembles a "Service Request" and sends the request to the RP. The request can contain a bunch of different JSON values. The RP then sends back a response, and the browser must react to the response in the manner that the service requires.
The "service settings" are JSON values embedded in HTML markup by the RP website. In order to use any service, an HTML page MUST contain a ServiceOffer HTML Element. And the ServiceOffer MUST contain a FiskOffer JSON object in the name="serviceofferdata" attribute. A FiskOffer object will either contain a list of FiskProfile objects directly, or it will contain a reference to a separate FiskCatalog object. (And the Catalog will contain the list of FiskProfile objects.)
(A FiskCatalog MUST contain a list of FiskProfile objects. In the "serviceProfileList" property. The FiskOffer structure inherits from the FiskCatalog structure, so it may also contain the list.) Note that the "FiskProfile" is written in JSON, not Javascript.
Remere Login Primary Goals
Primary Goals:
Users should not have to remember usernames or passwords, or be required to type them (or anything) into forms on websites. The browser should automatically take care of sending the User Credentials to the website and logging the user in. All the user should have to do is select which User Login to use from a list.
Login forms should be eliminated. The forms should be replaced with anchors, or ultimately with menu items in the browser chrome.
Users should be able to store their User Logins in a Login Manager external to the browser. (A Login Manager is a more advanced version of a Password Manager.) This will allow users to either take their password-storage device with them, or connect to it over the internet.
The login process should be upgraded to support password alternatives. (In order to eliminate passwords) It should support a "single-use Credential Proof" by default. This is because passwords are insecure.
The User Authentication process should work without Javascript. (Must not require browsers to enable Javascript for websites.)
The browser should manage the User Authentication process. The browser must know and control the login status of each website.
The browser should expose a User Authentication API, etc. for web pages to use. HTML pages should not communicate user authentication directly to the website. (i.e. A web page should not use Ajax or Fetch to send XML or User Credentials to the website.) Note: This is unlike Webauthn, which defines no browser API for transporting and authenticating a Proof of Identity.
Remere Login Primary Characteristics
The primary characteristics of the Remere Login specification are:
It allows users to login to websites with one or two clicks.
(Eliminates users typing into forms.)
It eliminates login forms on websites. (Replaces forms with anchors, buttons, and menu items in the browser chrome.)
It supports single-use Credential Proofs. (More secure than passwords.)
The login process is started when the user activates one of the ServiceTriggers. For example, this can be a click on a Anchor HTML Element. First, the browser will perform the Service Trigger Activation Protocol, examine the FiskTrigger object inside the trigger, and depending on the contents, it will then start the Remere User Authentication process. When Remere starts, the browser will need to connect to the user's Login Manager (if it has already not done so). The browser will communicate with the Login Manager, to get a list of Login Items for the current website. Then it will display the list to the user. The user can then select which Login Item to use. Upon selection, the browser will again communicate with the Login Manager to get the proof-of-identity (generated from the User Login that was selected) and then it will send the proof to the RP website (at its Service Endpoint) in a RML Request.
Note that this process does not use an HTML form. The user does not enter any data into a website form. The browser does not send the RP a form submission. Instead, the browser creates and sends a Service Request to the RP's Service Endpoint. This eliminates user data entry, and thus will allow websites to support using longer, more complicated, login keys during the login process, without requiring users to remember or type anything complicated. (Note that a website is a type of relying party. An "RP".)
The Remere-Capis login process is similar to Webauthn, but there are many differences.
Some major differences between Remere (which uses Capis) and Webauthn:
(Remere) It supports custom operations. ("login", "proveUserPresence", "setActiveCredentials", etc.) Webauthn only has two. 'get' assertion and 'register' a new user login.
Capis can be used with a Webauthn Protocol Handler, instead of with Remere. That would give Webauthn most of the benefits listed here. However, this would require that the Protocol Handler also define a transport format for the proof-of-identity. And some means of processing the response.
The primary goals of the Remere Login specification are:
Allow users to login with a single click.
(Eliminate users typing into forms.)
Eliminate login forms on websites. (Replace forms with anchors, buttons, etc.)
Replace passwords with something more secure. (single use login keys)
Enable browsers to be able to dynamically connect to an external Login Manager.
Add to HTML a standard way to mark "login triggers". (A type of Service Trigger)
The new Login method must not require web pages to enable Javascript.
There needs to be a way for HTML to mark which HTML elements are used to perform User Authentication. This is useful for password managers, screen readers, accessibility, (for the blind, etc.). Password managers should not have to guess which HTML elements (which forms) are used for User Authentication.
The Capis specification does a few things. (1) It provides a way for websites (RPs) to embed FiskProfile data and Service Triggers in HTML markup, without using JavaScript. (It embeds a FiskOffer JSON object.) (2) It defines the process of how a user can invoke a Protocol Handler by activating a Service Trigger. This is called the Service Trigger Activation Protocol. (3) It provides a way for websites to categorize different types of services. (i.e. Each service specifies a FiskProfile.protocolUsed.) (4) It provides an easy way for browsers to support multiple types of services. (A browser can implement a Protocol Handler.)
In the Login process, the delivery of the login values to the website must be done using a protocol and a login value format that the website understands. So the format must either be a standard, or the website must publish some type of FiskProfile or a FiskCatalog that contains what protocols it understands. The Remere Login specification defines one such protocol and format (The RML Request). Websites are free to prefer or require other protocols (such as WebAuthn), but this is dependent on browser capabilities. Browsers should support at least the base level protocol. (Note that WebAuthn is another such user authentication protocol. It can be used with or instead of Remere Login.)
These abilities allow a website to embed different Service Triggers in its HTML. These can include a "login trigger". This allows a login action to be triggered with a button or link, etc. Since the trigger does not have to be a form.
Remere Login specifies how the browser can contact the user's Login Manager and present the UserLogin items to the user. (By using the LoginManager API.)
(Remere Login is known as a declarative HTML login API.)
Goal Summary
The primary goals are:
Do not require users to type anything when signing into a website. Allow login with only one or two clicks.
Do not send passwords to websites. Send single-use login keys instead.
Require users to store the complicated login keys in a Login Manager. (A more advanced version of a Password Manager)
Require browsers to connect to an external Login Manager. (Allow a Login Manager to be swapable, remote, etc.)
Eliminate login forms on websites. Replace login forms with buttons, anchors, or browser menu commands.
Do not require JavaScript. (Must not require browsers to enable Javascript for websites.)
Do not require a separate physical device. That users must carry around with them. (The Login Manager can be connected to online, or stored on a cell phone.)
Passwords are insecure. They should not be given to websites, as storing passwords has proven to be too much for websites to do securely. Instead of passwords, browsers should send websites a single-use "Credential Proof" to prove a user's identity. (Note: This specification sends a Proof Of Identity, A.K.A. a UserId Assertion, to a website. This is is a combination of a "username" and multiple Credential Proof in a single JSON object.) Note that sending a Credential Proof requires that the browser be connected to some type of Login Manager where it can get the data from. (Because the needed data is much longer and more complicated than passwords are, and users should not be required to type it into a web form. i.e. Users must not be required to type the data into a web form. A Credential Proof is created from a Credential Source.)
Instead, users store the longer security keys in a Login Manager (a more advanced version of a Password Manager) and connect it to whatever browser they are using.
Supports digitally signing user data (i.e. form submissions)
The specification supports the digital signing of arbitrary data (i.e. form contents) by the user. This mechanism provides a general means for users to digitally sign contracts or other documents with credentials specific to an RP website. A digital signature allows the RP website to prove, internally or to other entities (the public, etc.), that the user authorized the data. This mechanism can be used to digitally sign documents, create signed statements and comments (prevents editing by a host platform. blog, twitter, etc.), perform verifiable organization voting, etc. (Note that for use outside the RP, the RP website must also have a way to prove that the Credential Verification Rules used to verify the signature were authorized by the user and active during the time when the signature was created.)
(See Form Signing and RemereLogin.performServiceOp(opId, opArgs, fiskProfilePath, triggerView) and ServiceOperationArgs.signContents and opId="signForm".)
The first several goals are the same as Webauthn. Do not require users to type anything, Do not use passwords, Use some type of Login Manager. Require browsers to connect to an external Login Manager. But Capis adds several other requirements. (1) Eliminate login forms on websites. (2) Allow the login button in browser chrome. (login integration into the browser chrome.) (3) A Login Manager can be remote, or a program installed on another device. (Users should not be required to buy a separate physical device to store passwords or be required to carry it around with them.) (4) Allow a remote connection to an online Login Manager. (5) Must not require JavaScript.
(Although a Javascript browser API is *also* provided, for more advanced use cases.)
Why prompt the user to enter their password, if the goal is to not have them type anything. Browsers should not be required to enable Javascript for websites. Therefore, the login API shoud not require Javascript.
Remere Login Overview Part 2
The Remere Login specification is designed to make the process of users signing into websites easier and more secure. In order to do this, it contains both new browser requirements, and new website requirements.
It is expected that the required browser functions will be implemented natively in browsers in the future. However, a browser extension may be created that provides some of the required functionality.
The Capis specification defines a trigger process, consisting of multiple steps, called the Service Trigger Activation Protocol. The Remere Login specification defines a specific User Authentication process, known as Remere User Authentication. The Remere specification defines a browser API, that gives browsers a common set of User Authentication functionality that websites can invoke to do the collection of the User Authentication credentials. This allows websites to use the new standard, instead of having to do it themselves. (i.e. Instead of a website being required to display a login form and ask the user to enter their username and password, the website can invoke the new browser API, and the browser will do it in a standard way. The browser will collect the "username and password", or equivalent, and deliver it to the website. The browser may collect it automatically from a password manager, without user intervention.) There is a similar browser API for when a user wants to "logout". Using this process lets browsers know the Remere Login Status of a website, if it is logged in or not. The browser can display a Login Status in the UI, etc. Also, because the process has distinct steps, it allows browser extensions to hook into the process at different locations to customize the process. (i.e. To obtain the credentials from a different source, etc.)
The Remere specification assumes that new commands and options will be presented to the user as part of the browser UI. (i.e. As a menu item displayed in the browser menu bar. Not limited to HTML elements in a web page.) The browser can have several different "login" menu items. (Perhaps displayed in a drop-down list.) The options would include (1) Display a Remere Login Status icon, indicating if the current page is logged in or not. (2) Display the current default "Passbook" (and the Login Manager that it is from). (The browser may have a setting to automatically use the default, unless the user does something to get the full list of UserLogin items.) (3) A list of browser commands. Including "login" and "logout" of the current web page, "logout of all" web pages, "change the default profile" that is currently being used, etc. (4) A list of what Login Managers are connected to the browser, and/or (5) An option to connect to a new Login Manager.
This specification does the following, in order to automate the authentication process.
Requires that users store their User Logins (i.e. usernames and passwords, etc.) in a type of "advanced password manager", called a "Login Manager". (A.K.A. a "User Authenticator".)
Requires that users connect their Login Managers to browsers. (Through USB, WiFi, over the internet, etc.) This allows users to "take their Login Manager with them" and they can "use any browser".
Defines a standard way for websites to inform browsers of their User Authentication requirements. (i.e. The ServiceOffer HTML Element in the HTML page.)
Defines a standard way for browsers to send User Login data to websites. (Use RML Request.)
Defines different "opId" that can be performed. (i.e. "login", "logout" etc.)
The website (or other entity) that wants to authenticate its users is referred to as the "Relying Party". (i.e. an "RP")
Specification Design Philosophy
This specification was designed to automate the User Authentication process. Its overriding design philosophy is to first streamline the existing sign-in process (remove special cases), and then automate it. Specifically, this includes:
Eliminate all of a user's custom interaction with websites during the sign-in process. (No sign-in forms.)
Eliminate all of a browser's custom interaction with websites during the sign-in process. (No custom JavaScript.)
Instead of the user performing custom interaction with individual websites, the user will need to interact with only one entity, the browser. Corollary, There must be a standard way for the browser to send the results of the user interaction to the website being logged into.
Instead of having the browser perform custom interactions with websites, it must perform only one standard process. The new Service Trigger Activation Protocol.
The single "Capis User Authentication Process" in the browser must get the User Authentication requirements from the website. It must also send to the website the user selection and authentication values.
(1) There must be a way for browsers to get the User Authentication requirements from a website. (Websites must be able to set their own User Authentication requirements.)
(2) There must be a standard way for the browser to send login information to websites. I.e. What the user types in, or selects. (i.e. the RML Request.)
RP websites must be able to customize what User Authentication they require and support. However, the customization should be limited to a set of "Configuration Settings" in the standard. The new standard should include a list of possible "configuration settings".
Note that the design eliminates all of a user's custom interactions with RP websites, but it does not eliminate the user interactions with the browser. When the user clicks a special HTML anchor, the browser may pop-up a window and ask the user to make some selection. The benefit is, this user-interaction is isolated to a single party (the browser). This is much better than the user having custom interactions with every website.
Websites need users to login. This means they need proof of user identity and user presence. HOWEVER, websites should not implement their own solution to the problem. Instead, browsers should provide a standard API, and all websites should use it. Thus, instead of users being required to do data entry for EACH website, a user can prove their identity and presence ONCE, to the browser (really, to the Login Manager). The browser can then, for a limited time, be able to sign-in to multiple websites mostly automatically. (Requires a single user click. But no data entry.) Each website may have different requirements (usernames and passwords etc.), but the "Login Manager" has all of that information, and the browser has a standard way to send that data to websites. Once the Login Manager is unlocked, the browser can generate a "proof of identity" for any website that is contained in the Login Manager. And it can send the "proof of identity" to the website along with any other requirements.
Defines a standard way for browsers to lookup and invoke RP services. (Such as a User Login service.) The method does not use JavaScript. (i.e. The Service Trigger Activation Protocol uses a FiskOffer to cause different browser behavior.)
Defines a standard way for RPs to specify an Service Trigger in HTML web pages.
Requires users to have a "Login Manager", and to connect their LoginManager to the browser. (A LoginManager contains User Logins such as User Logins.)
Overview of the Authenticator
This specification requires that users store their User Logins (i.e. usernames and passwords, etc.) in a "User Authenticator". An Authenticator can be a separate physical device, or it can be software installed on a user's mobile phone, or it can be a remote service, accessed over the internet. An Authenticator must support at least one of the standard connection protocols, so that it can communicate with browsers. (i.e. via NFC, Bluetooth, WiFi, USB, or over the internet as a Web Service.) In this way, users can take their Authenticator with them, or access it remotely, and use it with any browser that supports this specification.
In order to login to websites, a user must "connect" their Authenticator to the browser once per browsing session, and prove their identity to the Authenticator. (Using a fingerprint, password, etc.) The act of connecting a browser to the user's Authenticator can be called "signing in to the browser". After connection, a user can login to websites with a single click. Without typing anything. The browser will send the Authenticator a user authentication request for the website, and the Authenticator will create a "proof-of-identity" in response. Then the browser will send the proof-of-identity to the website as part of a login RML Request.
The new attributes are: name="serviceofferdata" and the content='{}' attribute. The name="serviceofferdata" attribute contains a FiskOffer JSON object. RP websites can use this attribute to give the browser additional data or instructions. Such as user authentication information.
A Capis compliant HTML page MUST have a ServiceOffer HTML Element in it. The purpose is to allow the browser, in the future, to use the hidden HTML element to display the user authentication information in the browser chrome. (i.e. The RP login status and command buttons.) The items do not have to be visible in the HTML page at all. For example, the browser chrome can contain a "login" button, and a "logoutAll" button, etc.
The RP must publish a special FiskCatalog document that details the Remote Services that the RP offers. This is a JSON document that describes the RP's public services. In particular, it must include the User Authentication service, and its requirements. See FiskCatalog Detail.
Service Trigger Activation Flow - Overview
The Service Trigger Activation Flow exists so that it can be used by multiple services. It is not limited to User Authentication. (See Remere Login Flow overview for an example of User Authentication.)
In general, the act of making a Remote Service call has four parts.
A program (in the browser) that handles a protocol trigger and performs a protocol action. (Such as Remere Login. API is RemereLogin.) The invokeServiceOp function will call the appropriate Protocol Handler.
The Service will receive the Service Request, perform an operation, and send a Service Response to the browser. The Protocol Handler (in the browser) will receive the response, evaluate it, and perform post-op processing.
The Service Trigger Activation Protocol has the following steps.
The user views a web page from an RP. (Typically over HTTPS.)
A FiskOffer applies to the entire HTML document. Any Service Trigger in the HTML document can invoke any of the Remote Services contained in a FiskOffer. (Or the browser can choose to invoke a service without using a Service Trigger.) A FiskOffer MUST contain a "challengeKey" property. (A securely generated, long random number.) (And the "challengeTime" property?) The challengeKey must be different each time the page is refreshed.
Alternate option -- The browser can call the invokeServiceOp API directly.
For Example, the user can click on a menu item in the browser chrome to activate a Capis Remote Service. The browser can always call CapisControl.invokeServiceOp directly. (Note: The web page or browser chrome should NOT call the lower-level API function directly. Such as RemereLogin.performServiceOp. This is because the invokeServiceOp function is used to manage which FiskOffer and Protocol Handler objects are used. Initialized and loaded.)
It will call the CapisControl.ensurePageConfig API function. This will make sure that the Page Configuration has been created.
more details
The CapisControl.ensurePageConfig function will do the following. It will find all the ServiceOffer HTML Elements in the HTML page, then it will extract the FiskOffer object from each of them. It will then read and evaluate each FiskOffer object. For each of the FiskOffer objects, it will find the name="serviceofferdata", then the serviceCatalogUri property. It will then retrieve the FiskCatalog from the RP, using HTTPS. The socSiteCatalog is known as the "externFiskCatalog". The function will then merge the pageFiskOffer with the externFiskCatalog. The pageFiskOffer values taking priority.
The FiskOffer object specifies what the RP supports, and what values to use with a Remote Service. (Example: the "rapId" value.) If the FiskOffer object is missing a required value, then the Capis Default Value will be used.
Remere Login (in the browser) queries the Login Manager for a list of User Logins for the current website. It displays the list to the user. (In a user prompt)
The user selects a User Login to use.
Remere Login (in the browser) creates a RML Request. (The request includes a proof-of-identity. A claimed identity and some sort of "proof". It also includes the challengeKey from the a FiskOffer.)
Remere Login (in the browser) will call the API function CapisControl.ensurePageConfig. This will get the a FiskOffer for the HTML page, the referenced FiskCatalog, the "rapId" and what the RP supports.
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The API function CapisControl.ensurePageConfig will, if not already done, extract the a FiskOffer for the HTML page. It will also retrieve the FiskCatalog from the RP, using HTTPS. (If the HTML page specifies a FiskCatalog.)
(These steps will determine the "rapId" and what the RP supports.)
Remere Login (in the browser) will get the "rapId" from the FiskOffer, and get the current login status for the RP. It will then compare the passed in "opId" argument against the current Remere Login Status, to detect errors. (No need to login if the system is already logged in.) If the opId is "login", and if there is no "active" User Login (i.e. if the browser is not logged in to the RP), then the browser will need to select (or create) a User Login, and then login to the RP.
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Remere Login (in the browser) asks the Login Manager for a list of all the "qualified" User Logins that it has for the RP. It will select one of the User Logins from the list, or it will create a new User Login. (It usually shows the list to the user and lets the user make the decision.)
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The API function RemereDirector.selectUserLogin will either select an existing User Login, or it will create a new User Login.
Internally, it calls the API functions LoginManager.collectUserLogins and RemereDirector.displayUserLoginChooser.
The API function LoginManager.collectUserLogins gets the list of all "qualified" User Logins for the RP. The User Logins must meet the RP requirements in the FiskProfile.
Note that the API function LoginManager.collectUserLogins also returns the list of all Passbooks in the LoginManager. So a call to the LoginManager.getPassbookList API function is not necessary. This makes it easy to have the list contain an alternate option to create a new User Login.
The API function RemereDirector.displayUserLoginChooser displays a popup window and asks the user what to do. The display will include the list of User Logins and will ask the user to choose one, or to create a new User Login.
Remere Login (in the browser) creates a RML Request.
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The API function RemereLogin.sendRequestToService will send the service request to the RP. It will send the request to the Service Endpoint, in the manner the RP specified. i.e. That is specified in the FiskProfile. (Usually in a FiskCatalog.) Remere typically sends an HTTPS POST request. (Not an HTTP POST.)
As a special case, if the ServiceTrigger HTML Element that activated Capis is a form, and Capis is configured to send an HTTP POST, then the browser will send the service request as a special HTTP parameter *in addition to* any regular form data. The default name of the HTTP parameter is capis_request.
The RP will validate the request.
In order to be valid, the request must contain a valid Proof of Identity, etc.
It validates the request by performing the User Identity Verification process on it.
Then it performs the requested operation.
Finally, the RP will create a RML Response and send it to the browser. The response can include a "success code" or various errors.
Remere Login (in the browser) will receive the RML Response. It does post-op processing.
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The API function RemereDirector.evaluateServiceResponse will evaluate the response from the RP and perform post-processing tasks.
If the response is a "success" to most operations ("login", "setActiveCredentials", etc.), then Remere Login will update the User Login. For "login", the "lastUsed" time needs to be updated. Etc. The API function LoginManager.updateUserLoginWithServiceResultAPI will update the User Login.
The browser will perform all the "onSuccess.actions.actionItem operations. This may include navigating the current window (or tab) to the "redirectUri" address. (If no redirectUri is specified, then it will refresh the current page.) This will show the restricted content to the user.
If the opId sent to the RP service was "registerUserLogin" then the response from the RP will contain the new assignedUserId. (Or an error.)
When a "user authentication" opId is started, the browser will try to communicate with the active Login Manager. If there is not an active connection to a Login Manager, then the browser will prompt the user to connect to (or login to) a Login Manager. A connection to a Login Manager can expire or otherwise become invalid. If the user has been inactive for some amount of time, or if the RP requests it, then the Login Manager can require that the user re-authenticate himself (to the Login Manager), before the Login Manager will generate the Proof of Identity. (This optional RP request is one of the primary actions, and is called "proveUserPresence".)
RML Comparison To Webauthn
The Remere Login specification defines a login process and HTML integration for the browser. An RP's Capis integration may use the WebAuthn specification as one of the supported login implementations. The differences between Remere Login and WebAuthn are:
Remere Login eliminates login forms on websites.
Remere Login does not require Javascript.
Remere Login does not require that users have a separate physical User Authentication Device that they carry around with them. (Users can use an online Login Manager, store credentials in their browser, phone, etc.)
Remere Login is a lot easier for websites to implement than WebAuthn. Website authors do not have to write any JavaScript, or include any JavaScript in the website HTML pages.
Using Remere Login in a web page requires an RP website to change its HTML pages by adding a couple special HTML elements. (A special ServiceOffer HTML Element and Anchor HTML Element.) Using WebAuthn in a web page, requires that an RP website add custom JavaScript to a form. (It requires a form.)
Remere Login has a RML FiskProfile to hold FiskProfile settings. WebAuthn does not. WebAuthn requires all service configuration (FiskProfile) to be written in JavaScript code.
Remere Login does not require JavaScript be enabled for a website. Webauthn does.
Remere only requires that an HTML page embed JSON in attributes. (It needs to contain the RML FiskProfile.) WebAuthn requires that a web page add JavaScript code that calls the Webauthn implementation.
Remere Login supports multiple services. (i.e. It's not limited to only user authentication.)
Remere Login defines standard formats to transport credentials from the browser to the website. WebAuthn leaves this undefined. (It is up to each website.) See RML Request and credRegSec.
Remere Login supports storing multiple User Logins for the same website. (This allows a single Passbook to have multiple, different UserId for the same website.)
Remere Login allows more types of Login Managers. (i.e. User Authenticator) Such as online password managers, and the user's mobile phone.
Remere Login allows batch credential changes. (A program with Login Manager access can change passwords without visiting any HTML page of websites.)
Remere Login can use a QR code to connect a mobile phone to a browser. (As well as NFC, Bluetooth and WiFI.)
Capis is backward compatible with WebAuthn. (The browser may use WebAuthn, if the user connects a WebAuthn physical device to the browser. The RP needs to understand the WebAuthn style credentials.)
Specification Design Goals
Primary Design Goals
The primary design goals are:
The primary goals of this specification are:
Automate user authentication. Allow users to login to websites with a single click.
Users should be able to sign into websites with a few clicks. (No typing. No data entry.)
Eliminate the need for users to remember multiple passwords.
Allow users to "use any browser" and "take their password device, etc. with them".
Standardize the use of better security practices in browsers and websites.
i.e. Prevent websites from storing raw passwords, and thereby eliminate the possibility of passwords being compromised through website breaches.
Prevent browsers from sending raw passwords to websites. Instead, it uses public keys or hashes. This prevents websites from storing raw passwords.
Users must be able to store their login credentials in a "Login Manager" external to the browser. (A Login Manager can be an online service, or a physical device the user carries, etc.)
Users must be able to connect to their Login Manager with any browser when doing sign-in.
Browsers must be able to connect to an external "Login Manager". This should not require installing a browser extension.
The RP websites must be able to inform browsers about its User Authentication requirements. Including any custom settings.
Browsers must be able to get the User Authentication requirements for the RP website.
Browsers must be able to create and send a proper "login request" to the RP website. Including the sign-in information required by the website. (Using the required format and protocol.)
Browsers must know the "Remere Login Status" at each website. (This means that a login and logout RML Response MUST be sent from the RP website and parsed by the browser.)
Browsers must be aware of each User Authentication RML Request, (i.e. login, logout, etc.) and each corresponding RML Response from the RP website.
Browsers must provide a standard "login prompt" for RP websites to use.
The "login prompt" should not be an HTML form. Login forms should be eliminated. (Could use a special HTML element, etc.)
The "login prompt" must be specific and exclusive. The browser MUST not have to guess which HTML elements and/or forms are used for authentication. It must not have to guess what conditions will trigger the login prompt.
If the "login prompt" is part of the HTML page, then there must be a standard way for an RP to mark which HTML elements it uses to trigger the login process. (i.e. the "login prompt".) (It must not be like the current way things are done, using a regular, unmarked, HTML form to submit the username and password.)
Activation of the special "login prompt" must cause the browser's internal login function to execute.
The "login prompt" should work without JavaScript. Therefore, it should probably be a special HTML element. Dedicated to doing login / User Authentication.
Browsers should have a "login function" that causes a "login request" to be sent to the RP website.
Secondary Design Goals
Secondary goals are:
Eliminate sign-in forms on websites. Replace them with links. (Websites should never prompt users to enter sign-in data.)
Browsers should provide a standard way for websites to ask for confirmation of user presence. After sign-in. (i.e. To confirm the user is still there.)
Browsers should provide a "global logout" button. An easy way for a user to "sign-out from the browser".
One button that will cause the browser to logout from ALL websites that use the credentials of the Login Manager. The browser MUST send a "user has signed-out" notification to all websites that are logged in using the user's credentials.
The process must not require the use of JavaScript on RP websites.
The process must be customizable. So that RP websites can adjust the process with their own customizations. (different URIs. different protocols, different formats)
The process must be extensible. So that it can be automated and extended in the future.
An RP website must be able to "declare support" for the standard.
The process must have discrete "steps", so that the browser (and browser extensions) can "hook into" or customize the login process.
An RP must be able to have confidence that the browser (or some "User Authentication Device") has confirmed the presence of the user. Not just the presence of a device. (Confirm the user by some physical or mental characteristic. Such as having them enter a password into the browser window.)
It must be extremely easy for websites to implement. (Eliminate the need for custom scripting.)
User Authenticator detail
A User Authenticator provides cryptographic proof of a user's identity. That is, it creates a proof-of-identity for an RP. It creates this proof from the User Login's credentials. (i.e. The credential secrets. Like a password or private key, etc.)
A Login Manager is a container that stores all of a user's login credentials. (i.e. It stores all the usernames and "Credential Secrets" such as passwords, private keys, etc.) A "Login Manager" is an advanced form of a "Password Manager". It has a different name because it can store other types of login credentials besides passwords. (Such as public/private key pairs, etc.)
An Authenticator needs access to the user's Login credentials, such as passwords, and private keys, to create a proof-of-identity from them. In other words, an Authenticator *requires the use of* a LoginManager. It needs access to the credentials, but it doesn't need to store the credentials itself. It is an additional capability beyond that of a LoginManager. But this functionality is simple enough, that most Login Managers should not have a problem supporting it.
An Authenticator has a few required capabilities. Primarily, it can use cryptography to generate a "proof-of-identity" for an RP. It creates this proof from the User Login's credentials. (i.e. The credential secrets. Like a password or private key, etc.) The proof-of-identity is a type of cryptographic digital signature. It proves that the Authenticator knows the credential "secret", without revealing the secret to the RP.
Second, an Authenticator must support at least one of the standard connection protocols, so that a browser can communicate with it. (i.e. via NFC, Bluetooth, WiFi, USB, or over the internet as a Web Service.) Third, it must support a specific software API. This API allows a browser to ask it to create a proof-of-identity for an RP.
A "proof-of-identity" proves who the user is, without revealing the user's password. The "proof-of-identity" is given to the RP website as part of the login request. The proof-of-identity is cryptographically signed. It also includes a timestamp, and the "challengeKey" from the website. (A "challengeKey" is a "cryptographic nonce" value.) In this way, the website can verify that the proof was newly created, and that it uses the correct "challengeKey" value. (i.e. the one that the RP created.) Because of this, the proof-of-identity will only work for one website. (The website that created the "challengeKey" value.) Also, a previous proof-of-identity will not work. This specification uses a JSON Web Signature as the proof.
(An Authenticator can contain multiple "accounts", with each account storing the User Logins for a separate person. Although this condition is rare, it is supported.)
Store Credential Verification Rules for users. (i.e. public keys, password hashes, etc.) An RP must be able to verify the types of user authentication that it lists in the FiskCatalog.
Create "fallback" pages for older browsers. Copy or move existing login forms, etc. (i.e. the login form, the password reset form, etc.)
One of these new attributes must be a "challengeKey" and contain a very long, unique integer value. (This is a cryptographic nonce value.)
An RP MUST have distinct account ids and user ids, and map between the two. (This is common practice.)
The mapping may be "one-to-one", "one-to-many" or "many-to-many". A mapping is necessary because, at the very least, a user's UserId can change. (A UserId can become invalidated, compromised, retired, etc.) A "one-to-many" mapping is recommended, as it enables more features. It allows the RP to support Account Sharing. (This allows a user to safely share their account with other people.)
It is anticipated that browsers will be updated to support these requirements natively. But there will also be JavaScript libraries that will enable it in older browsers.
Able to generate a QR code from the RP endpoint URL and nonce, and show that to the user. If the user asks for it. "https://domainName/path/file.json?ch=nA8rh3tfe83h37C9B2O5Zw4Yn2pV7M"
Note: In order to allow out-of-band login, the server must be specially configured. It must index the sessions by the nonce value.
For the Authenticator -- Ability to generate passwords or public keys, etc. for user credentials.
For the Authenticator - Ability to generate a proof-of-identity.
Benefits of this specification
Makes login easier (one click).
The user does not have to do data-entry.
Eliminates login forms on websites.
Allows longer and more complicated proof-of-identity. (i.e. A Login Manager may use private keys and nonce values, instead of simple passwords.)
Allows longer and more complicated user identifiers. (The website can assign UserIds, since the user does not have to remember them.)
Eliminates passwords. Users do not have to remember passwords for every website. Websites can use public keys, etc. instead of passwords. They can store public keys, hashes, etc. in order to validate proof-of-identity.
The cryptographic nonce value allows generated "proof-of-identity" to be secured very strongly (cryptographically).
Websites get to choose what types of user credentials they want to support.
Websites get to choose the types and number of credentials they want to require users to have.
Websites can choose to require the use of Login Managers that meet certain requirements.
Has a built in fallback system, that will work the old way if browsers do not support the new feature.
It modifies the login process in the following ways.
Main points
Streamlines and automates the login process. Makes it much easier for users. Allows the browser and RP to automatically negotiate the login.
Allows users to login with a single click. (When there is a connection to a Login Manager.)
Hides all "username" values from users. Wraps the actual UserId values inside containers. Designed to use Passbook. If necessary, users can name individual User Login items.
Automates the changing of UserIds. (i.e. "username")
Supports different credential types.
Supports logins that contain multiple credentials. (Multi-factor authentication, etc)
Allows RP websites to define how it will process credentials.
Allows RP websites to define icons, etc. for use in credentials.
Provides a default way for users to share their account with someone else. (i.e. Account Sharing) Account share invitations.
Defines a standard way to send credentials to RP websites. (submits a credentials JSON object to a remote endpoint via fetch.)
Uses standard JSON and JWS objects.
Supports credential attestation. (When registering new credentials with an RP website.)
Securely informs RP websites what TYPE OF Login Manager is being used. (Credentials sent to RP websites are ALSO signed by a Login Manager.)
JWS format can include an AuthenticatorResponse.
Somewhat compatible with WebAuthn (AuthenticatorResponse)
Defines an API for storing userIds and credentials in a Login Manager
Is extensible
The Service Trigger Activation Protocol will cause the browser to retrieve the FiskCatalog (via HTTPS), then display to the user a list of User Logins that match the Remote Service requirements. The user can choose the User Login of their choice, or choose to create a new login. New logins can be created automatically. (new, secure, public/private key pairs are generated.)
The browser will send the website an "Authentication Service Request". The request includes a login proof, and is signed by the appropriate private keys. The request is a JSON Web Signature (JWS). The JWS can also contain credential attestation, for any newly generated public keys / credentials. (If attestation is a requirement of the RP website.)
A standard way for users to store their user identifiers, credentials and login information. Also, a standard way for the *Login Manager* to communicate with the browser.
The minimum requirements for how RPs must manage account information.
Overview Old
This specification adds behavior to browsers and RPs (e.g. websites) to let users sign in with a few clicks. It eliminates manual sign-in forms on websites.
Defines a few new ServiceTrigger HTML Elements for the Service Trigger Activation Protocol. These are used by an RP to augment a few HTML elements. These attributes do the following. 1. Mark the HTML elements that are used as triggers to do sign-in with an HTML tag. And 2. Contain a FiskOffer. (The HTML tag vastly simplifies the login process. The browser doesn't have to guess which HTML elements are used to do sign-in. i.e. Which forms submit a username and password, etc. It doesn't have to inspect form inputs or examine JavaScript for clues, etc.)
It defines a standard way for an RP to declare what Remote Services it supports. The services are published in an FiskCatalog. The service definitions include the "Service Endpoints" and communication protocols used.
It defines a standard format for the RML Requests that a browser sends to the RP. This includes a requested opId, and a "proof of identity", which includes a UserId and a set of user credentials. The credentials can be a mix of different types. (The ability to send multiple credentials, of different types, allows an RP to support Multi-Credential Authentication and multi-factor authentication.)
This provides an easy, standard way for browser extensions, etc. to hook into the Service Trigger Activation Protocol. Thus, the user experience can be customized easily. It can modify or preempt certain actions, etc.
For example, during user authentication, the browser can present additional options, in addition to the UserLogin list items. Such as allowing the user to connect to an "User Authentication Device" or to an online "Login Manager". It can use either of these sources to create proof of the user and their login credentials.
It defines a standard way for an RP to declare a custom behavior for an HTML element. The Capis Trigger Behavior will cause the contained FiskTrigger.protocolOp property to be performed. (The FiskTrigger.protocolOp value should contain a opId that is one of the RML Operation List. i.e. "login", "logout", "proveUserPresence", etc.) This explicitly tells the browser what the purpose of the element is. (i.e. which opId to perform.) This allows the browser to add custom behavior based on the opId. (It may color anchors that have a "offerId":"offer_1" and "protocolOp":"remere/login" differently. etc.)
It defines an optional Javascript API that browsers can implement.
An entity that wants to authenticate a user. i.e. The system or service being logged into. For example, when a user logs into a website, the website is the relying party. (An RP "relies" on an authentication system to verify the identity of the user.)
A unique identifier for a Relying Party entity. It is based on the RP's "domain name". Example: "" It is not a URL, even though it may look like one. It MUST not include a scheme, port or username.
When an RP requires Proof of multiple credentials in order to authenticate a user. Each credential can be of any type. (i.e. password, private key signature, fingerprint, PIN, etc.) (See Multi-Credential detail.)
When an RP requires two or more "factors" to verify a user's identity. (i.e. CredentialProof of different types.) The three types of authentication factors are something you know, something you have, and something you are. Something you know can be something like a password or PIN. Something you have can be a mobile phone or a special USB key. And something you are can be something like your fingerprint or other biometric identifier. (See Multi-Factor detail.)
The Application that a User Login was created to login to. It is roughly equivalent to a Relying Party. (It relies on the User Login authentication system.) In a browser, a Relying Application Id starts with a website domain name. It is a specific "implementation" of a website. (The rapId may include a subdomain or a version number, etc.) Example: rapId = ""
The unique identifier for a Relying Application. (The Application that a User Login was created to login to. It is roughly equivalent to a Relying Party Identifier (rpId).) A rapId may be a GUID, such as an application ID. (In Android or iOS, etc.) In a browser, the rapId starts with a website domain name. (i.e. The Relying Party Identifier (rpId).) A rapId is a specific "implementation" of a website. (A rapId may include a subdomain or a version number, etc.) Example: rapId = "" An RP can set the rapId to use (when creating a User Login) by setting the "FiskProfile.rapIdSpec" property.
The rapId is the id under which a Login Manager stores the User Logins for an RP, or organization. An RP tells the browser which Relying Application to use (to login) by setting the "FiskProfile.rapIdSpec" property. By default, a User Login is only usable by a web page from the SAME domain as the rapId. (i.e. A webpage at cannot use a User Login for "") However, this can be a problem with subdomains. However, a larger organization may set up multiple RPs to use the same rapId. (Known as SSO. Single Sign On.) Access to a rapId is validated, so that only an "authorized" RP can access User Logins that use that rapId.
By default, the rapId is created from the RP's origin. However, a Relying Party can override this behavior, and set the rapId in the FiskCatalog or a FiskOffer. A rapId MAY include an optional path. This lets user accounts at an RP maintain their own client logins if desired. (See "FiskProfile.rapIdSpec".)
The unique identifier for the Application (or Entity) that started the user authentication operation. (i.e. The Application that is attempting to login, or to create a new User Login.) The capId is used by CAPIS as an access limiter. A Client Application may attempt to use or create User Logins that use a rapId different from its own capId. CAPIS creates a request, which includes the capId, and gives it to the Login Manager. The Login Manager may approve or deny the request, depending on the capId.
A string of characters that uniquely identifies a user to an RP. It is almost the same as a "username" (as in a "username and password"), except that it does not have to resemble a name. This is because it is generally not meant to be displayed to, or remembered by, users. It is often specified by the RP, not chosen by the user. (See UserLogin Creation Methods.) The two main types of UserId are Single-site UserId and Multi-site UserId. QIF is a format for how identifiers should be written. Also see RML ResponseassignedUserId.
Examples: "little_bo_peep12345", "p93w43m7", "qis:A:H:1:M8h2Dz0Wyv_lViQ4Nr0J"
Having an RP associate a user with an identifier. This may be the same as User Login creation. Or the RP may change the UserId of the user. The RP "assigns" the identifier to the user, or allows the user to choose their own identifier. If the identifier is a Locked Id, then the RP must not allow it, unless the user can unlock the ID.
Because that would allow someone who does not own the Multi-site UserId to create a login using the UserId. (This is a security risk). A "locked" ID is RESERVED. See UserId registration.
The data needed for a user to login to an RP. (i.e. To authenticate a user to an RP.) This generally consists of (1) The RP identifier. (i.e. The Relying Application Id, rapId.) (2) A UserId. (3) Some set of "secrets" known only to the user. (i.e. Credential Sources. Such as private keys or passwords.) (4) A set of "secret verification data", stored by the RP. (i.e. Credential Verification Rules. This provides a way for the RP to verify that the user has the secrets.) (Note: A "username and password" is a simple case of a User Login, where the password serves as both the "secret" and the "secret verification data".) Stored User Login data may also contain some additional information for administration purposes. (Such as a lipId.) See User Login Detail.
Any of the items inside a Login Manager, that are stored in relation to a User Login. Typically these are the stored User Login data, and Passbooks. A Login Manager and RP may contain multiple LoginItems, with the two storing slightly different information. The RP does not need to store the RP id (for itself). The RP does need to store the "user secret verification data" (i.e. Credential Verification Rules).
A unique identifier assigned to each LoginItem in a Login Manager. Example: "u34". The lipId does not change if the UserId is changed, or if the User Login is moved to a different Passbook. Both User Logins and Passbooks have a lipId.
A User Login that reveals some of its credential source secrets through bad Credential Verification Rules. (i.e. It has at least one "leaky" Credential Verification Rule.) A "username and password" is an example. The RP typically stores the password in order to validate login attempts. However, having the RP store the (unencrypted) password is unsafe. Anyone with access to the RP can copy the secret and can impersonate the user.
A type of UserId that only identifies a user at a single RP. At a different RP, the same UserId can be registered to a different user. It is the opposite of a Locked Id. A Single-site UserId can be written in QIF format using one of the "A:A:" types.
Examples: "little_bo_peep12345" or "qis:A:A:2:M4j-q:XSAErLq"
A type of UserId that can identify a single user to multiple RP. (i.e. To all RP.) Each distinct type of Multi-site UserId must have an associated LIAV Method. The RPs use the method to determine if a connected user is authorized to use a claimed identifier. (i.e. A Multi-site UserId is a type of Locked Id.) A common example is an email address. (i.e. A Federated UserId.) It identifies a resource at an organization. And the organization provides a service to the resource.
The identifier contains or references some sort of proof, or lock, etc. that can only be unlocked by the creator or authorized user. Multi-site UserIds are the opposite of a Single-site User Identifier. They are "foreign" to every RP. (Other than its Backer. If it has one.) See Multi-Site UserId detail for more information. (1) Self-contained and (2) Federated UserId.
Examples: "" and "qis:A:F1:2:ACMA_org:M4j-q:XSAErLq"
A type of identifier that references an "Identifier Lock". The lock is a type of test, usually a type of "input verification method", known as a LIAV Method.
The lock provides a way for an entity (i.e. a user or device) to prove (to other parties) that it is authorized to use the identifier. The Identifier Lock can be Self-contained, Certified or Hosted by an organization. (i.e. The lock is hosted on the internet.) Note that a Locked Identifier is just a text string. Despite the name "Locked Identifier", there is no technical enforcement that third parties require proof from the Identifier Lock.
An email address is an example of a Locked Identifier. (i.e. In this case, the "unlock method" is sending email. (The email is addressed to the identifier, and sent to the identifier host, at the specified domain.) A user can prove they have access to the identifier by reading the email that was sent. Note that an email address is not an optimal identifier format, because it does not contain text that directly specifies the "Identifier Lock Id". (It does not include the word "email", etc.) Instead, the Identifier Lock Id is determined by the format the identifier is in.
A Locked Id MUST be written in a standardized format, so that it can be recognized as a Locked Id. (And so that the "Identifier Lock Id" can be determined.) The Locked Id SHOULD contain text that specifies the lock (i.e. the Identifier Lock Id). However, the lock may be specified in some other way.
A Locked Id can also specify a namespace. A namepace is used to specify a standard the Locked Id follows. A standard can define a particular URL to use with the Locked Identifier. For example, the URL to use at the contained domain name, and any required arguments. Example "" (The "A" is the namespace. The "webfinger:1" is the Identifier Lock Id. The "" is the Backer Id) The "A" namespace defines url="" as the URL. The URL is used to retrieve a document that contains the LIAV Method.
For example, an email address cannot specify a Identifier Lock Id. So, all email addresses that are used as a Locked Identifier use the same Identifier Lock Id. (i.e. The Unlock Method is sending email.) However, it is possible to use a Locked Identifier that CONTAINS an email address. Example "". (The "46" specifies an "email" Identifier Lock Id.)
Systems SHOULD not allow a Locked ID to be used unless the user can prove it can unlock the ID.
Correct use of Locked Ids require compliant behavior from systems. For example, an RP must not register a Locked Id to any of its users, unless the user can prove that they can unlock the ID.
Because of this requirement, Locked Ids MUST be distinguishable from other types of identifier used by the system, and the LIAV Method used by the Locked Id must be discernible. The system must be able to (1) tell if an identifier is a "Locked Identifier", and (2) verify if a user can unlock it. Using the QIF format is one way to meet these requirements. Locked Identifiers are either Self-contained or Hosted by an organization.
If a Locked Identifier is used to identify a single user to multiple RP, it is a Multi-site UserId.
The User Verification process
A "user verifier" (i.e. an RP or other third-party, etc.) must be able to verify if an entity (i.e. a user) is authorized to use the locked identifier. To do this, the user must create an "identifier authorization request" document. The document is then tested that it will "unlock the ID", by calling the LIAV Method and passing the request document in as an argument. If the document passes the test, then the user is authorized to use the identifier.
The request document may be used in one of a few ways. (1) It can be given to the "user verifier", and the verifier then calls the LIAV Method. Or, (2) the user may call the LIAV Method and then give the result to the user verifier. This last case is more involved, as the result must be cryptographically signed, or encrypted, etc. in order to prove to the user verifier that it is a result from the LIAV Method. This method must be used if the request document contains a secret. (Such as a password.)
If the Locked Identifier is hosted, then the host must provide this "unlock verification". This generally is done in one of four ways. First, the host can perform the verification itself. It accepts some sort of "documents or user supplied information", such as a password, and returns some sort of success or error value. Second, the host can receive a secret message. If the user can access the secret, then they have proved access. Third, the verifier can be given the "verification method". Then the verifier can verify the documents itself. The "verification method" can be some sort of algorithm or public keys, etc. Fourth, the verifier can be given the "encryption key". The verifier can then encrypt a secret message. If the user can decrypt the message, then they have proved access. The host can limit any of these methods to only certain verifiers. If the identifier is used as a Federated UserId, then this service may be known as an Identity Provider. Or the host can provide something different.
A set of requirements or an LIAV Method that is referenced within a Locked Identifier. This functions as a type of "user authorization test". Only users that are authorized to use the identifier can unlock it.
In general, a lock can be designed for either "private access" or "public verification". If it is used for "access", then unlocking the lock can "grant access" to a restricted resource. This can be secret information, etc. If the lock is used for "public verification", then it is actually for use by an unknown entity (i.e. a third-party, or "the public") to verify if a user can unlock the identifier. A Locked Id is used for public verification. Third parties can challengeKey a user, and then verify that the Identifier Unlock Input (some documents provided by the user) contains the challengeKey value, and will unlock the identifier. The Identifier Unlock Input is verified with the LIAV Method. If the Identifier Unlock Input satisfies the test, then the user is authorized to use the identifier.
Some other notes. A lock algorithm may include a reference to an online location, a document or a service, etc. (e.g. A Federated UserId commonly requires a Backer VM.) The document can contain public keys, or the service can issue a certificate, etc. that can be used to verify the user.
When a locked identifier is used as a public identifier, an RP must not register a Locked Id to any of its users, unless the user can unlock the ID.
A text string that identifies the Identifier Lock used in a Locked Id. The Lock Id also identifies the Unlock Method. Note that multiple "Lock Id" values may denote the same Unlock Method. Also note that the Unlock Method may impose additional requirements depending on the contents of the Identifier (i.e. On the payload contents). (For these cases, the LIAV Method will assemble or otherwise determine the actual lock requirements.)
A document, etc. provided by the user, that is used to unlock a Locked Id. It is usually given by a user to a third party (i.e. an RP) in order to authenticate the user. The third party will verify that the input will unlock the Locked Identifier. It usually contains a challengeKey value, provided by the third party.
An algorithm or protocol, etc. that can verify if an entity (i.e. a user, device, etc.) has authorized access to an identifier. In general, it will verify if an "identifier authorization request" document (e.g. text entered by a user, etc.) will "unlock" the locked ID. (i.e. If it is a valid use code, authorization, etc. for the Locked Id.) (i.e. If it will unlock the Locked Id.) The method is known as a "LIAV Method". Each Identifier Lock will have an associated LIAV Method. It is a way of proving if the user meets the lock requirements that are referenced from within the identifier. This will verify if the user is authorized to use the identifier.
The entity performing the algorithm is known as the "unlock verifier". It may be an RP, a third party, an "authorization verifier", etc.
The LIAV Method usually verifies if some documents created by the user are valid, if they pass the lock's test or meet its requirements. The documents should also pass the test presented by the verifier. (An alternate method is that the user provide a secret, such as a password, to the LIAV Method to prove their authorization. However, this method may reveal the secret to the verifier.)
In order to work, the verifier generally requires two things. (1) The LIAV Method for the Identifier Lock Id. (2) All documents or services required by the LIAV Method. Note that the LIAV Method of the identifier is generally determined by the Identifier Lock Id. The requirement to determine the Identifier Lock Id may require that the identifier be in a standard, recognizable format. The LIAV Method is commonly defined by the "standards organization" that defined the Identifier Lock Id.
In some cases the LIAV Method may require extra documents. Such as for a Federated UserId. In this case, the verifier may need to verify that the backer documents were issued by the backer. So it may need to get the public keys for the Backer via a Backer VM.
The Locked Identifier should include a Identifier Lock Id. The id determines how the Identifier Lock is put together, and what pieces it is composed of. Some pieces can be: (1) the Identifier Lock Id, (2) the LIAV Method, and (3) the "triggerId". The triggerId allows the same lock to be used by multiple users. The triggerId specifies the user of the lock. It is one of the arguments given to the LIAV Method.
In the QIF format, the combination of the "namespace", "idClass" and "subClass" specifies the "type" of the Locked Identifier. Use this to determine the LIAV Method. (Ex: "A:F1:1" specifies a Federated UV Method.)
"qis:A:H:1:M8h2Dz0Wyv_lViQ4Nr0TN5BfJ" // Type "A:H:1" contains a base64url encoded JWK public key.
"qis:A:F1:1:ACMA_org:M4j-q" // Type "A:F1:1" contains a type-CPermanentBackerId and a base64url userNum.
"" // Type "A:F2:1" contains a domain name and a base64url userNum.
A document (obtained from a service, etc.) that contains proof that an input document (i.e. text entered by a user, etc.) is a valid key for the Locked Id. (i.e. That the input document will "unlock" the Locked Id.) That is, the input document meets the requirements of the identifier. This is also known as "Unlocking the Identifier". The proof must be verifiable to a third party. The proof is obtained by calling the LIAV Method for the Locked Id and passing the input document in as an argument. This proves that the input document passes the "user authorization test" of the Locked Id, and the creator of the input document is therefore authorized to use the identifier.
A type of Locked Id that contains its lock inside itself, internal to the identifier. For example, the lock can be an encoded public key. In this case, the public key can be used as the "verification method", so the verifier can check itself that the user can unlock the ID. These types of Locked Id do not have a "host". They are written in QIF format using one of the "A:H:" types.
Example: "qis:A:H:1:M8h2Dz0Wyv_lViQ4Nr0TN5BfJ" // Type "A:H:1" contains a base64url encoded JWK public key.
A Locked Identifier that is unlocked by a certificate, provided by a Backer. Traditionally, the Backer will publish a set of public keys. It can also create an Identity Certificate based on a user request. The certificate is used as the Identifier Unlock Proof and is given to multiple RP. An RP can use the public keys to verify the certificate was created by the Backer.
A type of Locked Id where the Identifier Lock is available on the internet. It relies on a Host Organization to implement (i.e. to host) the Identifier Lock. The Host Organization may be a single host or a network or federation. It may consist of a single Identity Provider or a network of them. (For example, a Federated UserId uses a Host Organization that is a federation.) A Hosted Locked Identifier does NOT have to contain the Host Id internally. The Host Id may be determined separately. If the Locked Identifier contains the host ID internally, then it is a Backed Identifier.
Because the Identifier Lock is hosted, the identifier must somehow be associated with the host. However, the identifier does not necessarily have to contain the host id internally. The host id may be acquired indirectly. For example, the identification system (the RP being logged into) may store the host ID for a user ID separate from the Locked Id. Or the user may provide the host Id during login. Or the host Id may be a federation of identity providers, etc. If the identifier contains the host ID itself, then it is a Backed Identifier. (In this case, the "host id" is the Backer Organization.)
For example: Some websites allow a user to "Login using Google" or "Login using Facebook". These actions use a Hosted Locked Identifier where the identifier does NOT contain the Host ID. The Host is either Google or Facebook. Those organizations host the Identifier Lock. But the userId can be an unrelated email address. (The email address does not have to contain either the "" or "" string, etc.)
A Backed Locked Identifier that is used as a user identifier is a Federated UserId. An email address is an example, it references a "user account" at a domain name (i.e. the host). The "lock" or test is if the user can receive email at the address.
Examples of Locked Identifiers. When in QIF format, it should probably use a type similar to "A:F1:1" or "A:F2:1".
"little_bo_peep12345" // An identifier without a host id. (Not recommended as a Locked Identifier.)
"" // An email address. The domain name is the host id.
"qis:A:F1:1:ACMA_org:M4j-q" // Type "A:F1:1" contains a type-CPermanentBackerId and a base64url userNum.
"" // Type "A:F2:1" contains a domain name and a base64url userNum.
An identifier issued by an organization, that identifies an item, etc, that the organization recognizes. The identifier contains at least two things, the Backer ID of the Backer Organization that issued it, and a "registration id" of the item or event, etc. The "registration id" identifies a particular resource, account, user, or transaction, etc. at the Backer Organization. An email address is an example of a Backed Identifier.
Example: "" // An email address is a Backed Identifier, where the domain name is the Backer Id.
A "Provable" Backed Identifier is a Backed Identifier for which there exists some standardized way to prove an entity is authorized by the Backer Organization to access the identifier. (i.e. There exists a standardized Identifier Authorization Service for it.) A Provable Backed Identifier is a type of Locked Id. An email address is an example of a Provable Backed Identifier.
An organization that creates Backed Identifiers. Every Backer Organization is identified by a unique ID, called a Backer ID. Every Backed Identifier contains the ID of the backer organization that created it. A domain name is an example of a Backer ID. An email address is an example of a Backed Identifier. (
A document or service provided by a Backer or a delegated third-party, such as a Identity Provider, that can be used to verify documents were issued by the Backer. The document or service may also provide public keys, which can be used to verify signed documents were issued by the Backer.
The identifier of a Backer Organization, which creates Backed Identifiers. Every Backed Identifier contains the ID of the backer organization that created it. A domain name is an example of a Backer ID.
Example: "" // An email address is a Backed Identifier, where the domain name is the Backer Id.
A Backer ID must be assigned by a standard system, to ensure that all Backer Ids are unique. A Backer ID may be a domain name or something similar. It may be a permanent PermanentBackerId, assigned by a different standard. All Backed Identifiers issued by a Backer must be in a standard format. This is so that RPs that receive one of the Backed Identifiers, can recognize the item as a Backed Identifier, and extract the Backer ID from it.
A permanent identifier for a Backer Organization. It must be assigned by some sort of standards organization. It is a way to create permanent Backed Identifiers. (These Backed Identifier do not use a domain name as the Backer Id. Therefore, they do not have the problems of domain names. Domain names are temporary.)
Example: "user123@@ACMA_org" // A Permanent Backed Identifier. Not a regular email address.
Example: The standards organization that controls namespace-C defines its own list of Permanent Backer Ids. These are called type-C Permanent Backer Ids. Example: "qis:A:F1:1:ACMA_org:M4j-q"
A service that determines if a requestor is authorized by a Backer Organization to use a Backed Identifier. Data from the service (typically the response) is given to a third party as proof that the requestor is authorized by the Backer Organization to use the Backed Identifier. The service is an implementation of an LIAV Method, implemented by the Backer Organization.
For example, the service may receive an "identifier authorization request" document, and issue a response containing if the request was valid. In this case, the request must contain an appropriate Backed Identifier and the required proof for it. The service response must contain proof (digital signature, etc.) of authorization by the Backer Organization that issued the identifier.
Note that email verification is another example of this service. A Backed Identifierauthorization verifier (e.g. An identity verifier) can send email to the Backed Identifier (i.e. to the email address), containing a secret code. The "requestor" reads the secret code from the email and submits it to the verifier, thereby verifying that they have access to the Backed Identifier.
An entity that provides the Identifier Authorization Service for a Backed Identifier. The service receives an "identifier authorization request" document, and determines if the document is valid. (The request must contain an appropriate Backed Identifier and the required proof for it.) The response from the service is typically given to a third party as proof that the requestor is authorized by the Backer to use the identifier.
The provider must be authorized by the Backer Organization. The Backer Organization may authorize multiple providers, or it may provide the authorization service itself, in which case it is the provider. The identifier may be for an account, resource, transaction, user, or group, etc. An Identity Provider is a special case of the more general Identifier Authorization Provider.
A service or algorithm that verifies if a user, etc. is authorized by a Backer Organization to use a Backed Identifier. For example: when a user tries to sign up (register) at an RP using a Multi-site UserId, then an RP must verify if the user is authorized by the Backer Organization to use the identifier. (Note: an Authorization Verifier will only work on a Backed Identifier. An identity verifier is more general than an Authorization Verifier. It will work on other types of identifiers. And proof-of-identity.)
A unique identifier, used to represent an external entity, or "user". All Federated User Identifiers have a "provider". The "Federated Identity Provider" is a single organization that is responsible for authenticating a user to members of the federation. Therefore, each "Federated User Identifier" must be "linked" or associated with its "provider".
A Federated User Identifier is a type of Locked Id that uses an Identity Provider to implement its lock. (i.e. To meet the Locked Id requirements.) The identifier may or may not be a type of Backed Identifier. (i.e. The identifier may or may not contain a provider ID.) The provider may be provided separately. If the Federated User Identifier contains a unique ID specifying the provider, then it is a type of Backed Identifier. Where the "provider" is the Backer Organization. The Identity Provider may be the same as the Backer Organization.
In order to work, the verifier generally requires two things. (1) The LIAV Method for the Identifier Lock Id. (i.e. The Federated UV Method.) (2) All documents or services required by the LIAV Method. Note that the LIAV Method of the identifier is generally determined by the Identifier Lock Id. The requirement to determine the Identifier Lock Id may require that the identifier be in a standard, recognizable format. The LIAV Method is commonly defined by the "standards organization" that defined the Identifier Lock Id.
In some cases the LIAV Method may require extra documents. Such as for a Federated UserId. In this case, the verifier may need to verify that the backer documents were issued by the backer. So it may need to get the public keys for the Backer via a Backer VM. See Federated UserId detail.
The Locked Identifier should include a Identifier Lock Id. The id determines how the Identifier Lock is put together, and what pieces it is composed of. Some pieces can be: (1) the Identifier Lock Id, (2) the LIAV Method, and (3) the "triggerId". The triggerId allows the same lock to be used by multiple users. The triggerId specifies the user of the lock. It is one of the arguments given to the LIAV Method. The triggerId is the "registration id" specifying the user to the provider. (4) The provider.
In the QIF format, the combination of the "namespace", "idClass" and "subClass" specifies the "type" of the Locked Identifier. Use this to determine the LIAV Method. (Ex: "A:F1:1" specifies a Federated UV Method.)
"" // An email address. The domain name is the host id.
"qis:A:F1:1:ACMA_org:M4j-q" // Type "A:F1:1" contains a type-CPermanentBackerId and a base64url userNum.
"" // Type "A:F2:1" contains a domain name and a base64url userNum.
In order to work, the verifier generally requires three things. (1) The Identifier Lock Id. (2) The LIAV Method for the Identifier Lock Id. (i.e. The Federated UV Method.) (3) All documents or services required by the LIAV Method.
The requirement to determine the Identifier Lock Id may require that the identifier be in a standard, recognizable format. The LIAV Method is commonly defined by the "standards organization" that defined the Identifier Lock Id. In some cases the LIAV Method may require extra documents. Such as for a Federated UserId. In this case, the verifier may need to verify that the backer documents were issued by the backer. So it may need to get the public keys for the Backer via a Backer VM. See Federated UserId detail.
The Federated UV Method implements the LIAV Method required by a Locked Id. It is the standard way for the RP to verify if the user currently connected to it is actually actually authorized to use the claimed UserId.
A Federated UV Method commonly involves validating documents issued by a third party. The party is either the Backer, or an Identity Provider working for the Backer, etc. (The document may be some sort of UserId certificate, etc.)
Therefore, a Federated UV Method commonly requires the use of a Backer VM to validate the documents. The Backer VM must be "authorized" by the Backer but it may be provided by a separate entity. For example, a combination User Authentication Service may provide user verification for Federated UserIds from several different Backers.
In order to use the Backer VM, it must be "findable" by all RPs. All RPs must know the URL and any other information needed to use the Backer VM. Typically the method is published in one of three ways. (1) The Backer domain name publishes the information. (2) The standards organization for the type of UserId publishes the information. (3) The UserId type and method are well known. (e.g. Like an email address.)
All three options require the UserIds of that type to be in a recognizable format. The UserIds must either contain an explicit "type ID" for the type of Federated UserId they are, or they must be in a format where their "type ID" can be inferred. (i.e. An email address format will cause the email address "type ID" to be used. etc.) The QIF format makes this easy as it contains an explicit "type ID" for the UserId. In the QIF format, the combination of the "namespace", "idClass" and "subClass" specify the Federated UV Method. (Ex: "A:F1:1")
In order to login to an RP using a Federated User Id, a few things are needed. First, the RP must support that type of UserId.
During a login attempt, an RP will extract the "type ID" and the "Backer Id" from inside a Federated UserId. (Note that the "type ID" may be inferred from the format of the UserId. For example, an email address format will use an email address "type ID".) Then the RP must execute the Federated UV Method for the type ID, and have it validate the documents provided by the user during the login attempt. The "UV Method" algorithm may have a step that requires using the Backer VM for the Backer of the ID. If this is required, then the Federated UV Method will specify how the Backer VM must be "found".
For example, an email address is a type of Federated UserId, but it may not actually "work correctly". In more detail, the Federated UV Method to use for an email address EXISTS, it directs a special email be sent to the user. However, this may not be desirable. Sending an email to the address may not work correctly, and it also requires user interaction. (The user must click on a link in their email.) There is no standard way for an RP to find what Backer VM the domain name in the email address supports. (1) Not all domain names are listed in a standard (global) index of User Authentication Services. And (2) there is no standard way for an RP to query the domain name in the email address to find what Backer VM it supports. (i.e. There is no standard url for either the Backer VM method, or to query the domain for the Backer VM url.)
Any website may turn its user accounts into Federated UserIds. It only needs to provide (and publish) a Backer VM that RPs can use to prove if a user is registered at the website. (i.e. owns a UserId at the website.)
If RPs allow Federated UserIds to login, it is recommended that they ALSO require Credential Verification Rules (such as passwords or public keys) IN ADDITION TO the proof from the Federated UserId's Federated UV Method. This prevents existing accounts at RPs from being hijacked if a Federated UserId is compromised. Only during user signup (i.e. account creation at an RP) SHOULD the proof from the Federated UV Method be used by itself. This is used to ensure that the requested Federated UserId is actually owned by the new user.
Typically, a Federated UserId is written in QIF format, as the QIF "type" will clearly denote how the Federated UV Method issues identity proof.
An algorithm by which an RP can verify if a user has unlocked a Federated UserId. That is, if the user meets the lock requirements that are referenced from within the identifier. The method usually verifies if some documents presented by the user are valid. (This method is a Federated UserId implementation of the LIAV Method.)
The Federated LIAV Method always involves a third party, or documents from a third party. (i.e. The Backer, or an Identity Provider, etc.) (Maybe the IdP works for all the UserIds that use a certain Backer, etc.) The Method may be some sort of "unlockable access" or UserId certificate, etc.
The user typically must know some sort of "secret" belonging to the UserId. (A password, cryptographic signature, etc.) With a Federated UserId, the user does not submit the proof to the RP. Instead, he submits it, and the claimed UserId, to a third party. The Backer, Identifier Authorization Provider or an Identity Provider that works for the type of UserId, etc. The service will examine the proof and, if valid, will create some kind of document that states that the user is valid. This document is typically some kind of digitally signed statement, such as a UserId certificate. The document is a part of the proof of identity. (It may consist of other documents as well.) The document is delivered to the browser, which sends it to the RP. The RP then has to validate the document.
The RP must trust the third-party. Or it will not matter what documents the RP receives from the third-party.
Typically, a service will only support a very limited set of identifiers. (For example, identifiers that contain the "Backer Id" of only one or two particular Backers.)
In order for RP to support Federated UserId, the RP must be able to execute the Federated UV Method for that type of UserId. Typically the method requires a Backer VM. The Backer VM is published in one of three ways. (1) The Backer domain name hosts a standard document or lookup service. (2) A standards organization published the standard document or lookup service. Or (3) The account type is well known. (e.g. Like an email address.) All three options require the "type" of the Federated UserId. The UserId must either contain an explicit "type ID" for the type of Federated UserId it is, or it must be in a format where the "type ID" can be inferred. (e.g. Like an email address.)
In the QIF format, the combination of the "namespace", "idClass" and "subClass" specifies what LIAV Method to use. This specifies the Federated UV Method. (Ex: "A:F1:1")
Another way of getting the type is if the Backer Id is written in a format of a PermanentBackerId Standards Organization.
A combination of a timestamp and a small integer, both encoded in base64url. Together, it provides a unique identifier, even if there are multiple identifiers created in the same millisecond. It is composed of a Unix timestamp integer, encoded in base64url, and a small integer, also encoded in base64url. The integer is likely a counter of the number of that type of identifier, that were previously created in the same millisecond.
Example timestamp: "" // Type "A:F2:2" contains a domain name, a base64url userNum, and a timestamp-id.
The base64url string "M4j-q" = (integer) 216,154,026
The base64url string "XSAErLq" = (integer) 1599876543210 = The number of milliseconds since Jan 1, 1970. Compare to challengeTime.
A specification defining a format for how a universal identifier should be written. It makes identifiers that are universally unique, and are therefore usable at multiple RPs. This includes user identifiers (a UserId), and Locked Ids. It also includes permanent user identifiers. It also includes a way to specify Single-site User Identifiers, etc.
It adds meta-information to identifiers. It requires every conforming identifier to start with a "format-prefix" followed by "type information". The "type information" specifies what "standard" the identifier follows, what payload format the identifier uses, what Identifier Lock Id the ID uses, and what LIAV Method RPs should use to verify it.
The format is composed of five sections, separated by colon characters. "qis:NID:idClass:subClass:payload". The sections are format-prefix, namespace_id, idClass, subClass and payload. (Note that the payload MAY contain additional colon characters.) The namespace_id specifies the standard that the identifier follows. (i.e. the standards organization) Each namespace defines its own types. (The types are otherwise known as "rules" and "formats".) The idClass and subClass specify the Identifier Lock Id that the Id uses. (And it also specifies the LIAV Method used by the Identifier Lock.) The combination of the namespace_id, idClass and subClass specify the Identifier Lock Id. The subClass specifies the "class" of identifier that the Backer Organization created. It can be used to specify the rules that the payload contents should follow, etc. This includes the order and encoding of any items in the payload.
The combination of the namespace_id, idClass and subClass specifies what LIAV Method should be used. (Ex: "A:F1:1") For example, the "A:F1:1" type specifies a Federated UserId type and a particular Federated UV Method to use, and the method specifies the Backer VM to use. The format allows various characteristics of the identifier to be determined. The format allows RPs to determine what Identifier Use Requirements each identifier requires.
"NID" stands for "namespace identifier". The namespace_id may include only alphanumeric, underscore and hyphen characters. It has a minimum length of 1 character.
When users want to use their own UserId value (create a login or setUserId. ["registerUserLogin", "setUserId"]), the RP needs to easily determine the type of the UserId, and if it can perform the required operations. (e.g. An RP must not register a Locked Id to any of its users, unless the user can unlock the ID.)
An idClass represents a type of identifier. And the class is usually a type of "Federated UserId". (There are only a few classes that are not Federated.)
"" // Type "A:F2:1" contains a domain name and a base64url userNum.
"" // Type "A:F2:2" contains a domain name, a base64url userNum, and a timestamp-id.
"" // Type "A:F2:3" uses "ua protocol F3". It is authenticated via a different protocol than "A:F2:1".
"" // Type "A:email:1". Payload is an email address.
"" // Type "A:webfinger:1". Payload is a user account and domain name.
"" // Type "A:IndieAuth:1". Payload is a domain name and page.
"qis:A:A:4:f987b543" // Type "A:A:4" contains a hexadecimal integer.
"qis:A:F1:4:ACMA_org:f987b543" // Type "A:F:4" contains a hexadecimal integer and a type-CPermanentBackerId.
"" // Type "A:F2:4" contains a hexadecimal integer and domain name.
The payload is the contents of the identifier. The idClass must follow the rules of the namespace. The payload must follow the rules of the subClass. (See QIF Detail.)
All QIF UserIds are reserved at RPs. An RP MUST NOT allow the creation of an account tied to a QIF UserId, without first verifying that the user has proved ownership of the UserId. This prevents the creation of accounts using someone else's UserId.
The requirements an RP must meet for it to support the use of a type of identifier. (For example, for an RP to support User Authentication using the specified type of identifier.) There are three main categories. "Single-site", "Self-contained" and "Federated UserId". The "Single-site" type requires the RP to store some set of "Credential Verification Rules". (The RP can choose the number of CVR and what types to support.) The "Self-contained" type requires the RP to support the CVR type(s) contained in the identifier. The "Federated UserId" type requires the RP to remotely connect to a federated server for user authentication. (i.e. It uses a Backer VM.)
Note: With "Self-contained" and "federated" the RP can always require its own CVRs *in addition to, or instead of* those required by the UserId. When using the CVR belonging to the Locked Id to authenticate a user, these types complicate the "password reset" problem. This is because the RP does not control those CVR, and therefore cannot change them. Also, the RP must guard against unauthorized "registration" of Locked Id IDs.
A type of record at an RP that assigns a UserId to a user. The record contains the UserId and some way of verifying the user in the future. (i.e. Some set of Credential Verification Rules.) Creating a UserId registration is the same as User Login creation. (i.e. See "registerUserLogin".) The UserId in a registration can be a Single-site UserId or a Locked Id. (i.e. It can be created by the RP, or it can be created externally to the RP, and claimed by the user.)
User Login creation may not be the same as "creating an account" at the RP. (Because some RPs may require an additional step to "create an account".) It identifies a user to the RP, and allows the user to "login" to the RP again at a later date, but it may not necessarily create a separate "service account" at the RP. This is because an RP may allow multiple UserIds to share a single "service account". An RP can allow multiple users to access a common account. This is done with each user being assigned a unique UserId. (A UserId may identify a person or a device, etc.) An RP can create its own UserIds (i.e. a Single-site UserId) or allow a user to register a foreign UserId (i.e. a Locked Id). When attempting to register a Locked Id at an RP, the RP must ensure that the user can unlock the ID.
The "type" of a QIF formatted UserId is the combination of its namespace_id, idClass and subClass values. For example, the type of "qis:A:A:2:M4j-q:XSAErLq" is "A:A:2".
Another name for a Multi-Site UserId. A single User Login used to identify a user at multiple RPs. (i.e. It is a single Locked Id and the associated unlock mechanism, private key, etc.) Any Multi-Site UserId, such as an email address or a "Federated UserId" etc., can be used as a Multi-site User Login. (As long as it is used at multiple RP.)
Important Note: This specification does NOT implement a Multi-site User Login, as that would result in reduced user privacy. If the same User_ID were used at multiple RPs, that would make it easy to track a user at different RPs. RP websites could collude together, or they could sell advertising statistics based on User IDs. RPs or advertising agencies would be able to easily track user activity, or correlate a user's behavior at different RPs, based on the UserId. This specification uses *site-specific* user identifiers (a different UserId at each RP) specifically to make it more difficult to track a user at different RPs.
A way of organizing User Login Information into groups, in order to simplify the Login System for users and hide a lot of the internal complexity. A Passbook is a collection of User Logins, that together represent a single "online identity". A single Passbook can be used all over the internet, at each and every RP that exists. A Passbook provides a consistent "identity name" that can be displayed to users across different RP. They allow the Login System to hide the internal "username" stored for each online account. Using Passbooks allows users to only have to remember a few Passbook names, instead of hundreds of "usernames". See Passbook Detail.
Passbooks are a way of organizing User Login Information into groups, in order to simplify the Login System for users and hide a lot of the internal complexity. A Passbook is a collection of User Logins, that together represent a single "online identity". A single Passbook can be used all over the internet, at each and every website that exists. Passbooks provide a consistent "identity name" that can be displayed to users across different websites. They allow the Login System to hide the internal "username" stored for each online account. Using Passbooks allows users to only have to remember a few Passbook names, instead of hundreds of "usernames".
A person typically needs only one or two Passbooks, no matter how many online accounts they have at different websites. A user only needs another Passbook if they want more than one account at some websites, and they want to organize those additional accounts together in a separate group. (i.e. The new group would be a different "online identity".)
Internally, a Passbook contains a collection of User Logins, usually only one User Login for each website. (Note: A User Login is the login information for an account at a website. It contains things like a "username" and "password", etc.) The detailed information of each User Login (i.e. the "username", etc.) is mostly unnecessary to users, and should usually be hidden. A Passbook provides an "identity name" that can be displayed to users instead of the internal "username".
During login to a website, the Login System will display a list of all the valid User Logins available for the website. Each list item will display the "identity name" of the Passbook that contains the User Login. Prior to Passbooks, the list items would have to display the internal "username" stored for the account at the website. This resulted in users having to remember hundreds of "usernames".
A Passbook is a facade. It is designed to look like a single "online identity" to users. It is a way to give users the benefit of using a single "online identity" everywhere online, while not sacrificing user privacy. A Passbook looks like it contains an internal Locked Id", but it doesn't. Instead, it contains individual User Logins. It does this so that it can give each RP a different UserId. (So that the same UserId is not used at multiple RP.) This is done to preserve user privacy and prevent user tracking.
Passbook information is NEVER given to any website. (i.e. the "identity name", etc.) Passbooks are a user convenience. (For display to users.) They are only used internally to the browser and the Login Manager that stores them. User Logins can be moved between Passbooks. So they can be reorganized later. Passbooks preserve user privacy and prevent user tracking.
A Passbook should usually contain only one User Login for each website. Because that makes the display simpler. (Each additional User Login needs to be modified with a number, or disambiguation name.) User Logins can be moved between Passbooks. So they can be reorganized later.
Passbooks make the login process much easier, because the User Login list only needs to display the name of the *Passbook* that the User Login is contained in. The individual User Logins usually do not have a name. (i.e. The user can select which *Passbook* they want to use. The user does not need to know anything about the User Logins that the Passbook contains.)
Passbooks work better when they contain only one User Login for each website. Because it allows the list displayed to the user during login to be simpler. If a Passbook contains more than one User Login for a website, then that makes the list slightly more complicated, and logging into that website slightly more difficult.
If a Passbook contains multiple User Logins for the same website, that will cause nearly "duplicate entries" in the "existing User Login" list. (i.e. Multiple entries in the list will have the same Passbook name.) To prevent confusion, each of the "duplicate entries" is assigned an individual name or id number to help tell them apart, and the "duplicate entries" in the list will display the extra name. This adds another thing that users must remember.
User Tracking and Online Privacy
It would be easier for users to use the same Locked Id everywhere online. However, doing that would result in severely reduced user privacy. Because doing that would make it very easy to track user activity at multiple RPs. Currently, RP websites sell advertising by installing third party scripts on their websites, and they sell their user data to marketing companies. If users were represented by the same ID at different websites, then that would make it easy for data to be aggregated together and be used to track user activity between multiple websites.
Websites could collude together to aggregate data and track users. Websites could sell advertising statistics based on User IDs. RPs or advertising agencies would be able to easily track user activity, or correlate a user's behavior at different RPs, based on the UserId.
In order to preserve user privacy, this specification uses *site-specific* user identifiers (a different UserId at each RP) specifically to make it more difficult to track a user at different RPs. (These are likely Single-site UserIds.)
Passbook implementation
A Passbook is a special kind of group of User Logins. It contains a "Map" or "associative array" that has one "slot" for each RP. Each "slot" contains contains all the information for that RP, including one or more User Logins.
When logging into a website, the system will find the UserLogin(s) for the website that is being logged into. If there is more than one such User Login, then the system may ask the user to choose between them.
A single Passbook should not be shared between multiple users. Each user should have their own Passbook. (A user may have multiple Passbooks.) A Passbook typically contains a "name", some "master keys" (backup keys for User Logins) and a map of RP domain names (which contain the User Logins).
A Passbook has a name and an id, and possibly some other information. The Passbook ID is used in the browser to identify which Passbook is to be used. No Passbook information is ever given to any RP. A User Login is retrieved from inside the Passbook and that is used to create a "proof of identity" that is sent to the RP. A Passbook is stored in a Login Manager (or in a User Authenticator or a browser).
The Passbook id is kept secret from RP websites. If websites were given a "Passbook id" as part of an identifier, then it would tell the website that the user has multiple accounts at the website, and which Passbook the user selected to login with.
If users need multiple Passbooks, then each Passbook will likely be assigned a user role. (One for each of: Work, Personal, Family, etc.)
Passbooks greatly simplify using User Logins for users. They reduce the UserLogin list items that are displayed. Passbooks, and User Logins hide allow the system to hide all individual UserIds, and instead only display the Passbook ID to the user. (This allows the actual UserId values to never be seen by the user.) This greatly simplifies things for users. For example, when logging into an RP, the system does NOT have to display to the user a list of UserIds registered for the RP. This would likely have to display to the user a list of long, 65 character alpha-numeric strings with little significance. Instead of this confusing mess, the system only displays the Login Passbooks that contain a UserId registered for the RP. As a second example, regardless of what RP the user wants to log into, the same set of Passbooks can be displayed to users. (If a Passbook contains a User Login for the current RP, then the Passbook is displayed as a login option. Otherwise the Passbook is displayed as a "create account" option.) The user selects which Passbook to login with, and the system automatically uses the contained UserId for the current RP. (This allows the actual UserId values to never be seen by the user.)
Passbooks work better with only one User Login per slot. Slots with multiple items increase the complexity when using a Passbook. For this reason, it is recommended that, most of the time, users should only store one User Login per RP domain name. This maximizes the benefits of Passbook. However, the Passbook are capable of holding multiple User Logins per RP. This allow users to store two or more User Logins for certain RPs that merit the additional complexity.
A piece of software that stores user authentication data (A.K.A. User Logins), necessary to login to RPs. It stores UserIds, passwords, public and private keys and any other secrets needed to login to RPs. (i.e. It stores "credential sources".) It is a more advanced version of a "password manager", because it stores more than passwords. (It can also be called a "credential manager", etc.) It allows the User Login data to be viewed and/or edited, etc. A Login Manager can easily also work as a User Authenticator. To do so, it must be able to generate a "proof of identity" and must support the connection protocols required by a Login Manager, so that a browser can connect to it. (i.e. NFC, Bluetooth, WiFi, USB, or as a Web Service.) A Login Manager can be located on a physical device such as a "Security Key", on the internet as a Web Service, or on the user's local machine, or mobile phone etc. Typically, all "credential sources" should be stored in a Login Manager, as it is more secure. And Login Managers are usually either portable or usable remotely. See LoginManager API.
A software or computing device designed to generate proof of a user's identity. It must support connection protocols so that it can be connected to via a browser. (i.e. NFC, Bluetooth, WiFi, USB, or as a Web Service.) It works by receiving a request from a browser, for an RP, and returns a "proof of identity" for use at the RP. Generating a cryptographic "proof" allows it to keep any credential sources (such as private keys) secret. A User Authenticator may also work as a Login Manager, if it provides sufficient User Login and LoginItem editing capabilities. When looking at the LoginManager API, there are 3 required Authenticator functions. collectUserLogins(), createUserLogin(), createUserIdentityProof(). (They usually accept the "fiskClientData" argument.) See User Authenticator Detail.
A physical computing device that stores or generates user identity credentials. It is a type of User Authenticator. It may connect to a computer though a physical connection, or wireless communication protocol. Some examples are a USB key, or a chip on a keyring using Bluetooth, etc. A mobile phone may be used as an authentication device. i.e. as a digital key to unlock features in a different device, such as a computer, TV set, etc.
Data given to an RP to provide proof that a user is who he claims to be. (Generically, a credential is data one entity presents to another in order to authenticate the former to the latter [RFC4949].) A User Credential must include the claimed user identifier, and some sort of proof. Some examples of a credential are a "username and password", a "username and digital signature" (i.e. the signature of a private key ), a Credential Proof, or a federated credential. The Remere Login specification recommends using User Credentials that are a Credential Proof. (That are the result of a one-way cryptographic function.)
The secret data that is used to create a Credential Proof. It is commonly a password or private key, etc. Typically, a Credential Proof is created from a "credential source" in response to a challengeKey from an RP. A Credential Proof is time-stamped and is single-use. In contrast, a credential source can be used multiple times. A User Login can contain multiple credential sources. A Credential Source is created from rml.opId "registerUserLogin" and "setActiveCredentials".
A set of values, created from a Credential Source, that is given to a recipient to prove that the sender has possession (or ownership) of the Credential Source. The purpose is to prove possession of the CredSource, without revealing the CredSource to the recipient. The recipient typically stores some data (a CVR) related to the credential, used to prove the validity of the CredProof. But it does not know or store the CredSource. (The CredProof is given by the browser to the RP to prove that the user has possession of a Credential Source.) A CredProof is typically the result of a one-way cryptographic operation on a Credential Source using some unique input. (Such as a nonce value or the current time.) A CredProof is (hopefully) better than a password for a couple reasons. (1) The proof cannot be used to obtain the Credential Source. (2) A good proof algorithm will create a single-use value. (The proof must be re-created each time.) It is not valid if stored and re-used at a later date.
Single-use credentials are common in most computer systems that use public key signatures. These credentials are designed to be proof that the user has access to the specific "credential source". (i.e. The CredSource referred to in the Credential Verification Rule.) These types of credentials can also be called a "credential assertion".
A string of characters that uniquely identifies a Credential Source that belongs to a User Login. Example: "cd2". A credential id is also used to identify the Credential Verification Rule that matches the Credential Source, and every Credential Proof that is created from the Credential Source. (For example, Credentials are contained inside an Authentication Assertion, and sent from the browser to the RP.) A Credential Id is typically permanent, and never reused, even if the Credential Source is "deleted". (Because a Credential Id is stored by the RP, to identify a Credential Verification Rule. i.e. a public key, etc.) A Login Item exists in a Login Manager or User Authenticator. A Login Item is uniquely identified by a LoginItem Permanent ID, "lipId". The combination of a lipId and a credential id is also guaranteed unique within a Login Manager.
Data or algorithm used to determine if a credential is valid or not. It is a test, or a required condition, to determine if the credential was created from the appropriate Credential Source. (Note that in this specification, a credential is single-use. It is created from a Credential Source, which is kept secret. It is usually some type of digital signature.) There must be an associated CVR for each and every Credential Source. For example, a CVR may be, or contain any number of, a public key, a password, a certificate, an algorithm, a database record, an API call to another website, etc. In order to be useful, CVR values must be known. They can be public, or they can be stored by a verification entity (such as an RP).
CVR values are used during "User Authentication". A CVR value is usually a part of the User Authentication Credentials stored by the RP. (Or it can be public, etc.) A CVR is usually the opposite of a "credential". A CVR is a required condition, while a "credential" is proof of a condition. (However, in the case of a "password", both could be the same value.) See Remere User Authentication.
During a login attempt, an RP typically requires that a "proof of identity" must satisfy some subset of the CVR values in order to be valid.
A Credential Verification Rule that reveals credential source secrets. (i.e. A CVR that can be used to determine the secret "credential source" that it verifies.) In contrast, a "no-leak" CVR can only be used to verify a "proof", and cannot be used to determine the "credential source". A leaky CVR means there is a problem with the one-way function used to create the "proof" from the "credential source".
A regular "password" is an example of a CVR that "leaks". In order to use a "password", an RP must know the secret "credential source" (i.e. the password itself is the source). A public-key is an example of a "no-leak" CVR. In this case, the RP only knows the "public key", which is NOT the "secret". The "secret" is a private key.
For Example, with a Federated UserId, they are commonly published in a "UserId Certificate" document, that is signed by the "Backer". They can also be published at the "Backer" domain name, or the UserId certificate containing them can be delivered to the RP by the user during the authentication process. The Self-contained type contains the CVR itself. (i.e. in the payload.)
All compliant RPs must verify all "Multi-Site UserId CVR" before using them. Before allowing a user to use a UserId to "sign-up" or "register" himself. When a user tries to sign-up, or "register" using a Locked Id, all compliant RPs MUST require that the user unlock the ID. i.e. Provide valid proof of user-verification of the UserId. The RP must (1) recognize that the UserId is "a Multi-Site UserId", (2) obtain the "Multi-Site UserId CVR" for the UserId, and (3) validate that the proof the user submitted satisfies the Credential Verification method.
Credential Verification Method
A process by which a credential can be proven to be valid or not. Each credential must have an associated method by which its validity can be verified. Usually, credentials of the same "type" share the same verification method (e.g. public-key, password, federated), and each credential only has a small Credential Verification Rule to test the results of the method against. However, in advanced cases, an RP may allow a credential to define its own Credential Verification Method.
The collection of all data or algorithms stored by an RP to potentially authenticate a user. It includes all Credential Verification Rules, as well as all backup keys, stored by the RP for a UserId. (See opId="setActiveCredentials".)
A service offered by a host over the internet. Usually offered by the RP. The service requirements are specified in a FiskProfile. An RP typically publishes a list of the services it offers in a FiskCatalog. Or in the a FiskOffer in an HTML page. The document contains a list of FiskProfile objects, describing the service's abilities, requirements and Service Endpoints. "User Authentication" is one type of service that can be offered. See Remere Login.
The service receives an Service Request (such as a RML Request)
A Service Configuration Profile. (Service Order Configuration Settings) Pronounced "Sock Profile". A JSON object that contains a set of ConfigSettings that describe a Remote Service. It can include capabilities, requirements, service options, and how the Remote Service is to be called. FiskProfile objects are usually defined together in a FiskCatalog. (In the serviceProfileList property.) See FiskProfile detail and RML FiskProfile.
A JSON object, usually a JSON document, published by an RP, that describes the RP and a group of services that it offers. It must contain a serviceProfileList property, which contains a list of FiskProfile objects. Each FiskProfile object provides a description of a Remote Service offered by the RP. A FiskProfile can specify abilities, requirements, service options, and how the service should be invoked.
A FiskCatalog can also include other Configuration Settings, besides FiskProfile objects. It is written using Capis specification format. The FiskCatalog structure is inherited by the FiskOffer structure. See FiskCatalog Detail.
A FiskCatalog published by a site, that provides the primary list of the Remote Services that the site offers. It provides a directory listing of the services the site offers. The site does not have to be a "web site". See defaultValues.socSiteCatalogDocUri for the default location.
A URI (at an RP) that has a Remote Service listening to it. It listens for a Service Request and will perform the requested operation. A Service Endpoint is specified in a FiskProfile. (e.g. See endpointBlock.) Endpoints typically receive HTTP POST requests and return an HTTP response. The response typically contains a single JSON object, a JSON document, that contains either return values (such as a success code) or an error object. That describes an error. For example, see RML Response Detail.
An executable program, or browser extension, etc. that performs tasks required by the specified protocol. In general, it takes some type of arguments and returns some result. Or modifies a specified resource with the output.
The Capis specification, and browsers in general, employ Protocol Handlers to perform the tasks required by various protocols. See API ProtocolHandler.
An element in a computer program, used to invoke a service, particularly a Remote Service. It is commonly an HTML element, such as an anchor, button or form, but it can also be a menu item or other UI element in the browser chrome. (The trigger is usually a UI element.) For example, an HTML form is commonly used as a trigger. Submitting the form sends data to the RP, and receives a response. (In other words, it invokes the "service" at the RP.) See ServiceTrigger HTML Element, FiskTrigger.
A ServiceTrigger HTML element differs from a regular HTML element (anchor, button and form) in that: (1) It is MARKED as a Service Trigger. (rel="servicetrigger") (2) It must contain a FiskTrigger JSON object. (The FiskTrigger must contain at least the "protocolOp" property. And maybe the protocolId property. Which contains the Service Protocol Id of the service.)
A regular HTML form requesting the username and password in order to login the user. The submission of this form is commonly used as a Service Trigger.
A collection of JSON data values, published by an RP, that describe the RP, or the services offered by the RP. They are typically embedded within HTML markup. They exist to configure a browser's behavior at the RP. The JSON values are an alternative to an HTML page using Javascript to control how the browser behaves. The ConfigSettings are embedded within HTML markup as a single JSON object in a special HTML attribute. The ConfigSettings give the browser data or instructions about Remote Services without using JavaScript. This makes creating Capis enabled HTML easier, and Capis will work without requiring the browser to enable JavaScript for the RP.
The "opArgs" argument supplied to the CapisControl.invokeServiceOp function. This argument customizes what Service Request is created. It is a JSON object. It is commonly created from the FiskTrigger object of the Service Trigger HTML element that was activated. (e.g. A Anchor HTML Element.) Note that a Service Trigger HTML element does not need to be activated. The API can be called directly, and the "opArgs" can be specified by the caller.
A text string that identifies a particular FiskOffer. It is often specified in the FiskTrigger.offerId property. (It should equal the contents of the property.)
The "opId" argument to the CapisControl.invokeServiceOp function, identifies the operation to be performed by the Service when a Service Request is made. See OpId Detail. The list of valid values depends on the protocol used. Example: "login"
A custom implementation of a Service Request, defined by Remere Login. A communication from the browser to the Service Endpoint, asking the RP to perform a user authentication service, such as "login". It consists of a single JSON object. It contains a requested user authentication opIdReq and a "proof of identity", along with any other necessary data. See RML Request Detail.
The status of the Remere Login User Authentication at an RP. The RemereLogin.getLoginStatus API call returns this value. There are 4 values. "logged_in", "logged_out", "pending_login", "pending_logout".
The browser maintains a "Login Status" record for each known Capis rapId item. This lets the browser perform the RemereLogin.logoutAll() function.
The "login" and "logout" opId functions work together to update the "Login Status" for the current rapId. The "login" function updates the "Login Status" after every login attempt, with the success/fail result. (It either adds a "Login Status" record, or updates the existing record.) The record contains the lipId, the domain (origin) and the "login status" value.
A set of data that proves a user is who he claims to be. It contains a "claimed" UserId and a set of Credential Proofs showing that the user knows the "secrets" for the claimed UserId. (Credential Proofs such as cryptographic signatures or passwords.) (i.e. A secret can be a Credential Source, or a private key, password, etc.) A Proof-of-Identity may also contain a challengeKey from the RP. One type of Proof Of Identity is a UserId Assertion. (A UserId Assertion uses private key Credential Sources.) See LoginManager.createUserIdentityProof(). More details.
A "proof of identity" contains a UserId, an array of "Credential Proofs", a creation date, an expiration date, and the "audience" that it is intended for. (Note that all of the "credentials" included in a "proof of identity" must be for the same UserId.) The ability to contain multiple credentials, each of a different type, allows a single "proof-of-identity" to be used for Multi-Credential Authentication and multi-factor authentication. An RP stores some set of Credential Verification Rules for each UserId. The RP can decide which rules it requires, under which circumstances. A "proof-of-identity" contains a set of credentials. Each of the credentials must specify the "id" of which rule it is for. In order to login, the "proof of identity" must have a credential for each of the required rules. (Usually, the RP requires all the rules to be proven, so the proof should have one credential for each of the rules.)
The new behavior defined for ServiceTrigger HTML Elements. (The Meta, Anchor and Form.) These HTML elements will perform the CapisControl.activateHtmlTrigger. The activateHtmlTrigger function will in turn call the CapisControl.invokeServiceOp function, using the FiskTrigger object as a source for the arguments. (Example: "protocolOp".) If the browser understands this specification, then a Anchor HTML Element (i.e. An HTML element marked with the rel="servicetrigger" attribute) will perform the CapisControl.activateHtmlTrigger, and then perform the Capis opId. It will not load the URL contained in the "href" attribute. The opId has a defined format, however, there are no defined values in Capis. (Note that Remere Login has defined several opId values.)
The process by which a user's identity is verified. The process by which a user "signs in" to a website. For Example: The RP web page typically contains a Service Trigger, which the user activates. (Clicks an anchor, or fills out a login form and submits it.) Remere User Authentication is an example of one such process.
The process by which a user's identity is verified. The process by which a "proof of identity" is verified. The user claims a UserId and provides a "proof of identity". The RP then verifies the user's claims are valid. If the proof is valid, then it proves that the user is who they claim to be. Verification ensures the proof is valid, was not faked or tampered with, and meets all the requirements of the RP. In particular, an RP can require multiple factors of authentication. See User Authentication Detail.
The ability for multiple UserIds to access the same account at an RP. The ability for an account to grant access to multiple authorized users. This feature allows an account owner to "share" their account with other users, without giving the others the owner's login details. (i.e. the owner's username and password, etc.) The other users are assigned an account_permission_role. The other UserIds can be people, or can be authorized devices or services. This ability is usually implemented by an account maintaining a list of approved UserId, and each UserId is assigned its own account_permission_role. This ability usually requires the RP to use a "one-to-many" UserId to account_id mapping. See RP Requirements.
This ability also provides an easy way for an RP to support Multiple-account Access. Since a single UserId can be listed as an authorized user on multiple accounts at the RP. (For example, a user can have their own account at the RP, and can also be listed as an authorized user on other accounts.) If a single UserId can access multiple accounts, then the RP may allow the user, after logging in, to decide which account he wants to access.
Because each user has their own UserId, it allows the RP to manage and track how much each user uses the account.
RPs MAY allow accounts to impose additional credential requirements on its authorized users. But this is uncommon. Typically, the UserId does not need any additional User Credentials to access the different accounts at the RP. (i.e. One set of credentials to login to the RP, other passwords or public keys for different accounts, etc.)
This ability also allows the same user to register at the RP with multiple UserId. The user can access their account with any UserId that is authorized. (i.e. This allows a user to change his UserId or to maintain multiple UserId.)
The ability for a single UserId to access multiple accounts at an RP. After a user logs into the RP, they can somehow select which account to access. This ability does not necessarily require the RP to use a one-to-many UserId to account_id mapping. (But it is an easy way to implement it.) See RP Requirements.
The RP must provide some way to allow users to select which account they want to use. Typically, this is done in one of the following ways. (1) During login. The user can include an account_id in the login request. (2) Immediately after login. The RP displays a list of what accounts the user has access to, and the user must pick one. (3) Allow switching at any time. The RP adds a link (or similar) to the HTML page, providing a way for the user to view the list of accessible accounts and select the one they want to access. (4) Multiple accounts at the same time. The RP provides an interface that allows a user to view or make changes to multiple accounts at the same time.
A UserId that is allowed to access an account at an RP. Typically, each account either has a single authorized user (i.e. the "owner" of the account), or has a list of authorized users. Each of the authorized users is also assigned an account_permission_role, which defines what features of the account the user can access. See Account User Access Control. Each authorized user is a UserId, and has its own Credential Verification Rules that it uses to log into the RP. (i.e. Some set of passwords or public keys, etc.) Once a UserId has logged into the RP, the RP can then allow it access to the accounts that it is authorized to access.
A statement that a party has confirmed or authenticated that a process or output works correctly and meets the necessary requirements. When describing credentials, an attestation is a signed statement, backed by the device manufacturer, etc. stating that the User Authenticator and its process has been certified. That the authenticator has created the item (the credential) in the appropriate manner. (According to the standard.) Attestation is a promise (a guarantee) that the Authenticator, and the data that it emits, follows a standard. Attestation is also a way of identifying the creator of an Authenticator, and specifying the Authenticator's capabilities. (An RP may use the attestation data to restrict what Authenticators it will accept.)
Typically, a Login Manager is created in such a manner that it can only create credentials (key pairs, etc.) in a certain manner. The authenticator contains two special attestation items, put in the software or on the device during manufacture, by the creator (the device manufacturer, etc.). The two special items are, an attestation key pair, and an Attestation Certificate. The certificate contains the attestation public key, and is signed by the device manufacturer. Both of these attestation items are typically NOT unique. The same items are inside a large number of other authenticators of the same class. (Typically tens of thousands.) At registration time, a Login Manager is instructed to create a new key pair (for an RP website). The authenticator creates the new key pair, then it takes the newly generated public key and "signs" it with the special attestation private key. The Authenticator creates a result object (it may be a JSON object), puts in it the new public key, the signature, and the Attestation Certificate, then sends it back to the caller. The two attestation items provide proof that the newly generated public key was created in a certified manner. That it follows a certain standard.
A JSON object that contains a "payload" string and a "signatures" array. (i.e. The array must contain one or more public key signatures.) This specification uses the "standard JWS format" and does not use the "compact format". The payload is the base64url encoded version of some original data. (Typically another JSON object.) Each "signature" can use a different signature algorithm and key. A "signature object" has three properties, a "header" JSON object, a "protected" header string, and a "signature" base64url encoded byte string. The "protected" header specifies the cryptographic algorithm. The "header" specifies the key id. (See the JSON Web Signature RFC.)
Example JWS: JWS = {"payload":"mJh48Q...", "signatures": [{"protected":"eyJhb...", "header": {}, "signature":"cC4h..."}, {}] };
Capis (A way to describe Website Services and Configuration Settings)
Name for the specification that embeds FiskProfile JSON objects in HTML. Not an abbreviation. It used to mean "Common Architecture for Publishing Internet Service configuration settings". It is a way for websites to publish what services they offer, and how to configure the service calls, inside of HTML markup. Also includes a browser API to act on the FiskProfile. See Capis Spec. Capis is a way to specify website services and protocol data in HTML files, without using JavaScript. (It's JSON.) Remere Login is a way to use Capis to perform User Authentication. Capis defines the Service Trigger Activation Protocol, ServiceOffer HTML Element, ServiceTrigger HTML Elements and CapisControl API. The primary example of a Remote Service is for "User Authentication". It is called Remere Login.
The "Common Architecture for Publishing Internet Services" Login Specification. May change to something else. CAPDA. Common Authentication Protocol and Data Format. This is the name of the standard defining one type of authentication communication between the browser and the RP. The names and behavior of the Configuration Settings, request options, the definition of the "FiskCatalog document" and having the "authentication request" deliver a single JSON item, these are all a part of Capis.
Note that the changes to HTML are a part of the Capis specification, and NOT a part of Remere Login. The two are separate specifications. Capis can be used with an alternative to Remere Login to communicate between the browser and the RP. (Capis includes the HTML idea of a ServiceOffer HTML Element. i.e. The name="serviceofferdata" attribute that contains a FiskOffer. And that the web browser can automatically get a separate document from the RP describing how it does authentication. All communication and passing data between the browser and the RP are defined by a different specification. The "Web browser and HTML extensions to support the passing of authentication data between the browser and the RP". This is "WESPAD".
Abbreviation for "Common Architecture for Managing Integrated Services". Or for "Camix Services Architecture". Pronounced "kam-suh". (Alternate name is "CAMUA", "Common Architecture for User Authentication"). Pronounced "kam-ew-a". Includes the format for the RML Request.
A service that provides a "user identity". That is, a UserId Certificate. The certificate is used with a Locked Id. Usually a person "signs into" the identity provider in order to receive a "UserId certificate". The user can then present the certificate to any RP as part of the User Authentication process. (The user must also present the appropriate credential(s) showing they have possession of the private keys that correspond to the public keys contained in the certificate.)
A digitally signed statement that contains a "Federated UserId" and a set of public keys, and binds them together. (i.e. It is a UserId binding document".) It is a signed claim from the certificate Issuer, stating that the UserId proved "ownership" of the public keys. (i.e. That the UserId knows the set of private keys that correspond to the public keys.) Therefore, an entity that claims the UserId must be able to use the private keys. A UserId Certificate is different from a regular "Public Key Certificate" in that it uses a UserId as the "owner", instead of an organization, domain name, email address, etc. A UserId Certificate should be issued by the Backer of the UserId, or by an "identity provider" that is delegated by the Backer. (Note: if possible, a UserId Certificate may also contain other types of "Credential Verification Rules" beyond public keys.)
See UserId Certificate Detail.
The entity that signed a certificate. (It can be a Public Key certificate or a UserId certificate, etc.) The issuer is supposed to verify the contents of the certificate before signing it. Users of the certificate must be able to get a sig verification keys for each signature in the certificate (if there is more than one), in order to verify the certificate. These are the public keys that were used to sign the certificate. Therefore, the public keys that were used by the issuer to sign the certificate are usually either published publicly or available from the issuer upon request. I.e. From a Backer VM.
A digitally signed statement that claims that the issuer of the assertion (i.e. the user or browser) is authorized to use a UserId. It provides proof that the issuer has possession of, or access to, the set of secrets (i.e. private keys) that are used in the UserId. A UserId Assertion contains the UserId, a nonce value, the date, etc. and a set of signatures of the private keys. The private keys used to sign the assertion must match the public keys that are associated with the UserId. These public keys may be stored locally by the RP (i.e. as Credential Verification Rules), or they may be bound to the UserId in a UserId certificate or other secondary document. The RML Request contains a UserId Assertion. (i.e. It contains one in the "JWS" property.) See UserId Assertion Detail.
A public key that can be used to verify a cryptographic signature. In this specification, this is primarily used to verify two types of signatures. (1) A signature in a UserId Assertion, and (2) A signature in a UserId certificate. (The public key for the certificate was created by the Issuer of the certificate.) A signature verification key is similar to a Credential Verification Rule, except that a CVR does not have to be a public key. (It can be a password, algorithm, etc.)
A slightly modified version of the JSON format, for use inside an HTML attribute. (HTML Attribute Modified JSON) See HAM-JSON detail. Property names and string values MAY be enclosed with the caret character (^) instead of the double quote character.
Use of a Form HTML Element is only necessary for certain unusual tasks. Mainly this is limited to signForm. Usually, forms are NOT needed for User Login creation, as the user DOES NOT need to provide a new "username" to use with the account.
Forms can also be used to do authentication (login, password changes, etc.). This may be useful for some situations. The RP may want to do things with the UserId before the "authentication request" is sent to the RP. Perhaps the RP wants to help the user pick out which UserId to login with, validate the UserId format, etc. Maybe the RP wants to force the user to select from a list of only certain supported UserIds. When doing any of these things, custom JavaScript on the RP web page may be required.
Capis Specification Summary
An RP can publish a FiskCatalog. This document describes the Remote Services the RP offers, and their URI and abilities. This includes what types of authentication the RP supports. It also explicitly declares if the RP supports the Remere Login protocol.
The browser will perform all the "onSuccess.actions.actionItem operaions. This may include navigating the current window to the "redirectUri" address after authentication is performed.
The Anchor and Form ServiceTrigger HTML Element do not use their "href" and "action" attributes, respectively. Instead, they will perform the Service Trigger Activation Protocol. They will fetch the FiskCatalog, create a "service request" (that includes a "proof of identity"), and send it to the "Service Endpoint". They do not send it to the URI in the "href" or "action" attribute.
Because the "href" attributes of Anchor HTML Elements (and the "action" attributes of Form HTML Elements) are not used, they can be set to a special "fallback" URI. If a browser follows the URI, it means the browser does not support the Capis specification.
An HTML page MUST contain a special "ServiceOffer HTML Element", which defines the a FiskOffer. These apply to the entire HTML document. The FiskOffer can include the "serviceCatalogUri" and similar properties and the "href" attribute. These determine which "Remote Service" is used.
Browsers can have special behavior for ServiceTrigger HTML Elements. The browser can display them in a special color. When a user hovers the mouse over an anchor, the browser can display some of the FiskTrigger properties. The browser can be set to use a "default" identity on a regular click, and only bring up a menu when using a right-click (or shift-click). Using a right-click, etc. would display a dialog asking the user which passbook to use, or which identity to log in as. A left-click would log in using the "default" identity.
A Capis Relying Party must implement the following:
An RP must explicitly declare, in the form of a document hosted on their domain, that they support Capis. This document must contain a list of FiskProfile objects. The services should define the various user identifier types and Credential Verification Rule etc. that the RP supports.
Create an Endpoint.
An RP must have a working endpoint, declared in the FiskCatalog. A user's browser must be able to interact with the RP's endpoint at the time that the user is signing into a website to prove their identity to the RP and establish a session. (The path to the endpoint is given in the "endpoint.sUri" property of the RML FiskProfile.)
The RP must notify the browser, by including some changes in the HTML page. These changes can be the inclusion of the new HTML attributes, or the use of the Javascript API.
A Capis primary identity authority (IDP) must implement the following:
A declaration of support: An IdP must explicitly declare that they support the Capis spec, by publishing a document hosted on their domain. The contents of this document may include paths to supporting resources, as well as a path to public keys which allows for the verification of assertions generated using certificates that the primary has issued.
Authentication page: A user must be able to interact with their IdP at the time that they are signing into a website to prove their identity to the IdP and establish a session.
Provisioning page: A web page must be provided which is capable of provisioning a user that is authenticated to the IdP with a certificate.
RP Requirements Detail
This specification requires that all compliant RP websites use "account ids" that are distinct from user identifiers. In other words, an RP website must not use a UserId as an account_id. For example, it must not use a "username" as an account id, it must not use a Capis UserId as an account_id, etc. This enables a UserId to change, without changing the account_id, and (with an additional requirement) it enables a single UserId to access multiple accounts at the RP.
The term "UserId" refers to a string of characters that uniquely identifies a user to an RP website.
This specification requires that all RP websites have a mapping from a UserId to an account_id. (i.e. A database table, or similar, that maps from one to the other.) This is a basic requirement whenever an RP website uses UserIds and account_ids that are different from each other. When a user logs in, the user provides their UserId, then the system uses the UserId to look up the account_id. RP websites could use a simple "one-to-one" mapping or a more complicated "one-to-many" mapping between UserIds and account_ids. A "one-to-one" mapping can only hold one account for a single UserId. A "one-to-many" mapping can hold multiple accounts for a single UserId. The "one-to-many mapping can be used to allow a single user to access multiple accounts. It is common for a mapping from UserId to account_id to also contain other user information. If it does, then it can be called a "User Table". (A "User Table" is a database table that stores user information. It keeps user information separate from account information.)
All RP websites must have a mapping from UserId to account_id. A mapping is necessary because, at the very least, a user's UserId can change. (A UserId can become invalidated, compromised, retired, etc.) The one-to-many mapping is strongly encouraged. The "one-to-many" mapping is necessary for the RP to implement the "Account Sharing" feature. (i.e. the "grantAccess" opId and the "grant_user_access" request option.) The simpler "one-to-one" mapping, cannot support the "Account Sharing" feature.
It can not support "grant_user_access". The website will have no way for account owners to add additional "authorized users" to the account. So a user cannot have the system create an invitation for someone else to join the account. This may be acceptable for certain RP websites. For example, small blog websites. These websites have no reason for them to allow multiple users to use a single account.
A single UserId cannot access multiple accounts. (Because the system is not capable of storing multiple account_ids for a single UserId.)
Multiple users can still access a single account. However, it is NOT possible for any of these UserIds to access any account OTHER than the single account. (Because the system is not capable of storing multiple account_ids for a single UserId.) In order to do this, the system would add an entry to the User Table, where the new UserId would map to the same account as the original UserId.
A user can still change their UserId. (Add an additional UserId, then remove the original UserId.)
An extra, optional feature is "grantAccess" grant_user_access. An RP website can implement this whenever they get around to it. (It
requires a more advanced *User Table*.)
This specification already requires that a UserId and account_id be different. This is because users must be allowed to to change their UserId. (A UserId can be lost, compromised, etc.)
If the UserId were used as the account_id, then when a UserId is changed, then the account_id would also change. This is
a very bad idea. And would have many complications and edge cases. Because of this, using a UserId as the account_id is not advised. It is a basic requirement that the account_id be independent of any UserId.
RP websites should already be using a mapping, from a "username" to an account_id. At least, this is the way that usernames should currently work at the RP website. (This assumes that the website implemented usernames correctly, and it did not use the "username" as the account_id.) Usernames are just another type of UserId. The username to account_id mapping could be either one-to-one or one-to-many, both will work. However, using the one-to-many mapping is strongly encouraged, as it will allow Account Sharing. Note that it is possible for RP websites to use both usernames and Capis UserIds concurrently. They are just two different types of UserId, mapping to the same account. Therefore, a Capis UserId database table can be used as a drop-in replacement, or an addition to, a username and password setup.
In order for an RP website to implement "grant_user_access", it must do the following.
Update the User Table to support a "one-to-many" relationship between UserIds and account_ids.
Implement some sort of *account switching* in its web pages. So that users can access the different accounts they have access to.
Provide a way for account owners to add additional "authorized users". Probably allow them to create
invitation codes.
Provide a way for users to be added to an existing account. i.e. A way for users to use an invitation code and be added as an "authorized user" to an existing account.
This could be done by user IDs that are unknown to the website (and have no account), or by user IDs that already have access to an account at the website. (They could be the owner, or an "authorized user" of the account.)
How to upgrade the User Table.
The *User Table* must be made "one-to-many", instead of one-to-one. A single UserId can be used to access multiple
The "User Table" needs to hold all the information about the UserId. For example, it needs to hold the
public key, the backup key, and all status codes. (if the UserId is locked or compromised. etc.) Therefore, the
UserId information must be moved from the account table to the User Table.
The User Table must have a *permission level* or *account_permission_role* for each UserId and account_id combination. Possible levels could include: owner, full, read-only, restricted1, restricted2, none.
Some Ideas for Possible Remere Login Additional Features
Temporary access on any computer. The Login Manager can temporarily authenticate a computer for 2 hours. (login and passwords will expire after 2 hours)
Automated public key change (i.e. Automated password change for a website.)
Can mark a device as "trusted", and use single login (Not multi-factor login)
For Automatic public key change, the changed password (private key) is encrypted locally (on the user's computer) before syncing with the user's password manager, never allowing the password manager to access the raw data. Just like all other data on the user's Password Manager account.
Can mark a device as "trusted". A random, unique identifier is created for that device. It is then encrypted using Windows "crypt protect data" functions. It encrypts it based on the user's credentials. So that another user of the device cannot decrypt it. A hash of the ID is stored in the Password Manager server database. During login, the ID is decrypted on the device, a hash is created, and sent to the login server.
For mobile devices, a randomly generated id is stored in secure phone storage.
Remere Login User Authentication Flow - Detailed walkthrough
Here are the detailed steps. (For example, in order for a user to sign-in.)
The browser will retrieve the FiskCatalog for the website. (via HTTPS)
In the document is the list of FiskProfile objects. The browser will find the appropriate one. This FiskProfile describes what types of authentication the website supports, i.e. what it needs to automatically log the user into the website. The ServiceProfile should provide as much information as possible, in order to narrow the choice of the user's credentials.
The browser tries to create a "proof of identity" that meets the requirements of the RP's RML FiskProfile. This process uses the internal API. This process is done mostly automatically, but the browser may require the user to (1) select which UserId to use, and/or (2) login to the identity provider. (If the UserId is a "Locked Id" then it uses a "Multi-Site UserId Credential Verification Rule". This may exist in an "UserId certificate". If the "UserId certificate" stored in the browser has expired, then the user must login to the IdP.) Note that the "proof creation" process may fail, particularly if the browser does not have credentials of a type required by the website.
The browser may have a user setting telling it which User Login to use in which situation. Or, the User Login to use can be obtained from the data that was stored locally (in cookies, in local storage, in the password manager) after a previous registration or User Login import, etc. Or it can be determined by other means such as prompting the user which ID to use. This step is encapsulated in the API step RemereLogin.buildServiceRequest.
A RML Request typically contains a single JSON object. The browser puts all the data to be sent to the RP into the object. The "request_object" contains various request properties. These include: the "proof of identity" (a.k.a. the payload"), the user_id_certificate_chain, and the credRegSec, which details desired changes to the Credential Verification Rule stored by the RP. It also includes whatever else is needed to perform the opId. is sometimes needed. (For example, a Set Active Credentials (i.e. public key change request) needs a new public key, "credRegSec", object. etc.)
All the request data is combined into a single JSON object. (A RML Request "request_object") This includes all request options and the "proof of identity". The request is sent to the "Service Endpoint" in whatever manner the RP designated in the FiskCatalog. See RML Request Detail.
The RP website receives the RML Request. (i.e. the HTTP POST)
The RP reads the "service request" and attempts to verify the "proof of identity". If it is valid, the website performs the requested opId. (e.g. logs the user in.) It sends a RML Response (via HTTP) to the browser stating what happened. (If the opId succeeded or failed.) If the proof is not valid, the RP can return an error. Otherwise the RP can return a success code. In addition to the "success code", the RP can return a redirectUri, or it can direct the browser to refresh the current page or part of the page. (So that the "opId":"login" anchor becomes a "opId":"logout" anchor. etc.) The RP can simply return a simple "success" status by itself, without any extra data. The simple "success" status will cause the browser to do the default behavior, to refresh the current page.
If it is a "success" response, the browser usually just refreshes the page. This will cause the page to refresh, and to display any previously restricted material. If the response was "failure", then the browser will display the HTML document delivered with the response. (The document returned with a "failure" code should be an HTML document containing some error message to the user.)
Capis opId Detail
RP services can perform various operations. The Operation to be performed by the Service is specified in the Operation Identifier. (The "opId".) Each protocol defines it's own List of valid Operation Identifiers. (See RML Operation List.)
A Remere Login Service "Operation Id" is an action that the browser requests the RP to perform. The Method value is specified by the browser and sent to the Service Endpoint in the RML Request. In other words, the Method is the operation that the browser asks the RP to perform. The currently spported values are listed in the RML Operation List.
Grants another UserId access to the user's account at the RP. Select a (different) UserId for use with the account. And an account_permission_role. Send to the RP.
When used in the FiskTrigger.protocolOp, this value tells the Remere LoginProtocol Handler to log the user in. The handler will EITHER create a login package and a proof of identity and send it to the RP, or it will create a new User Login.
The browser will select a UserId to login with, and send a proof of identity to the RP in the RML Request.
The request tells the RP to login the user with the supplied information.
When used in the FiskTrigger.protocolOp, this value tells the Remere LoginProtocol Handler to perform a login toggle operation. If currently logged out, then it will send a "login" request and a proof of identity to the RP. Otherwise it will send a "logout" command.
If currently logged out, then the browser will select a UserId to login with, and send a proof of identity to the RP in the service request.
The request tells the RP to login the user with the supplied information.
When used in the FiskTrigger.protocolOp, this value tells the Remere LoginProtocol Handler to perform a "user-presence" operation. Will send proof of user presence to the RP. (force authentication)
Tells the browser to send proof of user presence to the RP. Similar to a login. The proof requires user interaction. (force authentication)
This is to prove to the RP that the user is currently using the computer or device. (The user has to touch something or type something.) This takes the place of an RP asking the user to type in their password again, before displaying sensitive information such as credit card numbers. The RP can require proof of user presence at any time.
The "proveUserPresence" value in the RML Request.opIdReq property tells the RP to confirm the "proof of user-presence" results and then to re-authenticate the user. (forced authentication)
The RP may require that user presence be checked before displaying sensitive information. (Before allowing credit card numbers to be changed, etc.) To force the user to confirm their presence, the RP can omit the sensitive data on the page, until the user presence is proved, and then refresh the page or a part of the page.
Proof of user presence is generated by the browser, or by an "authentication device". Such as a Login Manager. This has the device authenticate the user presence through some sort of signature or biometric, etc. The proof contains a timestamp when the user presence was generated. The same proof of user presence can be used at multiple RPs. An RP should generally accept a proof of user presence if the timestamp is less than 2 minutes old.
Possible methods of checking for user presence
A list of all possible ways to prove user presence.
The RP can require the user to re-authenticate themselves. (To login again, to the RP.) This is forced re-authentication.
The browser can require the user to authenticate themselves. (login to the browser) Ask the user to type in a browser password.
The user can use an "Authentication device", Such as a Login Manager. This would have the device authenticate the user presence through some sort of signature or biometric, etc.
IMPORTANT: The "registerUserLogin" FiskTrigger.protocolOp value should generally not be used in HTML pages. The "registerUserLogin" value should generally only be used in the opIdReq property of a RML Request. In HTML pages, it is almost always a better idea to use the "login" value. This is because using the "login" FiskTrigger.protocolOp value can cause EITHER the "login" or the "registerUserLogin" value in the opIdReq property of the RML Request. Using a "login" FiskTrigger.protocolOp value leaves the decision of which action to perform up to the browser and/or the user. (Using "registerUserLogin" in an HTML page removes the choice of "login" or "registerUserLogin" from the popup shown to the user.)
Warning. It is usually better to use "login" rather than the "registerUserLogin" value in the HTML FiskTrigger.protocolOp. (i.e. "remere/login") Because it gives the browser and/or the user the opportunity to *decide* what to do. It can *either* perform a login or create a new User Login. For example, the browser can check if the Login Manager has no stored credentials for the RP, and the user can choose to use one of the existing user logins, instead of simply creating a new User Login.
The "registerUserLogin" value in the RML Request.opIdReq property tells the RP to create a new account for the user, with the supplied information. (Tells it to create a new account using the supplied UserId and the Credential Verification Rule.) (In the future, the user should be able to login with the supplied UserId and appropriate credentials.)
When used in the FiskTrigger.protocolOp, this value tells the Remere LoginProtocol Handler to disable the user's account at the RP. (For security) The handler will create a "placeHold" package and send it to the RP.
Tells the browser to send a "placeHold" request to the RP. Tells the RP to disable logins by the user id. The RP should not allow a login from the UserId until the hold has been removed. ("releaseHold") This can be activated when the user suspects that their password (etc.) has been compromised. Note that this only disables the UserId, it does not necessarily lock or disable the account. (There can be other UserIds that can log into the account.)
When used in the FiskTrigger.protocolOp, this value tells the Remere LoginProtocol Handler to re-enable the user's account at the RP. The handler will create a "releaseHold" package and send it to the RP.
Tells the browser to send an "releaseHold" request to the RP. Tells the RP to remove the hold on the UserId. This requires sending the RP a special code, that is checked against the "backup_credentials ("bkcr")" stored by the RP.
When used in the FiskTrigger.protocolOp, this value tells the Remere LoginProtocol Handler to sign the form. Only valid when used on an HTML form. The handler will create a "signed-form" package and send it to the RP.
The RML Request.opIdReq value will be "signForm". It tells the RP to receive a signed form. (It indicates that the sent value is a signed form.) (See Form Signing)
When used in the FiskTrigger.protocolOp, this value tells the Remere LoginProtocol Handler to sign the form. Only valid when used on an HTML form. The handler will create a "signed-form" package and send it to the RP.
The RML Request.opIdReq value will be "signData". It tells the RP to receive a signed form. (It indicates that the sent value is a signed form.) (See Form Signing)
When used in the FiskTrigger.protocolOp, this value tells the Remere LoginProtocol Handler to change the user's login credentials. (i.e. passwords or public keys, etc.) The handler will create a "setActiveCredentials" package and send it to the RP.
This function lets the user change their password or public key. It is analogous to "change user password". If the user's private key is compromised, has a weakness, etc. the Credential Verification Rule can be changed.
The browser will create a RML Request that asks the RP to make changes to the Credential Verification Rules that it stores for the user. The command can add (register) new Credential Verification Data and select which existing CVR are active. (From an existing list.) The request contains a "credRegSec" section. The "credRegSec" section contains two lists, "existing" and "new". The first is a list of ids of existing Credential Verification Rules that should be de-activated (or deleted). The second is a list of new Credential Verification Rules that should be added.
When using "setActiveCredentials", the UserId sent in both the tokens must match the existing UserId stored by the server (the RP).
Note: The credentialProof."value" value (usually a JWT) and the "signatures" are verified by using the Credential Verification Rule (CVR) stored at the RP. (i.e. the stored_cred.)
(i.e. The service request is signed with the existing CVR.)
Some of the known Credential Verification Rule (CVR) are a public key fingerprint, or storing the entire public key.
The RP can create a "User Login" with one or more CVR. It doesn't matter whether the account uses a "Locked Id" or a "Single-site UserId". (Such as the username in a regular username and password.) Both types of accounts can potentially have CVR.) Or an account can be created without any CVR at all. In this case, such an account must use a Locked Id. As without a CVR, the "proof of ownership" of the Locked Id is the only way a user can authenticate themselves and login to the account. See the full "Login Method List".
Depending on what abilities the RP offers, a user can:
Replace one of the existing CVR on an account.
Add a CVR to an account that has no CVR. (i.e. The RP account is using only a "Locked Id". See only_MSUID.)
Add a CVR to an account that already has one or more.
Remove one of multiple CVR from an account.
Remove the last CVR from an account. (i.e. Make the RP account rely on only a "Locked Id".)
let rml_request = {
"JWS": {
"payload": BASE64URL(UTF8(payload_unencoded)),
"signatures": [
"protected": "eyJhbGciOiJFUzI1NiJ9",
// protected_header = {"alg":"ES256", "sct":192}
"header": {
"kid": "cd1", "kid2": "e9bc097a-ce51-4036-9562-d2ade882db0d"
// "kid": "userIdPK" // "userIdPK" means the public key is in "uid".
"signature": "DtEhU3ljbEg8L38VWAfUAqOyKAM6-Xx-F4Ga"
The JWT must be signed with the "current" public key.
Note that changing the "Credential Verification Rule" uses the same URL as the site login. This is intentional, so that automated tools can change the user's public key (or other CVR) on multiple sites easily. A browser can remember the URLs used to login to RPs previously. The "remembered RP endpoints" can be called sequentially. With the old CVR and the new CVR in order to replace the CVR stored for the Locked Id at every RP.
Sets the UserId value.
When used in the FiskTrigger.protocolOp, this value tells the Remere LoginProtocol Handler to change the UserId. (Done in a single operation.) The handler will create a "setUserId" package and send it to the RP.
The RML Request.opIdReq value will be "setUserId". The request will also contain a "credRegSec" section. It will contain the user's selected option to create the new user id. It includes the Credential Verification Rules for the new UserId.
This function lets the user change their UserId. It is analogous to "change username". This command can be used if the UserId is ever compromised, stolen, copied, etc.
The user can also change their UserId the long way. By adding a new UserId to the account, as an authorized user. Then changing the "owner" of the account to the new UserId. And then removing the original UserId.
When used in the FiskTrigger.protocolOp, this value tells the Remere LoginProtocol Handler to grant another UserId access to the user's account at the RP. The handler will create a "grantAccess" package and send it to the RP. It must include a (different) UserId for use with the account. And an account_permission_role.
Important Note! RPs commonly do not provide ServiceTrigger HTML Elements that use the opId="grantAccess". However, this does not mean that the RP does not support the "grantAccess" opId. The Remere LoginProtocol Handler in a user's browser can be used to create a "grantAccess" RML Request even if the RP does not provide such a Service Trigger.
This is how the RP implements the "Account Sharing" feature. Upon activation, the browser creates a RML Request that contains the "grant_user_access" property, and sends it to the RP.
The RML Request tells the RP to give the specified UserId certain access rights to the account. Account owners MUST have an AUTOMATED way of ADDING a UserId to their account, in order to change their own UserId. (Because a UserId or a "User Login" may be compromised.)
Grants or changes the level of account access given to another UserId. The other UserId may be a person or a service. Non-person users can be called "robot" users. The new UserId may be an account the user has at a different RP. Such as an aggregator account, etc.
The "grantAccess" command allows a User to add and remove authorized UserId from their account at the RP. However, it goes one step further. In addition to adding and removing UserId, it also assigns an "account_permission_role" to each authorized UserId. The basic account_permission_roles should exist at every RP. These are "owner", "full" and "none". RPs can optionally implement other account_permission_roles.
The account_permission_roles are, from highest to lowest, owner, full, manager, read-only, restricted2, restricted1, none. Users with higher account_permission_roles cannot be modified by users with lower account_permission_roles. (A user with "full" access cannot be modified by a user with "manager" access, or any lower access.)
The highest account_permission_role is "owner". An "owner" has complete, unrestricted access to everything, and can make any changes. A user with "full" access has almost the same account permissions as an owner (i.e. the account_permission_role), except that he cannot make changes to "owners". A "full" user has full account access and can add, remove and modify most authorized users, but cannot make any changes to users that have "owner" access. A user with "account-only" access can read and change all account settings, (including billing information) but cannot add, remove or modify users. In comparison, a user with "full" account access can also modify other user accounts (but not "owners").
The "none" account_permission_role is used to turn off the account access of a user ID, without removing the user ID from the account. Example: temporarily suspend access of a child, student, employee, or group member, etc. (This can be done as a type of punishment or as a response to a perceived security threat.) The "none" level is also the default level for all pending "authorized users". That is, when an "invitation code" is used by a user ID to add themselves as an "authorized user" to an existing account, those user IDs should have (1) a "pending" status, and (2) an account_permission_role of "none". A manager must explicitly change the account_permission_role of "pending" user IDs. By default they are "none".
The "account_permission_role" to give the other UserId must be specified. For example: (none, limited, read-only, manager, full) Only the "none" and "full" levels are required. The highest account_permission_role is "full". The "full" level is even higher than any "manager" account_permission_role, as "full" access only gives the UserId **access**, it usually does not include the ability to change account access of other UserIds. The "full" account_permission_role may be assigned when the account owner wants to change their UserId, and wants to grant the new "UserId" full account control.
A UserId cannot grant another UserId greater access than it has itself. Additionally, an RP can choose to restrict the "grantAccess" ability to only certain users. An RP can limit it to only a manager of the account (or even to an "owner"). So only a manager of an account can change the access rights of any other UserId.
An RP only needs to implement 2 parts of the "grantAccess" API. The account_permission_roles "owner" and "none". In other words, granting a UserId all account access, and revoking all account access from a UserId. All other account_permission_roles are optional.
OLD SPECIFICATION. These are the two abilities needed to change the account owner's UserId. (The account owner can grant the new UserId access, then login as the new UserId and revoke the old UserId access.) The account owner MUST have an AUTOMATED way of changing their UserId. So that the owner does not have to log in to every RP website to change their UserId. Instead, a script can be run to set the UserId at every RP. However, the RP SHOULD "lock" this feature and mandate additional verification. For example, it can send the account owner an email to verify that they want to grant "owner" access to the other UserIds. An RP may choose to implement additional account_permission_roles other than "owner" and "none", or it may implement such levels through some other interface. (For example, the RP can require the owner to use an HTML page, etc. to grant account access.)
An account MUST have at least one "owner". The "grantAccess" command must NOT reduce access of a UserId if that UserId is the only "owner" on the account. Such an attempt will result in an error.
Works with the "account_permission_role" option. Can choose to grant a UserId less than "owner" access.
For example: a mother may give "read-only access" to her music account to her daughter. Such access SHOULD not allow the daughter to access credit card information or make any purchases. If the daughter performs "grantAccess", nothing will happen to the mother's account, because the daughter does not have the ability to "grantAccess" to the mother's account to other UserIds.
The "new UserId" cannot be the same as the current UserId.
This command can be locked for safety purposes. It may need an email verification, etc.
This is also the first step in changing the UserId of the account owner. (The username the owner logs in as at the RP.)
Changes to the HTML specification. Detail
This specification defines a few changes to the HTML specification. It adds a few new HTML attributes to existing HTML elements.
These elements allow RPs to embed FiskOffer data (about Remote Services) within HTML markup. (User authentication is one such service.) RP websites should modify their HTML pages to use the new ServiceOffer HTML Element and Anchor HTML Element instead of a login form. These HTML elements have a few new HTML attributes. The attributes are name="serviceofferdata" and content='{}'. The name="serviceofferdata" attribute contains a FiskOffer. RP websites can use this attribute to give the browser additional data or instructions. Such as user authentication information. Note that using the new type of HTML element does not require JavaScript. The RP does not have to include any JavaScript code in its web pages, and the browser is not required to have JavaScript enabled for the RP.
The FiskOffer (inside a ServiceOffer HTML Element) is the primary means for RPs to communicate user authentication information to browsers within HTML markup. It is REQUIRED. A Capis compliant HTML page MUST have a proper ServiceOffer HTML Element in it. All FiskTrigger HTML elements are optional. They are designed to be used in conjunction with the FiskOffer. Because of this, there are only a few properties allowed in a FiskTrigger. These are the RML FiskTrigger properties. (Examples: FiskTrigger.protocolOp and the "onSuccess" properties.)
A Capis compliant HTML page MUST have a ServiceOffer HTML Element in it. The purpose is to allow the browser, in the future, to use the hidden HTML element to display the user authentication information in the browser chrome. (i.e. The RP login status and command buttons.) The items do not have to be visible in the HTML page at all. For example, the browser chrome can contain a "login" button, and a "logoutAll" button, etc.
Alternatively, the browser chrome can contain a combined "login/logout" button. It would track the login state at the RP, and change its label and opId between "login" and "logout".
The ServiceOffer HTML Element has two special HTML attributes. The attribute name="serviceofferdata" is the tag that marks the element, and the content='{}' contains FiskOffer. It identifies the element's role, and gives it a special behavior.
In order to support older browsers, the HTML pages at the fallback URLs will need to contain traditional login forms, etc. Similarly, the Form HTML Element uses the "action" attribute as a fallback behavior. (Note: The ServiceOffer HTML Element uses its name="serviceofferdata" attribute to point to a FiskCatalog.)
Using the (rel="servicetrigger") attribute does two things. It marks the HTML element as performing a Capis Trigger Behavior, and it causes the element to behave differently. The elements will perform a special Capis Trigger Behavior instead of their normal behavior. Clicking on a Anchor HTML Element SHOULD NOT cause the browser to follow the href value. (i.e. To send an HTTP GET command to the "href" URI in the anchor.) Instead, the browser should perform the Service Trigger Activation Protocol. (i.e. Retrieve the FiskCatalog, and perform the FiskTrigger.protocolOp property specified in the name="serviceofferdata" attribute.) For user authentication, this will send a RML Request (via an HTTP POST) to the "Service Endpoint" specified in the FiskCatalog.
The Anchor HTML Elements and Form HTML Elements SHOULD NOT use their "href" and "action" attributes, respectively. Because of this, these attributes can instead be used as a trap to detect older browsers that do not support this specification. The URI used in the "href" attribute should link to an error page or a fallback operation at the RP website. (Or some other website the RP trusts to do the fallback operation.) The web service at the linked URI could attempt an alternative login operation, or display an error message to the user. Such an error message may be something like: "Your browser does not support the Capis specification. Please do xyz."
Capis HTML Attributes
This specification defines a few new HTML attributes. They can be applied to the Anchor, Form and Meta elements. (To create a ServiceOffer HTML Element.)
HTML elements that are "marked" with the special HTML attribute will perform a special behavior, the Capis Trigger Behavior, instead of its normal behavior. These HTML elements DO NOT use their "href" or "action" attributes. (i.e. A Anchor HTML Element will not use the "href" attribute and will not perform a web page redirect. A Form HTML Element will not use the "action" attribute and will not perform a regular form submission.) Developers should set these attributes to an error page or a secondary "fallback" login behavior. This will detect older browsers that do not support ServiceTrigger HTML Elements.
The HAM-JSON format is a slightly modified JSON format for use inside an HTML attribute.
The property names and string values MAY be enclosed with the caret character (^) instead of the double quote character. A caret character can be included by using "%caret;". A single quote character can be included by using "%sq;".
// Allow double quoted HTML attributes to contain double quotes. Ex: attr="{^prop1^:"pick up", ^prop2^:false}"
// Allow single quoted HTML attributes to contain single quotes. Ex: attr='{"prop1":"pick up Steven%sq;s food"}'
The name="serviceofferdata" attribute marks the element as being a ServiceOffer HTML Element. The FiskOffer settings apply to the entire HTML page document.
Usually there should be only one ServiceOffer HTML Element in a page. (Only one that contains the name="serviceofferdata" attribute). A ServiceOffer HTML Element must be located in the page's head element. Otherwise it's not a valid HTML Element. (This is the case with all HTML Meta Elements,)
This attribute could alternately be named "data-serviceofferdata". The "data-" prefixed name could be used temporarily until an actual HTML specification attribute name is standardized.
Attributes that use the "data-" prefix are custom data attributes. Custom data attributes allow HTML page authors to store extra information on standard, semantic HTML elements without hacks such as non-standard attributes, extra properties in the DOM, or Node.setUserData().
The HAM-JSON format is a slightly modified JSON format for use inside an HTML attribute.
The property names and string values MAY be enclosed with the caret character (^) instead of the double quote character. A caret character can be included by using "%caret;". A single quote character can be included by using "%sq;".
// Allow double quoted HTML attributes to contain double quotes. Ex: attr="{^prop1^:"pick up", ^prop2^:false}"
// Allow single quoted HTML attributes to contain single quotes. Ex: attr='{"prop1":"pick up Steven%sq;s food"}'
Note that the property values do not have to be strings. They can be of any JSON type. Including a JSON object.
Default Location of the SocSiteCatalogument
The default location of the Soc Site Catalog is to use the "well-known" URI.
The "well-known" URI of the Soc Site Catalog is created by appending "/.well-known/mainFiskCatalog.json" to the HTTPS version of the page origin. Example: "" (Note that the "well-known" URI uses "https", and can have a port number.)
The default location is used if the "serviceCatalogUri" attribute of the ServiceOffer HTML Element is missing or invalid.
Note that if a "serviceCatalogUri" is used that does not have a path component, (does not contain anything after the domain name. Not even a "/" character.), then the socSiteCatalogDocUri that is used also appends the "/.well-known/mainFiskCatalog.json" string.
A User Login is the data needed for a user to login to an RP. (i.e. To authenticate a user to an RP.) It is also a name for the stored "user identity" at the RP. (A "user identity" may not be the same as an "account" at the RP, as multiple users may be able to log into a single account. See Account Sharing.) In general, it is the combination of (1) a unique user identifier (i.e. a UserId) at the RP and (2) some means for the user to prove ownership of (or authorized use of) the user identifier.
A User Login has at least five types of components, although some may be omitted. (1) The RP id. (Or the Relying Application Id, rapId.) (2) A user identifier. (i.e. a UserId) (3) A set of "secrets" known only to the user. (i.e. Credential Sources. Such as private keys or passwords.) (4) A set of "user secret verification data" stored by the RP. (i.e. Credential Verification Rules. A way for the RP to verify the user has the secrets.) (5) A UserId binding document (or a database entry at the RP). This associates the UserId with the "user secret verification data". Special Note, a "username and password" is a simple User Login, where the password serves as both the "secret" and the "user secret verification data". A more advanced version can also add a "backup_credential ("bkcr")" key pair, a "login counter", and a "last use timestamp". (See "User Login").
In order to sign-in, the user generates a "proof of identity" from their secrets, and sends the proof to the RP. The RP receives the proof, retrieves the Credential Verification Rules for the UserId (by using the binding), and then verifies the proof against the CVR.
There is a type of User Login, known as Federated UserId, where the RP uses an intermediary to verify the user. This intermediary is called an identity provider. This type of User Login requires that the RP trust the identity provider. With this type of User Login, the user provides some type of proof to the RP, and the RP checks that the identity provider verifies the proof. (Note that the user proof contains the UserId. Also, the UserId typically contains (or otherwise references) the domain name of the identity provider.) The user proof can be verified in 2 ways. (1) The RP submits the user proof to the identity provider, and lets the identity provider validate the proof. (This gives the UserId to the identity provider, allowing it to track when it is used, and by which RP.) Or (2) the RP can verify the user proof itself, using the identity provider's public keys, etc. (i.e. This requires that the user proof contain digital signature(s). The RP retrieves the set of public keys from the identity provider. It does not give the identity provider the UserId.) In this case, the user proof must include a document that "binds" the UserId to a set of "Credential Verification Rules". And this document must be signed by the identity provider. (It may be indirectly signed, and include a certificate chain. etc.) This document is typically a UserId certificate. It can be minutes old, or months old. It gives the RP the Credential Verification Rules, and then the RP can evaluate if the user provided proof-of-identity meets the requirements of the Credential Verification Rules.
Storing User Logins at an RP.
An RP must store User Logins in order to authenticate its users. An RP may store User Logins either inside individual accounts, or outside of accounts, in a "User Table" (it may give it some other name). The downside to storing User Logins inside accounts is: (1) A user must identify the account they are trying to access before logging in. (2) It does not allow Account Sharing. For maximum effect, the RP will need to store User Login information *outside of* accounts. (in a User Table inside a database, etc.) This is one way of providing two features. It provides a way for an RP to allow multiple users to access the same account, and it provides a way for an RP to allow a single user to access multiple accounts. For both of these features, each user will need their own UserId and Credential Verification Rules. Rather than storing these in multiple locations (in multiple accounts), the User Login can be stored in a location distinct from the accounts.
User_id Binding Method. Binding CVR to User_id
A "binding method" is a means of proving an association between a UserId and a set of Credential Verification Rules (such as public keys). It is a required part of a User Login. A simple example of a "binding method" is an entry in a database at the RP, where the RP stores a UserId and a list of the associated Credential Verification Rules. Another example is a UserId Binding Document.
User_id Binding Document
A small document that contains a UserId and a set of Credential Verification Rules. This associates the two items (the UserId and the various CVR) and "binds" them together. It is an example of a "binding method". In the case of such a "binding document" created by one entity and used by another, the document must contain a cryptographic signature from a reliable source, so that it cannot be faked. An example of this is a "UserId certificate", created by a Backer.
User Identifier Types (UserId Types)
A "user identifier type" is either a "Single-site UserId" or a namespace and type of a Locked Id. For example, "single_site_userId", "qis:A:H:9:ri" or "qis:A:H:9", etc. An RP can choose to trust only QIF identifiers in the "A9" namespace, or only "A9" namespace and a certain subtype (such as "ri"), etc.
An RP declares what types of UserId it supports in the "RmlFiskProfile.userLoginCreationRules.userIdTypes" property. A complete "supported type description" might include the UserId format, only certain issuers of "UserId certificate"s, a communication protocol, etc.
To login to an RP, a user must prove they are who they claim to be. Several ways to do this are: to prove access to a shared secret, such as with a password, or prove possession of a private key, or by proving ownership of a user identifier. It can prove ownership either directly, by cryptography (QIF "qis:A:H:"), or by using a host or backer of the identifier.
"multi-site" -- Not a valid choice for the "RmlFiskProfile.userLoginCreationRules.userIdTypes It's too broad. (It includes all Locked Ids.) A valid choice needs to be more narrow.
"qis:A:H:9:ri" -- Means that UserId format must be QIF, and must be of the "A9" namespace.
"federated" -- Means that the identity is federated.
F:IndieAuth1 -- RP uses IndieAuth. Client sends domain name. RP sends it to IndieAuth server.
The "single_site_userId" value means that the RP supports browsers sending a "Single-site UserId" to login. This means that the RP must be capable of storing some kind of Credential Verification Rule (CVR) values for its users. (e.g. a password, or public key, etc.) When the RP receives the "proof of identity", it will validate the proof using the Credential Verification Rule stored for the claimed UserId. The storage of CVR values is required when browsers do not have to send a Locked Id to the RP. Because the RP cannot rely on the lock mechanism inside the Locked Id during the user verification process. (Since it may not exist.)
Multi-Site UserIds require cooperation from RPs. A compliant RP MUST NOT register a Locked Id to any of its users, unless the user can unlock the ID. That proves that the user satisfies the identifier's lock requirements. (i.e. An RP must not allow the creation of an account that uses a Multi-Site UserId, without verifying that the user satisfies that identifier's lock requirements.) This is the primary reason why the "type" of Multi-Site UserIds must be easy to read, and why they must be easy to distinguish from Single-site UserIds. For easy RP compliance. If an RP does not support an identifier's lock method, then the RP must not allow the use of that type of identifier. (Locked Ids could alternately be called "Multi-site UserId" or "requirements UserId", etc.)
In order to make RP compliance easier, Multi-Site UserIds MUST have an easy-to-identify "format" and "type". This makes Multi-Site UserIds easy to distinguish from Single-site UserIds. The "type" clearly identifies what Identifier Lock Id the identifier uses, and the method of user-verification that it uses. The QIF standard is one such format.
During both login and "create account" attempts, the user gives the Multi-site UserId to the RP. The RP will extract the "type ID" from inside the UserId. (If the UserId is a Federated UserId then the RP will also extract the "Backer Id".) Note that the "type ID" may be inferred from the format of the UserId. For example, an email address format will use an email address "type ID".
Then the RP will confirm that the user "owns" the UserId. For a Federated UserId, the RP will execute the Federated UV Method, and have it validate the documents provided by the user during the login attempt. Then the RP must find the Backer VM for the type ID and Backer.
If the UserId is a Self-contained User_id, then the RP will need to parse the UserId into something, or extract data from inside the UserId. (For example, it can be parsed into a public key.) The RP will then use the result to validate the user. The RP uses the "type ID" to determine what to parse the User_id into.
A "Federated UserId" uses some type of online host. The UserId must contain a "Backer Id" and a "registration ID". The "Backer Id" represents an organization. The "registration ID" represents the user or resource at the organization. Each Backed UserId must contain a distinct "registration ID".
A Backer must have some way to authenticate its users. It may issue a certificate or require users to login, etc. If the Backer generates a timestamped "proof of login", then all UserIds that use that Backer are "Federated UserIds". A Federated UserId will issue a "user_account" or the UserId requirements that users must meet in order to use the UserId, etc. The UserId itself only needs to contain a "Backer Id" and a "registration id". For Example: an email address is a "Federated UserId". The "domain name" is the "Backer Id", and the "user account name" is the "registration id". The server running the email system (i.e. the "Backer") can be used to verify if a user has access to the UserId.
"qis:A:H:1:M8h2Dz0Wyv_lViQ4Nr0TN5BfJ" // Type "A:H:1" contains a base64url encoded JWK public key.
"" // Type "A:F2:1" contains a domain name and a base64url userNum.
A "Federated UserId" usually depends on the Backer continuing to behave correctly. Although, a specially designed registration systems can have UserId that only need a working Backer during their creation. But this is unusual.
This category of UserId is (1) universally unique, (2) persistent across all RP (it identifies the same user at all RP), (3) allowed access is provable, (4) its use is restricted at RPs, (5) can only be used by the "owner". RPs are required to obtain proof of ownership from a user before allowing the user to use it.
A Locked Id is capable of being used at multiple websites. However, this does not mean that it MUST be used at multiple websites. For privacy reasons, it might be preferable to use a different Locked Id at each RP website.
RPs must not register a Locked Id to any of its users, unless the user can unlock the ID. i.e. Prove he owns it. In this manner, the UserId is guaranteed to be available at an RP for the owner to use. A single user can have multiple "Locked Id". Each one can be used independently.
A "Locked Id" generally comes in one of two forms. Either the UserId contains the result of some sort of cryptographic "one-way function", (like a "public key"), or it contains the "PermanentBackerId" of the entity that created it. This allows a verifier to identify the Backer of a UserId. (The "host" can also be known as the "issuer" of the UserId.) The verifier can contact the Backer, to request that it provide some sort of additional information about the user that it issued the UserId to. The Backer can give the RP a verification requirement, such as a public key. Or the Backer can verify the user itself, and give to the RP an assertion that the user is the owner of the UserId. (This last option is typically called a "Federated UserId". Where the RP must trust the "assertion" created by the "issuer" of the UserId.)
In order for "Locked Id" to work correctly, their use must be restricted at all RP. A Multi-Site UserId must never be used by anyone other than the "owner". This means that all conforming RP MUST (1) recognize Locked Id and (2) not allow the use of a Locked Id by anyone other than the owner. (i.e. An RP must not register a Locked Id to any of its users, unless the user can unlock the ID.)
In order for a "Locked Id" to work correctly, there MUST be a way for RP to verify a user's claims of owning the UserId. For Federated UserId, there must be a Backer VM for the type of federated UserId. And it must be "findable" by all RPs.
For example, a "universally unique" Federated UserId can be created by combining any "Single-site UserId" with the domain name of the RP where it is used. However, In order for those identifiers to be a Federated UserId, there must be a Backer VM for that type of federated UserId. And it must be "findable" by all RPs. If it is not "findable" by all RPs, then the UserId is not a "working" "Locked Id".
Using a Locked Id skips the hardest part of traditional User Login creation, having the user find (and remember) an unused Single-site UserId.
With the traditional means of a username and password, creating an account at an RP requires the user to find an unused username at the RP.
When creating a new account with a Locked Id, the user does not have to "find an available id" at the RP, as the "UserId" is reserved for his exclusive use, at every RP.
All RPs must restrict use of a Locked Id to only the party that can provide proof of ownership. Thus, a Locked Id functions as a "reserved username" at all RPs. When using a Locked Id, an account can be created automatically, without user intervention or negotiation with the RP. However, an RP SHOULD NOT automatically create an account for a Locked Id in response to a login RML Request. (i.e. When a user tries to login with a Multi-Site UserId, and the RP has VERIFIED that the user owns the UserId, but the RP does not have an account for that UserId.) Confirmation from the user is required before User Login creation. (To prevent User Login creation due to user error. For example, if the user accidentally selected the wrong User Login to log in with, etc.) See User Login creation.
Multi-Credential Authentication
Multiple Credential Authentication is when an RP requires proof of multiple credentials in order to authenticate a user. Each credential can be of any type. (password, private key signature, fingerprint, PIN, etc.) (See Multi-Credential definition.)
Multiple Credential Authentication allows RPs to combine multiple authentication mechanisms to authenticate a user. Such as fingerprint + PIN. For example, a bank may want to have very strict requirements for logging in. It may want a HOTP code in addition to a regular password. Or a fingerprint in addition to both the HOTP code and password.
Note that multi-factor authentication is a subset of Multiple Credential Authentication. Each "factor" can be transmitted to the RP as a different type of credential. (Also note that 2nd factor authentication, U2F, etc. are forms of Multiple Credential Authentication.)
An RP website can store various Credential Verification Rules to authenticate a user. The RP can require multiple credentials before it will authenticate a user. (These things do not require Multiple Credential Authentication.)
Using "Multiple Credential Authentication", an RP is able to list what credentials it requires. (These credentials can be "authentication factors".) Using "Multiple Credential Authentication", the browser is able to deliver to the RP, in a single request, all the required credentials. This lets RPs create their own security requirements. They can mix different existing standards. (Or even create their own.)
Multiple Credential Authentication is implemented in the RML Request sent from the browser to the RP. The request normally includes both (1) a signatures section (for private key signatures), and (2) a credentialProofList section (for all other types of credential proof). The "set credentials" version of the request also includes a list of Credential Verification Rules, which is used to deliver to the RP the list of Credential Verification Rules that the RP should store. Note that each credential in the list can be of a different type. And new types of credentials can be created. The only requirement is that both the RP and the Login Manager support the new credential type.
An RP can even do more complicated things, like define a set of credentials and require a minimum number of them. For example, it can require that a user provide proof of 3 out of 4 credentials in the set.
Multi-Factor Authentication
Multi-factor authentication is where an RP verifies a user's identity by requiring two or more "factors" of authentication. The three types of authentication factors are something you know, something you have, and something you are. Something you know can be something like a password or PIN. Something you have can be a mobile phone or a special USB key. And something you are can be something like your fingerprint or other biometric identifier.
A prerequisite of "Multi-factor" authentication is Multi-Credential Authentication. (i.e. that a login may require multiple credentials.) In addition to multiple credentials, Multi-factor also requires that a type of credential exist for each type of factor that the RP requires. The user can send proof of all the required "factors" to the RP at the same time, using multiple credentials.
For example, an RP can require the user type in a password, have a USB key, and scan their fingerprint. Proof of all of these "factors" can be sent to the RP using credentials. The USB key can contain a private key or implement a full Login Manager API. (i.e. send a private key signature to the RP.) A Login Manager (or browser) can use cryptography to create a private key out of the password. (i.e. send a private key signature to the RP.) A User Authenticator or browser can scan a fingerprint and send it to the RP.
User Authentication Detail
User Authentication is the process by which a user's identity is verified. It is the process by which a user "signs in" to a website. In order to login to an RP, a user must prove their identity to the RP. Typically, a user submits a "proof of identity" to the RP. This "proof" may be as simple as a username and password. An RP may store a Credential Verification Rule (CVR) in order to authenticate a user. This list of CVR. The RP typically requires that the "proof of identity" must satisfy some subset of the CVR criteria in order to be valid. (e.g. during an attempt to login to the RP.)
An algorithm that uses the set of CVR to verify a "proof of identity" is called an "identity verifier".
The CVR can consist of a public key, a password, a certificate, an algorithm, a database record, a website response, etc. See the RP User Authentication Process. An RP usually stores different CVR for each user identity in an internal database record. The RP may allow a user to add, remove, or set the CVR for themselves. (For example, an RP can allow a user to change their password.) See the opId="setActiveCredentials". For example, an RP may allow a user to turn on and off Multi-factor authentication.
A "Credential Verification Rule" is usually the opposite of a "credential". A "CVR" is a test for a required condition, while a "credential" is proof of a condition. (However, in the case of a "password", both could be the same value.)
Each CVR must have an associated "type" or "Credential Verification Method". This "type", or algorithm, defines how to verify if a "proof of identity" satisfies the CVR requirement. For example, If the CVR is a public key, then the "type" of the CVR denotes what format the key is in, and how to verify if a digital signature was created by the matching private key. An RP must know the "Credential Verification Method" for each type of CVR it supports. An RP can publish what types of Credential Verification Rule it supports in the FiskProfile.credentialReg property.
There are two main types of Credential Verification Rule (CVR). There is "Site-specific" (i.e. Regular) and "multi-site". CVR are only applicable to a single RP. They are usually a type of "password" or "public key" and are usually stored in a database at the RP website. An RP is free to use any type of CVR it wants, and that browsers support. The "Multi-site UserId Credential Verification Rule" are applicable to all RPs. They are not "tied to" or limited to a single RP.
RML Request: Set Credential Verification Rules Detail
The RP stores a set of "Credential Verification Rules" for each user. It uses these CVR to verify the credentials sent to it during login. (i.e. during the authentication process.) The user sets what CVR the RP stores by using the "setActiveCredentials" command. (i.e. It performs similar to a "change password" operation on systems that use a username and password.)
The list of CVR is located in the "credRegSec" section of the RML Request. (i.e. In the "credRegSec" object.) This allows the user to set all the CVR in a single request.
Note that each Credential Verification Rule (both stored by the RP, and in the crList) can be of a different credential type. And new types of credentials can be created. The only requirement is that both the RP and the Login Manager support the new credential type. The mix of different types stored by the RP allows it to support Multi-Credential Authentication and Multi-factor authentication.
The RML Request can also contain multiple "credential proofs". This is for user authentication, when a user wants to login. (i.e. It can be used to perform Multi-Credential Authentication.) This is how browsers can send multiple user credential proofs to an RP, all in the same request. The service request has two different sections for proofs, (1) the signatures section, for private key signatures, and (2) the credentialProofList section, for all other types of credential proof.
The "signatures" object can hold the signatures for multiple "public key" type credentials. The credentials can be digital signatures (i.e. public key cryptography) or they can be keys generated from passwords or federated credentials. Note that EACH signature in the "signatures" object has has digitally signed the entire payload of the Service Request. The RML Request values, "opIdReq" or "exp", etc. cannot be changed without generating a new signature. Because of this, signatures are preferred over other types of proof.
The "credentialProofList" section can hold the proof for any credential that is not a public key. It can contain multiple "credentialProof." objects of different types. Use the credentialProof."format (fmt_p)" property to hold the type of proof.
let rml_request = {
"JWS": {
"payload": BASE64URL(UTF8(payload_unencoded)),
"signatures": [
{ "protected": "eyJhbGciOiJFUzI1NiJ9",
// protected_header = {"alg":"ES256", "sct":192}
"header": {
"kid": "cd1", "kid2": "e9bc097a-ce51-4036-9562-d2ade882db0d"
"signature": "DtEhU3ljbEg8L38VWAfUAqOyKAM6-Xx-F4Ga"
{ "protected": "eyJhbGciOiJFUzI1NiJ9",
// protected_header = {"alg":"ES256", "sct":13}
"header": {
"kid": "userIdPK" // "userIdPK" means the public key is in "uid".
"signature": "MG4mdj-hdfYHqJRnUxKa6e ..."
Example Certificate:
The "UserId certificate" JWT. (uid_cert_chain[0]) header and claims:
let payload_unencoded = {
"sub2": "remere/certificate",
"iss": "", // The Backer
"iat": 1503971280,
"exp": 1533064012,
"sub": "qis:A:F1:1:ACMA_org:M4j-q", // The QIF UserId.
"uid": {
"rawForLogin": "qis:A:F1:1:ACMA_org:M4j-q", // The QIF UserId.
"usk": "q3jC9-h"
"cert_pubKeyList": [
"kty": "RSA",
"kid": "f85762a7f52c8346",
"alg": "RS256",
"n" : "4b9e34...",
"e" : "93bc32..."
Example Certificate:
let jws_certificate = {
"payload": BASE64URL(UTF8(payload_unencoded)),
"signatures": [{
"protected": "eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiJ9",
// protected_header = {"alg":"RS256", "sct":192}
"header": {
"alg": "RS256",
"kid": "bf4a76332a6c8370f48", // "kid" is REQUIRED. ID of the issuer key.
// "csvm": "OIDCD" // Get the sig verification key from the issuer via "OIDCD", etc.
"csvm": "idr_keystore" // Get the sig verification key from an "Backer keystore".
"signature": "DtEhU3ljbEg8L38VWAfUAqOyKAM6-Xx-F4Ga"
Configuration Settings Detail
Configuration Settings are a collection of JSON data values, published by an RP, that describe the RP, or the services offered by the RP. They are typically embedded within HTML markup. They exist to configure a browser's behavior at the RP. They are an alternative to an HTML page using Javascript to control how the browser behaves. The ConfigSettings are embedded within HTML markup as a single JSON object in a special HTML attribute. The ConfigSettings give the browser data or instructions about Remote Services without using JavaScript. This makes creating Capis enabled HTML easier, and Capis will work without requiring the browser to enable JavaScript for the RP.
All Configuration Settings are case-sensitive. Both the property name and the value. Example: FiskTrigger.protocolOp="remere/login" Where the opId="proveUserPresence", "serviceProfileList", etc.
The names and values of the FiskProfile are defined by the sdSpec that the ServiceProfile uses. (If there is no sdSpec specified, then the default sdSpec for the protocolUsed is used.) Different specifications can define different ServiceProfile properties and values. Note the difference between FiskProfile properties and FiskOffer properties. Also, there are a few special FiskOffer properties. Those that are used before the FiskCatalog is retrieved. These are serviceCatalogUri, serviceProfileList and challengeKey.
let fiskOfferCts = {"id":"offer_1", "challengeKey": "8fK2BzE9MQ2phX6RLu1VzD4F0wgWJ3In8dKNeGo9YdK", "serviceProfileList": [...]};
let fiskProfilePath = {};
fiskProfilePath.fiskProfileId = "remere_1";
let fiskOfferId = "offer_1";
let opArgs = {"protocolOp":"remere/login",
"onSuccess":{"actions":[{"redirectUri":"/some/path/page.html"}]} };
remereLogin_api.performServiceOp("login", opArgs, fiskProfilePath, triggerView);
// TODO "fiskOfferCts" is not in opArgs. It should be an argument to performServiceOp?
Page Configuration Detail (pageConfig)
The collection of all the (public) configuration data stored for Capis by the browser. In particular, this includes the pageConfig."fiskOfferList", pageConfig."baseFiskClientData" and pageConfig."fiskClientData".
The "pageConfig" object contains all the configuration objects for the current HTML page. The "pageConfig" object includes the "fiskOfferList" array. The "fiskOfferList" is a list of all the FiskOffer info blocks in the HTML page. (i.e. A list extracted from all the ServiceOffer HTML Element in the HTML page.) Each FiskOffer item has a "fiskOfferCts" sub-object, which contains the FiskOffer data.
The "baseFiskClientData" object contains the merged data from the fiskOfferList in the current HTML page.
The FiskOffer (and other ConfigSettings) are an alternative to an HTML page using Javascript to control how the browser behaves. The FiskOffer gives the browser data or instructions about the Remote Services without using JavaScript. The ConfigSettings make creating Capis enabled HTML easier, and Capis will work without requiring the browser to enable JavaScript for the RP.
A FiskOffer represents an advertisement, menu or application form by which services can be ordered. A FiskOffer contains a "FiskOfferId".
There are two different types of Configuration Settings in HTML. First, the FiskOffer object. These apply to the entire HTML page.
All Configuration Settings are case-sensitive. Both the property name and the value. Example: FiskTrigger.protocolOp="remere/login" Where the opId= "proveUserPresence", "serviceProfileList", etc.
The FiskOffer (along with other ConfigSettings) provides a way for the RP to give the browser data or instructions about Remote Services without using JavaScript. This makes creating Capis enabled HTML easier, and Capis will work without requiring the browser to enable JavaScript for the RP.
The FiskOffer settings can contain properties that are applicable to multiple services. (For Example, the challengeKey property can apply to multiple services.)
FiskCatalog References
A ServiceOffer HTML Element in an HTML page can contain a reference to a FiskCatalog document in the name="serviceofferdata" attribute. A FiskOffer in an HTML file can contain a reference to a FiskCatalog document in the "serviceCatalogUri" property.
The CapisControl.ensurePageConfig function will do the following. It will find all the ServiceOffer HTML Elements in the HTML page, then it will extract the FiskOffer object from each of them. It will then read and evaluate each FiskOffer object. For each of them, the function will look for the serviceCatalogUri property. It will then retrieve the FiskCatalog from the RP, using HTTPS. The socSiteCatalog is known as the "externFiskOffer". The function will then merge the pageFiskOffer with the externFiskOffer. The pageFiskOffer values taking priority.
Type string;Default value: "offer_n" Example: "offer_1"
Specifies the id of the FiskOffer. If the "id" is not specified, then a value is automatically assigned. The default value is of the format "offer_n". Where "n" is the index of the FiskOffer in the HTML. (Starts with 1.) Example: "offer_1"
The "serviceCatalogUri" property ONLY exists in a FiskOffer. If a ServiceTrigger HTML Element has a "serviceCatalogUri" value, it will do nothing.
The URI value MUST start with either "/" or "https:".
If the URI address is written starting with just a slash "/", then "https://" and the domain name of the RP website are automatically prepended to it.
If the URI does not contain a path component, then the defaultValues.socSiteCatalogDocUri is automatically appended to it. (i.e. "" becomes "")
Allows an RP to put the FiskCatalog somewhere other than the defaultValues.socSiteCatalogDocUri (i.e. in the "/.well-known" directory.) This is particularly useful if the RP does not have control over the "/.well-known" directory.
Allows different pages on the same website to use a different FiskCatalog. Allows a single domain name to host multiple RPs. The login anchor for each RP can specify its own FiskCatalog, at a different URI location.
Note that using a non-standard "serviceCatalogUri" may require that the "audience" in the "proof of identity" be changed too. See the FiskCatalog FiskProfile.rapIdSpec property.
Must start with either "/" or "https:", or it is invalid. If it is invalid, then the browser MUST throw an error.
The only reason to set this property is to override the default. Perhaps to change the directory, or add a path component, or to remove the port number. (i.e. It doesn't make any sense to set the value to be the base domain name, as that is the default. Example: "")
A "serviceCatalogUri" is a url using the https scheme. It identifies a JSON document at the RP. For convenience the address of the JSON document can be written starting with just a slash "/". If it is written like this, then "https" and the domain name (and port) of the RP website are automatically prepended to it.
The second type of URI, is simply a domain name using https. The URI can contain a sub-domain and a port, but it does not contain any path or a trailing slash. If the URI does not contain a path component, then the defaultValues.socSiteCatalogDocUri is automatically appended to the URI. (i.e. "/.well-known/mainFiskCatalog.json")
Type string;Contains base64url encoded binary data.Required. (A value must be specified.)
Specifies the time the challengeKey was issued by the RP. It is a timestamp value. It is the number of milliseconds since Jan 1, 1970. (i.e. Unix Timestamp.) (See similar use in timestamp-id, and RML Request.issuedAt.)
The challengeTime value is required as part of the Service Request to confirm User Authentication. In order to perform User Authentication, the browser must respond to a challengeKey with the required credentials, within a short time frame. And include the challengeTime in the proof. For Example: The challengeTime is copied into the RML Request rml.request.cht value in the RML Request. The challengeTime value may be used by the RP to help determine what user, session, etc. made the Service Request, or the freshness or staleness, etc. of the Service Request.
Note that the challengeTime value is not necessarily the same as the time when the HTML page was created. That time may be off by several seconds. And it is not equal to the time that the client (the browser) received the HTTP transmission (containing the HTML page).
Type string;Contains base64url encoded binary data.Required. (A value must be specified.)
A "cryptographic nonce" value, created by the RP. base64url encoded. It is a securely generated nonsense value. (i.e. It is a long random number.) It is a binary value encoded using base64url. It is a type of "cryptographic nonce" value, used to perform user authentication. This option is REQUIRED in the ServiceOffer HTML Element.
A "nonce" value is simply passed back to the RP. It is a nonsense value used to distinguish a particular client session of an RP. Because it was created by the RP, and is passed back to the RP during authentication, it prevents certain CSS (Cross Site Scripting) attacks.
The "challengeKey" value, as with all "nonce" values, is to make sure that a cryptographic function is NEWLY performed, in response to a specific prompt. It prevents any previously generated cryptographic message from being used. The RP wants NEW proof that the user has a private key, so the RP generates a "nonce" value, and requires that the value be returned to it, inside the user login request. The User Authenticator creates a RML Request message, includes the challengeKey in it, signs or encrypts the message with the private key, then sends the message to the RP. The presence of the challengeKey in the message will prove that the signed or encrypted message was NEWLY generated. Therefore, the browser must currently have the private key.
The "challengeKey" value is a base64url encoded binary value (i.e. an integer). Therefore, it can only contain alpha-numeric, dash and underscore characters. (0-9, a-z, A-Z, '-', '_')
The RP can institute a time limit on between the page was sent and when the challengeKey must be answered.
Example HTML ServiceOffer:
A FiskCatalog is a JSON object, usually a JSON document, published by an RP, that describes the RP and a group of services that it offers.
FiskCatalog Document
A file containing a FiskCatalog JSON object. The default place to find this file is on a web server at "/_capis/mainFiskCatalog.json".
FiskCatalog Purpose
The FiskCatalog (along with other ConfigSettings) provides a way for the RP to give the browser data or instructions about Remote Services without using JavaScript. This makes creating Capis enabled HTML easier, and Capis will work without requiring the browser to enable JavaScript for the RP.
FiskCatalog Contents
A FiskCatalog contains a set of Configuration Settings. It is written using Capis specification format. A FiskCatalog applies to the entire HTML page. (The client is typically a browser.) The FiskCatalog structure is inherited by the FiskOffer structure.
A FiskCatalog must contain a serviceProfileList property, which contains a list of FiskProfile objects. (i.e. serviceProfileList.fiskProfileItem objects.) Each FiskProfile object provides a description of a Remote Service offered by the RP. A FiskProfile can specify abilities, requirements, service options, and how the service should be invoked.
A FiskCatalog is a JSON document, published by an RP, that describes the RP and a group of services that it offers. It must contain a serviceProfileList property, which contains a list of FiskProfile objects. Each FiskProfile object provides a description of a Remote Service offered by the RP. A FiskProfile can specify abilities, requirements, service options, and how the service should be invoked.
A FiskCatalog can also include other Configuration Settings, besides FiskProfile objects. It is written using Capis specification format. The FiskCatalog structure is inherited by the FiskOffer structure.
The FiskCatalog document must contain (1) a "id" value, (2) a "rpInfo" property, and (3) a "serviceProfileList".
The defaultValues.socSiteCatalogDocUri of the "Capis Document" is a "well-known" URI. (Example: "".)
Each FiskProfile contains (1) The "protocolUsed" of the service (REQUIRED), (2) An "endpointBlock" item. An endpoint must have an address URI (the "endpoint.sUri" is REQUIRED), (3) The other abilities and requirements of the service. (These are listed in the "supported" section.) (4) The "id" of the service.
Example FiskCatalog: (Note that comments, denoted by the // characters, are not allowed in JSON, and must be omitted.)
Type string;Default value: "catalog_n" Example: "catalog_1"
Specifies the id of the FiskCatalog. If the "id" is not specified, then a value is automatically assigned. The default value is of the format "catalog_n". Where "n" is the index of the FiskOffer in the HTML. (Starts with 1.) Example: "catalog_1"
A FiskOffer may omit a serviceProfileList only if it includes a reference to a FiskCatalog. (The FiskCatalog must itself contain a serviceProfileList.) For example: An FiskOffer that exists in an HTML page, may contain a reference to a FiskCatalog in the ServiceOffer HTML Element. i.e. In the name="serviceofferdata" attribute. In the serviceCatalogUri property.
The Trigger Options provide a way for the RP to give the browser data or instructions about Remote Services without using JavaScript. This makes creating Capis enabled HTML easier, and Capis will work without requiring the browser to enable JavaScript for the RP.
The Trigger Options MUST contain a FiskTrigger.protocolOp property. The opId value is part of the Capis specification. All other properties are defined as part of a different specification, such as the Remere Login Specification.
The Trigger Options are only used when that trigger is activated. They do not apply to the entire HTML page. The FiskTrigger is one of the two types of Configuration Settings. The other type is a FiskOffer.
This specification allows a single HTML page to use multiple services and/or multiple methods offered by the services. There must be a way to specify which service an Service Trigger wants to invoke.
Type string;Required. (A value must be specified.)
Specifies the service operation to be performed by the Service Trigger. (i.e. When the anchor is clicked or the form is submitted.) Usually the contained opId value is sent to the RP in the RML Request.opIdReq property, and the RP executes the requested operation.
This specification allows a single HTML page to use multiple services and/or multiple methods offered by the services. There must be a way to specify which service an Service Trigger wants to invoke.
Specifies both the protocol and the operation (the protocolId and opId) to be performed by the Service Trigger. (i.e. When the anchor is clicked or the form is submitted.) Usually the contained opId value is sent to the RP in the RML Request.opIdReq property, and the RP executes the requested operation.
The "protocolOp" property contains the protocolId value and the opId value. Separated by a slash. The protocolId and opId specify which Remote Service the trigger should invoke. This specification allows a single HTML page to use multiple services and/or multiple methods offered by the services. There must be a way to specify which service an Service Trigger wants to invoke.
This specification allows a single HTML page to use multiple services and/or multiple methods offered by the services. There must be a way to specify which service an Service Trigger wants to invoke.
Specifies the id of the FiskProfile (The FiskProfileId) to be used by the Service Trigger. (i.e. When the anchor is clicked or the form is submitted.) Usually the contained opId value is sent to the RP in the RML Request.opIdReq property, and the RP executes the requested operation.
This specification allows a single HTML page to use multiple services and/or multiple methods offered by the services. There must be a way to specify which service an Service Trigger wants to invoke.
The "catalogId" property contains the FiskCatalogId value. The FiskCatalogId and FiskProfileId specify which FiskCatalog and which FiskProfile the trigger should use. This specification allows a single HTML page to use multiple services and/or multiple methods offered by the services. There must be a way to specify which service an Service Trigger wants to use.
Specifies the URI of the page the browser should load after the success of the authentication operation. Alternate name is "return_to".
Tells the RP where to redirect the current browser tab, once the auth attempt has been successful. It can be another page on the RP website, or elsewhere on the internet. Note that this is a request. The RP does not have to comply with it. In particular, an authentication failure will result in an error page, it will not redirect the user to the redirectUri page.
Specifies the UserId and related configuration values to request the RP assign to the User Login. This value is primarily used with "requested_ulc User Login Creation Method". This value is primarily used with opId="registerUserLogin", "setUserId" and "login". This value is part of a REQUEST to the RP to assign the specified UserId to the User Login. The RP may or may not comply. This value is primarily used to send a Multi-site UserId to the RP.
When used in the browser with opId="login", the value is only used if the user chooses to create a new User Login. If so, then the uid.clientReqUserId value is sent to the RP with opId="registerUserLogin". When used with "registerUserLogin" and "login", the LoginManager.createUserLogin function is called, and the *original* userId is set to the desired value. However, the RP may decline to use the UserId, and respond with a different UserId value. This will change the userId value in the LoginManager. When used with "setUserId", the value is not stored in the LoginManager at all all, unless and until the RP responds with confirmation that the value was assigned.
Specifies an array of form input field "id" strings. The input field elements should contain the trigger property values. Only usable by forms.
This is typically only used for testing and debugging implementations.
For each id in the array, the form input HTML element with that id is found, the property name is read from the "name" attribute, and the property value is read from the "value" attribute, then the FiskTrigger property with that name is set.
In the future, setting sub-properties might be implemented. In this case, the name of the field would contain a period, separating the target property from a sub-property. (Example: name="ulCreationCfg.rawUserId")
// example implementation
* Extracts a FiskTriggerWrap object from the htmlElement.
* (1) Extracts a special HTML attribute, converts it into a JSON object. (jsonObject)
* (2) If htmlElement is a form, then extracts the specified fields into the JSON.
* (3) Converts the JSON object into a FiskTriggerWrap.trContents object.
* @param {DOMElement} htmlElement; The HTML element to extract from.
* @return {FiskTriggerWrap} The extracted FiskTrigger object.
function CCI_extractFiskTrigger(htmlElement) {
const funcNameV = "CCI.extractFiskTrigger ";
if (htmlElement === undefined) {
throw new Error(funcNameV + "htmlElement is undefined.");
const attributeName = han_serviceTrigger_dataAttr;
let attrWrap = CCI_extractJsonAttributeWrapFromHtmlElement(htmlElement, attributeName);
let jsonObject = attrWrap.jsonObject;
let nodeName = htmlElement.nodeName;
if (nodeName == "FORM") {
let fieldData = CCI_extractFieldDataFromForm(htmlElement);
// The form data has priority.
// THe form data should OVERWRITE any existing jsonObject properties with the same name.
fieldData.fieldList.forEach( (field,index) => {
jsonObject[] = field.value;
let fiskTriggerWrap = CCI_extractFiskTriggerFromContents(jsonObject, attrWrap.href, htmlElement);
return fiskTriggerWrap;
* Extract the form field values.
* For each form field, use the field name as the property name,
* and perform a JSON.parse() on the field value.
* @param {Object} formElement; The form to extract fields from.
* @param {string[]} fieldNameList; The list of field names to extract.
* @return {ExtractedFormData} The extracted form data.
function CCI_extractFieldDataFromForm(formElement) {
let resultFieldList = [];
let extractedData = {};
extractedData.fieldSet = {};
extractedData.fieldList = resultFieldList;
// let formId =;
if (false) {
let fieldList = {};
fieldIdList.forEach(function(fieldId,index,array) {
let fieldId = item.fieldId;
// Create a special query selector. That fixes the colon and backslash characters.
let fieldId_qs = fieldId.replace(/\\/g, "\\\\"); // escape the backslash char.
fieldId_qs = fieldId_qs.replace(/:/g, "\\:"); // escape the colon char.
let fieldElement = formElement.querySelector("#" + fieldId_qs);
if (fieldElement == null) {
throw new Error("Form is missing field with id=" + fieldId);
// fieldElement = {};
// let fieldName =;
// let fieldValue = fieldElement.value;
fieldList.push({, value:fieldElement.value});
} else {
let formSnapshot = CCI_createFormSnapshot(formElement);
let fieldNameList = formSnapshot.fieldList;
// let formData = new FormData(formElement);
// let fieldKeys = formData.keys();
// let fieldNameList = Array.from(fieldKeys);
fieldNameList.forEach(function(item,index,array) {
let fieldName = item.n;
if (fieldName === undefined || fieldName == null) {
throw new Error("Form snapshot is invalid. Field name is undefined or null. Field index=" + index);
if (fieldName == "") {
throw new Error("Form field has missing or empty 'name' attribute. Field index=" + index);
let snapshotField = CCI_getFieldItemFromSnapshot(fieldName, formSnapshot);
let fieldType = snapshotField.t;
// The "checkbox" and the "select-multiple" field types hold an array of values.
// let fieldValueIsAnArray = formData.isValueAnArray(fieldName);
// let fieldValue = formData.getValueCombined(fieldName); // Can be a single value or an array!
// let fieldType = "text"; // formData.getType(fieldName);
// let fieldType = formElement.querySelector("input[name=" + fieldName + "]").type;
// let fieldValueIsAnArray = (fieldType == "checkbox" || fieldType == "select-multiple");
// let fieldValue = fieldValueIsAnArray?formData.getAll(fieldName):formData.get(fieldName);
let fieldValueIsAnArray = CCI_isSnapshotFieldValueAnArray(snapshotField);
let fieldValue_s = snapshotField.v; // Can be a single value or an array!
let fieldValue_j; // The JSON fieldValue. (Converted to a JSON object, array, etc.)
let fieldValueIsAnArray2 = Array.isArray(fieldValue_s);
if (fieldValueIsAnArray) {
fieldValue_j = fieldValue_s; // A JSON Array.
} else {
if (fieldValue_s === undefined) {
// Invalid field value. Skip it, or throw an error?
throw new Error("Missing field value. Field name=" + fieldName);
// fieldValue_j = undefined;
} else if (fieldValue_s == null) {
fieldValue_j = fieldValue_s; // null
} else if (fieldValue_s == "") {
// The user did not provide a value. Skip it?
// Or, did the user provide the empty string as the value?
// throw new Error("Invalid field value in form. name=" + fieldName + " value=''");
fieldValue_j = fieldValue_s;
} else {
// Figure out what data type the value is. (Need to know if it's an unquoted string.)
// JSON.parse() would *almost* work for all fieldValue types, but ...
// WARNING. If fieldValue_s is an unquoted string, JSON.parse will fail. (i.e. "some text")
// WARNING. When determining value type, leading spaces are ignored.
// WARNING: To enforce a string type, quote the value. (If value starts with '{' '[' '0-9' etc.)
let fieldValueTrim = fieldValue_s.trim();
let isTypeUnquotedString = false;
let valueType;
let ch1 = fieldValueTrim.charAt(0);
if (ch1 == "-") {
// valueType = "number";
if (fieldValueTrim.length > 1)
ch1 = fieldValueTrim.charAt(1);
if (fieldValueTrim == "") {valueType = "unquotedString";
} else if (fieldValueTrim == "null") {valueType="object";
} else if (fieldValueTrim == "true") {valueType = "boolean";
} else if (fieldValueTrim == "false") {valueType = "boolean";
} else if (ch1 == "1" || ch1 == "2" || ch1 == "3" || ch1 == "4" || ch1 == "5") {valueType = "number";
} else if (ch1 == "6" || ch1 == "7" || ch1 == "8" || ch1 == "9" || ch1 == "0") {valueType = "number";
} else if (ch1 == "{" /* } */) {valueType = "object";
} else if (ch1 == "[") {valueType = "array"; // ]
} else if (ch1 == "\"" || ch1 == "'") {valueType = "quotedString";
} else { valueType = "unquotedString"; isTypeUnquotedString = true;
if (isTypeUnquotedString) {
fieldValue_j = fieldValue_s; // Do not use JSON.parse() on an unquoted string.
} else {
try { fieldValue_j = JSON.parse(fieldValue_s); }
catch(e) {
throw new Error("Invalid JSON value in form field. name=" + fieldName + " value=" + fieldValue_s + " First char (" + ch1 + ") implied JSON. Try quoting?");
// fieldValue_j = fieldValue_s;
let fieldItem = {name:fieldName, t:fieldType, value:fieldValue_j};
// extractedData.fieldSet[fieldName] = fieldItem;
// extractedData.fieldSet = fieldSet;
return extractedData;
Capis Default Values
The "Capis Default Values" are used when the FiskOffer in the HTML page does not specify a value. The Configuration Settings that have "specification defaults" are the serviceCatalogUri and similar properties.
The default value of RML is "protocol_n". (Where "protocol" is the value of the protocolUsed, and "n" is the index of the item in the serviceProfileList array.) (Starts with 1.) (The id of the FiskProfile.)
Type string;Required. (A value must be specified.)
The default name of the HTTP parameter that contains the Capis service request. It is JSON data.
The browser sends the service request to the "Service Endpoint" in whatever manner the RP designated in the FiskProfile. (i.e. In the FiskCatalog.) Usually the method is an HTTP POST. (As a special case, if the ServiceTrigger HTML Element that activated Capis is a form, and Capis is configured to send an HTTP POST, then the browser will send the service request as a special HTTP parameter *in addition to* any regular form data. The default name of the HTTP parameter is capis_request.)
See the Service Trigger Activation Protocol.
Using any of the "certificate_" variations (such as "only_MSUID") means that a type of "UserId certificate" is being used. Be careful to use to correct "csvm" value.
The RP should use the stored set of Credential Verification Rule (e.g. passwords, public keys, etc.) to authenticate the user. This option will not work if the RP does not have any stored credentials for the user_login. This is the simplest form of user authentication. This is the default.
The RP may choose to not support this user_auth_method. It may choose to support only the only_MSUID user_auth_method.
If the RP supports this option, then it (probably) means that the RP supports creating a "Single-site UserId" during login. (i.e. assigned_ulc or similar.)
The RP should not verify that the user owns the Locked Id. The RP should authenticate the claimed UserId using only the set of CVR that it has stored for the user. This option will not work if the RP does not have any stored credentials for the user_login.
This is a shortcut for browsers and the RP. It eliminates a lot of the work that usually is not necessary. It allows the use of a Locked Id during user authentication, but skips the step of verifying its ownership. This is possible because if the Multi-site UserId is recognized by the RP, (If there exists a user that uses the UserId), then the ownership of the Multi-site UserId was verified previously, during the "user login creation". (The login_creation method was probably "MSUID User Login Creation Method".)
This option is very useful if the RP already stores a set of CVR for the user. As long as the user has credentials, and chose sufficiently secure credentials, then it is not really necessary to require the user to also prove that he owns the UserId during every login. (i.e. to unlock the UserId.)
This method can only be used if the RP stores some kind of "Credential Verification Rule" (e.g. a public key, password, etc.) for the user. This method also requires the user to store a Credential Source for the RP in his Login Manager. (A password or private key, etc.)
The RP should use the active credentials stored at the RP AND the Locked Id proof of ownership. This process will prove that the user "owns" the UserId.
Creates a new User Login at a website. This registers the current user of the RP. It assigns him a UserId and some type of login secrets. (i.e. Some Credential Verification Rules. A public/private key or "username and password", etc.) Creating a User Login will allow the RP website to be able to identify the same user in the future.
A User Login is not the same thing as an "account". This is because RPs may allow Account Sharing. That is, for multiple users to share the same account. Each user would get their own "user login", they would get their own UserId and password or public key, etc. but they would share a single "service account". Because of this, creating a new user login DOES NOT have to also create a new "service account" at the RP. Some RPs may require an additional step to "create an account". Normally, both the "user login" and the "service account" are created together. However, some times a user may not want to create their own account, they may want to "be added to a friend's existing account" instead. For this reason, there is an only_register option to specifically inform the RP to only "register" the user, and not to create a service account. (An RP may split the account creation process into two steps, so this flag may not be needed.)
Users create a new User Login at an RP in order to... be able to login again later. (1) Have a way to identify themselves to the RP (i.e. with a UserId) and (2) be able to prove that they are who they claim to be. (i.e. authenticate themselves to the RP.)
The user's browser creates a opId="registerUserLogin" RML Request, includes some public key(s) etc. and sends it to the RP. The RP then sends a RML Response back to the browser, with acknowledgment of user registration, or an error. The default behavior is for the RP website to include in the response the new assignedUserId that it has assigned to the user. However, some RP may allow users to choose their own UserId.
If a Locked Id is specified when creating a User Login, there is an extra step. The RP MUST VERIFY that the user can unlock the Locked Id before the RP can use it to create a User Login. An RP MUST NOT register a Locked Id to any of its users, unless the user can unlock the ID. Because that would allow someone who does not own the Multi-site UserId to create a login using the UserId. (This is a security risk)
An RP SHOULD NOT automatically create a user_login for a UserId in response to a opId="login" RML Request. For example, if a user attempts to login with a Locked Id, and the RP verifies the user unlocked the UserId, but the RP does not have a record of a user_login for that UserId, the RP MUST NOT automatically create a user_login for the current user. Instead, the RP must CONFIRM that the user wants to create a new user_login. This will prevent User Login creation due to user error. It is easy for a user to make a mistake, and accidentally select the wrong User Login to log in to an RP with. The user may already have an account at the RP, but with a different UserId. Or the user may want to change his existing account. For example, the user may want to change the account in order to allow the new UserId to access it. Because the RP does not know the user's intentions, automatically creating a new user_login would be a problem.
The RP may allow users to CHOOSE THEIR OWN UserId. The RP may provide the user with a list of suggested Single-site UserId. Or it may do something more creative and perform a dynamic lookup of what suggestion the user types in. Regardless, when the user activates the opId="registerUserLogin", the RML FiskTrigger.ulCreationCfg will contain the chosen UserId.
let jws_certificate = {
"payload": BASE64URL(UTF8(payload_unencoded)),
"signatures": [{
"protected": "eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiJ9",
// protected_header = {"alg":"RS256", "sct":192}
"header": {
"alg": "RS256",
"kid": "bf4a76332a6c8370f48", // "kid" is REQUIRED. ID of the issuer key.
// "csvm": "OIDCD" // Get the sig verification key from the issuer via "OIDCD", etc.
"csvm": "idr_keystore" // Get the sig verification key from an "identity registrar keystore".
"signature": "DtEhU3ljbEg8L38VWAfUAqOyKAM6-Xx-F4Ga"
When creating a User Login at an RP, a user must do a few things. In order to be able to login again later. (1) Have a way to identify themselves to the RP (i.e. with a UserId) and (2) be able to prove that they are who they claim to be. (i.e. authenticate themselves to the RP.)
Ways to create a UserId.
The RP assigns a UserId.
The RP provides a list of User Login creation options. (The user chooses from several options.)
The RP makes suggestions. (i.e. interactivity between the user and the RP.)
The user requests a UserId. The RP may approve the request.
Usually, the RP publishes some list of requirements for the identifier. For example: The UserId must be "unused". There is a limited character set to choose from. There is a maximum length, etc. Limited interactivity (negotiation) with the RP is necessary, to find out if a desired UserId is already in use.
It is a universally unique UserId, that is guaranteed to be "unused". (Because the UserId is RESERVED. The RP must not register it to a user, unless the user can unlock the ID. i.e. Prove he owns it.) Note: Multi-site UserIds may use some characters that are not available to "Single-site UserIds". Or may start with a unique prefix. (i.e. "qis:A:H:", "qis:A:F1:") See QIF UserId format.
Options 1, 2 and 3 are "Single-site UserIds". Because they only have meaning at that single RP.
Send the CVRs to the RP upon User Login creation. (i.e. password and/or public key, etc.) The RP will store the CVR associated with the UserId. It uses the CVR to authenticate the user on subsequent logins.
Do not send any CVR to the RP on User Login creation. Or, the RP does not store any CVR. For a time, the RP relies exclusively on external forces to authenticate the user. This requires a Locked Id. (It requires more than a "Single-site UserId", because there is no password.) The RP can rely exclusively on the user's MSUID (on the CVR in the MSUID), a federated MSUID. etc.
The RP can also allow users to update the Credential Verification Rule that it stores for them. So both of the above cases are not permanent, and can be modified over time.
There must be some way of telling if an account already exists for the supplied username or MSUID.
One way to do this is that the RP can require a "register-MSUID" package (i.e. a User Login creation) (the package contains a public key and username) sent with a form submission. (The form submission can include user name, email address, etc.)
When creating an account, the RP might allow additional Credential Verification Rule (i.e. public keys) to be set. (2nd factor authentication) The public keys can be sent to the RP in an additional RML The keys can be in JWK format. When logging into an RP, the second signature can be sent to the RP in this second property. See "req_factor2".
A simple way for a user to create a User Login at an RP. The user provides a Locked Id and proof of ownership of the UserId. This skips the hardest part of traditional User Login creation, having the user find (and remember) an unused Single-site UserId.
The user performs some interactive process with the RP to negotiate a new Single-site UserId. This is only used when the user has NOT provided a Locked Id. And there is no UserId certificate.
A FiskProfile is a Service Configuration Profile. (Service Order Configuration Settings) Pronounced "Sock Profile". It is a JSON object that contains a set of ConfigSettings that describe a Remote Service. It can include capabilities, requirements, service options, and how the Remote Service is to be called. FiskProfile objects are usually defined together in a FiskCatalog. (In the serviceProfileList property.)
Browsers use the FiskProfile objects to understand what types of services the RP provides/supports. A FiskProfile contains: (1) The id of the service. (2) The protocolUsed. (3) The endpointBlock URI. (i.e. What URI the browser should send the Service Request to.) (4) The other features that the service supports.
See the RML FiskProfile. (The Capis FiskProfile objects may use JSON Web FiskProfile Format. JWSD)
A RML FiskProfile specifies the capabilities and requirements of an RP's "User Authentication service". It is one type of "Remote Service" and uses a custom "FiskProfile". (Currently the specification is "remereSdSpec 0.1")
"id": "remere_1",
"protocolUsed": "remere",
// Lists what Webauthn credential creation options the RP supports.
"userLoginCreationOptions": {
"publicKey": {
// "Note that both the 'rp' and 'user' properties of Webauthn have been moved.",
// "The 'rp' property was MOVED up a level. The 'user' property MOVED to 'rml.FiskProfile.user_info'.",
// "pubKeyCredParams is an array of type PublicKeyCredentialParameters. The order is important.",
// "This Relying Party will accept either an ES256 or RS256 credential, but prefers an ES256 credential.",
// "COSE_alg is a COSEAlgorithmIdentifier",
// "-7 is the value for ES256. As registered in the IANA COSE Algorithms registry",
// "-257 is the value for RS256. As registered by the WebAuthn specification",
"pubKeyCredParams": [ // Each item is a pubKeyCred.
{ "type":"public-key", "alg_COSE": -7 },
{ "type":"public-key", "alg_COSE": -257 }
"timeout": 60000,
"excludeCredentials": [],
"extensions": {"loc": true},
"attestation": "none",
"authenticatorSelection": {
"authenticatorAttachment": "platform",
"residentKey": "required",
"requireResidentKey": false,
"userVerification": "preferred"
// Lists what Webauthn credential request options the RP supports.
"userLoginProofOptions": {
publicKey": {
// "allowCredentials is an array of type PublicKeyCredentialDescriptor.",
// "The id fields in allowCredentials, will be automatically converted into a Uint8Array.",
// "id conversion is: Uint8Array.from(window.atob(id), c=>c.charCodeAt(0))",
"timeout": 60000,
"allowCredentials": [
{ "type":"public-key" },
{ "type":"public-key", "id":"!!!!!!!hi there!!!!!!!\n" },
{ "type":"public-key", "id":"roses are red, violets are blue\n" },
{ "type":"public-key", "transports": [] }
"userVerification": "preferred",
"extensions": {
"txAuthSimple": "Wave your hands in the air like you just don't care",
"webauthnExample_foobar": 42
This protocol does not provide an attestation mechanism which allows RPs to identify the class of device and either accept it or not depending on the particular site's policy. Instead of telling the RP about the device, the RP publishes the class of device it accepts. "supported_device_type".
Type string;Default value: "protocol_n" Example: "remere_1"
Specifies the id of the service. If the "id" is not specified, then a value is automatically assigned. The default value is of the format "protocol_n". Example: "remere_1" The "protocol" is the value of the "protocolUsed" property in the FiskProfile. The "n" is the index of the FiskProfile in the serviceProfileList array. (Starts with 1.) (Note: If the protocol is not specified, the id will be set to "service_n". However, if the protocol is not specified, then the FiskProfile is invalid.)
Specifies the name and version of the "FiskProfile Specification" that the FiskProfile is written in. If there is no sdSpec specified, then the default sdSpec for the protocolUsed is used.
Different services can use different FiskProfile Specifications. They can define different properties, use different protocols, etc. Even though all the services are offered by the same RP.
Specifies the name and version of the specification that the RP used to write the FiskProfile. (A FiskProfile is used inside of a FiskOffer in the HTML page.) Note the difference between a sdSpec and a FiskOffersgSpec.
All the property names and values the RP uses in a FiskProfile (in the HTML page, etc.) are defined by the "sdSpec" that the RP uses. With a few exceptions. There are a few Configuration Settings in a FiskOffer which are independent of the sdSpec, as they are used before the FiskCatalog is retrieved. They are the serviceCatalogUri and similar properties.
An "endpointBlock" object contains settings for the RP endpoint. An endpoint can be either a single item, or one of the items in the "endpointList" array. (If there is both an "endpointBlock" and an "endpointList" property, the "endpointList" is used.)
Endpoints typically receive HTTP POST requests and return an HTTP response. The response typically contains a single JSON object, a JSON document, that contains either return values (such as a success code) or an error object. That describes an error. For example, see RML Response Detail.
Type Array(ApiParam);Default value: [{"name":"capis_request", "type":"json_object"}]
Specifies the list of parameters in the Service Request data sent to the RP. Each parameter must have a "name" and a "type".
The same parameter names are used with both HTTP GET and POST methods.
Lists the parameters that the endpoint takes, in the order it takes them. All parameters are required by default, unless otherwise noted. (i.e. "isOptional":true) Most APIs require a particular number of parameters, in a particular order. The end parameters may be set as optional.
Example GET URI:"JWS"%3A"xxx"%7D -- The encoded value for 'capis_request={"JWS":"xxx"}'
The parameterList is used to override the default parameterList that is used by the protocol. For example, the Remere Login protocol uses a default parameterList of [{name:"capis_request", type:"json_object"}].
The most common data type is "json_object". This means that the Protocol Handler will (attempt to) convert the parameter into a JSON object, before sending the request to the RP. The "type" value can be "string", "integer", "number" (i.e. a real_number), "boolean", "json_object", or "json_array".
Type Array(FormatRec);Default value: ["remereRequestFormat 0.1"]
Specifies the list of request formats supported by the RP. In the order of priority. The name and version of the request format desired by the RP.
The default value of ["remereRequestFormat 0.1"] is usually correct. Whatever format the browser chooses to use, that value should be put in the RML Request.requestFormat.
Type Object;Default value: {"uriPattern": "https://$domainName/_capis/fallback/$protocolId/$opId.html"}
Specifies the fallback behavior if the browser does not support the protocol of the service. In the order of priority.
For example: If the browser does not support the "remere login" protocol, or if there is a problem using that protocol, then the backup behavior is for the browser to redirect the user to a page containing a standard login form. The default uri of the "login" page is "https://$domainName/_capis/fallback/remere/login.html".
The default value of {"uriPattern": "https://$domainName/_capis/fallback/$protocolId/$opId.html"} is usually good enough. Note that the "$domainName" "$protocolId", "$fiskProfileId" and "$opId" strings are replaced with the actual values.
This property is used to inform the user's browser of the information the RP has, that might be of help to the user. For instance, that the user supplied to the RP. The browser can add this information to its internal data stores to augment the credentials, to help the user in the future.
Example FiskCatalog.rpInfo:Example: Inside the "user_info": {} data object:
Specifies the Relying Application Id (rapId) to use. (When logging in, and when creating a new User Login.) If the rapId is not specified, the default is to use the "current domain" as the rapId. (i.e. The capId as the rapId.) A rapId is the id under which a Capis service (such as Remere Login) stores data. The RemereLogin API and the Login Manager stores the User Logins for an RP, or organization under the rapId.
A rapId is similar to a URI, however it does not have a scheme. (A scheme of "https" is assumed.) Example: "". It may or may not have a path. (A path contains a slash and a file name after the slash.) Example: "" The path may also contain additional parts, such as a GUID as a directory or file name. (Or as a field in the query string?)
The default is to use the capId as the rapId. And that capId will be the only "read-only authorized capId" and "ulCreation authorized capId". (i.e. An capId that is allowed to access the User Logins that are associated with the rapId.) However, a larger organization may set up multiple RPs to use the same rapId. (Known as SSO. Single Sign On.) Access to a rapId is validated by capId, so that only an "authorized" RP can access User Logins that use the rapId.
The LoginManager.createUserLogin(passbookId, rapId, x, y, capId) function takes the rapIdSpec as the rapId argument. The capId is used to restrict the function operation (make it not work). The Login Manager will "attach" the rapId, or index the new User Login by the rapId.
Example: rml.opId="registerUserLogin". See capIdAccessList.
An RP can set the rapIdSpec value to whatever string value it wants. However, this will cause it to not work correctly. Because the browser enforces security restrictions. The capId of the current page is passed into these functions as a security parameter.
When finding existing User Login, the browser will only add those User Logins that MATCH the rapId (and the altRapSourceList) to the result list.
When finding existing User Login, the "collectUserLogins" function searches on the rapIdBase (and the altRapSourceList). The browser will pass in the capId of the current page. (The result list of User Login can be shown to the user.) The returned list of User Login will ONLY include those User Login that regard the capId argument as "authorized". The Login Manager will MATCH the capId with those authorized by the rapId. (i.e. The Login Manager checks that the capId is authorized to use the rapId.)
Each User Login is created for, and is associated with, a single rapId. (In a Login Manager, the rapId is the "database key" that a User Login is tied to.) In a Login Manager, a set of User Login are found by searching on an rapId. (See the LoginManager.collectUserLogins function.)
By default, a User Login is only authorized to be used by a single capId. (The capId that is in the base of the rapId.) A User Login may allow additional capId to use it. (A User Login may define a list of authorized capId. See RmlFiskProfile.userLoginCreationRules.allowedRpIdRules. Possible change. The list of authorized capId may be defined by a *rapId*, not by a User Login.) Because of this, a single capId may be authorized to use a wide set of User Logins. (Every User Login that lists that capId as authorized.) At a minimum, an RP is authorized to use (at least) all the User Login that are associated with an rapId that contains its capId. (i.e. All the rapId that contain the capId of the RP.)
An RP gets to decide which rapId to use, or multiple rapId that it wants to use. (Subject to it being authorized to use that rapId.) See altRapSourceList.
An capId is used to address a "proof of identity"
A "proof-of-identity" MUST be addressed to a capId, or it is not valid. The "audience" field in a RML Request must contain the capId of the RP. If an RP receives a proof of identity with an "aud" value that does not match itself, then the proof is invalid, and the RP MUST NOT accept it. (i.e. an RP may only use a proof that is addressed correctly.) Same with the "rapIdUsed" field. It must contain a known rapId. This is another way that prevents a "proof of identity" from being reused. (The other is the challengeKey.) A generated proof cannot be used to login to any RP other than the one for which it was created. Note that using a non-standard "serviceCatalogUri" may require that the "audience" in the "proof of identity" be changed too. See the FiskCatalog FiskProfile.rapIdSpec property.
What does a rapId do?
A rapId is used in two ways. (1) To create a new User Login. (2) To find existing User Login. (to login, etc.). (i.e. rml.opId "login".)
The RP gets to choose what rapId to use during both scenarios. During user login creation and use. It can choose either a rapId that matches the RP domain name, or one that is a parent domain of it.
For example, if a user login was created using the rapId "", and then the user tried to login at "", the user login for "" would NOT be visible. However, if the website at "" forced the use of the rapId "" (not ""), for "create" (so that it was used for both "create" and "use" scenarios), then the user would be able to use the same user login at both URLs.
This has both good points and bad points. A good point is that a domain (i.e. "") cannot read the User Logins for any sub-domain. Another good point is that a sub-domain can force the *creation* of a user login using a parent domain. A bad point is that a sub-domain can *read* (i.e. access) all the User Logins for all parent domains. Another bad point, if the website initially used a sub-domain, and then wants to change to use a parent domain, that is impossible.
Webauthn --- Note: capId represents the caller’s RP ID. The RP ID defaults to being the caller’s origin's effective domain unless the caller has explicitly set opArgs.capId or FiskProfile.capId when calling get().
The default value
The default value for a rapId is simply the capId of the current page. It is the RP's domain name, without any scheme, port number or path component. (A rapId may include a path component, but the default value has none.) Example: If the current page is "", then the default value of rapId is "".
When creating a User Login, the rapIdSpec value must be based on the web site's origin. (The rapId must start with the capId.) All the RP can do is make the rapIdSpec less specific. For example, if a web site is served on "", the RP can set its rapIdSpec to be "" or "". This makes the rapIdSpec LESS specific than the default. This will cause, during User Login creation, the new User Login be tied to the LESS specific domain. (That might mean that the User Login can be accessed by capId with different sub-domains, like "".)
Alternate. The rapIdSpec may denote a JSON file. If it does, then in order to create a User Login, the file is retrieved (via HTTPS). (In this case, the URI is unrestricted and may be at any domain name. i.e. The rapIdSpec does not have to start with the capId of the current page.) The JSON file may contain a list of ulCreation authorized capId. i.e. A list of capId that are allowed to CREATE new User Logins using that rapId. (i.e. a "capIdAccessList") If the capId of the current page is authorized by the list, then it is allowed to create a new User Login. The file may also contain a list of capId that are allowed to FIND and use those User Logins created with the rapIdSpec. (i.e. a RmlFiskProfile.userLoginCreationRules.capAccessList) In this case, that list is made the authorized capId list. Similar to RmlFiskProfile.userLoginCreationRules.allowedRpIdRules.
When creating a new User Login.
The RP may specify a rapIdSpec value that is different from the default. It will work as long as the new rapId value starts with a registrable domain suffix of, or is equal to, the caller’s origin's effective domain. (The rapId value before the path component is restricted in this manner.)
When finding existing User Login.
If rapIdSpec is not present, then set rapIdSpec to effectiveDomain. (i.e. the capId of the RP.) Otherwise:
If the domain name in rapId (before the slash) is not a registrable domain suffix of and is not equal to effectiveDomain, return a DOMException whose name is "SecurityError", and terminate this algorithm.
Set rapId to opArgs.rapId.
Note: the rapId before the slash represents the caller’s RP ID. The rapId specifies an attribute of the User Logins. The rapId defaults to being the caller’s origin's effective domain unless the caller has explicitly set rapId when calling remereLogin_api.performServiceOp -- and/or LoginManager.collectUserLogins().
No longer in use. This refers to an old specification used by FIDO.
Specifies one or more facets of the same application. A facet is either a domain name, sub-domain name, or an Android or iOS app key.
This specification defines a "Key Storage" system. This storage system is not part of a web browser, but is remotely accessible from a web browser, and from other applications. The system can be running on a device such as a phone and the applications may be phone applications. (Android or iOS applications.) The "Key Storage" system may be a physical device, (such as a USB stick) or it may be remote (i.e. running on an internet server). The "Key Storage" system assigns a "KeyHandle" to every key that it generates. A web browser, or other application, accesses the keys in the "Key Storage" by providing a keyHandle, and an AppID.
The "Key Storage" stores keys based on the RP. However, if that was the case, then all applications that wanted to access
If applications accessed keys with only a keyHandle, then there could be a malicious app, installed on the device (on the phone or desktop computer) that can bypass the security. It can try every possible keyHandle, in order to steal every key. Because of this, having only a keyHandle is too little security. Instead, an application must PROVE that it is allowed to access the "Key Storage" system for the desired keyHandle. If applications accessed keys by providing both a keyHandle and an RP identification string.
An appId value allows each of the specified facets to use the same authentication. A user can use a web browser, or an app on their mobile phone, and use the same credential to authenticate themselves to the application. The same username and public key, etc. Without an appId, each different application would have to have its own method of authentication. (A different username and password for each web browser, and for each mobile phone app.)
Most of the time, an appId is not needed.
The default is for the appId to be missing from the FiskCatalog entirely. In this case, the browser uses a "default value" for the appId. This consists of the
The specification must not allow one RP to access the credentials of another RP.
What set of Web origins and native applications (facets) make up a single logical application and how can they be reliably identified?
How can we avoid making the user register a new key for each web browser or application on their device that accesses services controlled by the same target entity?
How can access to registered keys be shared without violating the security guarantees around application isolation and protection from malicious code that users expect on their devices?
How can a user roam credentials between multiple devices, each with a user-friendly Trusted Computing Base for FIDO?
Default is the page origin. Example: ""
The appId, if it exists, must be a JSON object that lists the facets of the application.
The appId document must be retrieved using an anonymous fetch. That is, the HTTP GET used to retrieve the document MUST not have any cookies, authentication, Origin or Referrer headers, and must not use any TLS certificates or other credentials. The response delivering the document MUST have a MIME Content-Type of "application/json".
The appId only needs to be specified if the application can be reached through multiple urls and/or mobile.
If connecting to the app on a different url, but it has the same app-id,
it instructs the browser (or app) to use the same proof (use the same private key on both urls).
Without the app-id, accessing the service via different means would use different private keys.
See App ID and FIDO Alliance Specification .
For a web address: "" // No path or trailing slash.
For android: "android:apk-key-hash: [hash-of-apk-signing-cert]"
The list of "Foreign User Login Service Apps" (foreign rapId) supported by the RP. That is, the list of Foreign RP from which the RP is willing and able to use a Login Item to authenticate the user.
This option allows the RP to receive and process User Login information that belongs to the listed Foreign RP. That is, the RP can use User Logins that belong to the Foreign RP website. (Those User Logins that are normally used to login the user to the foreign website.)
This option is for websites that want to use the User Login created by a different website. (i.e. To share login credentials.) To allow the user to login to the RP website with the username and credentials for a different website. For example, a set of websites may only have one username and set of credentials for a user. (All are shared for the websites in the group). This is also useful if a website changes its domain name. The new website can continue to use the same logins as the old website.
Contains two lists. (1) "altRapSourceList" is other RP that are alternate sources for credentials. (2) RmlFiskProfile.userLoginCreationRules.allowedRpIdRules contains Foreign RP that are allowed to use this RP's credentials.
Contains the Foreign RP access rules. The list of cap groups that are allowed to access the rapIdSpec. (i.e. A UserLogin that uses the rapId specified in the rapIdSpec.)
The list of Foreign RP that this RP allows its User Logins to be shared with. This authorizes the Foreign RP to use Logins from this RP as a "Foreign Login Source".
The Foreign RP must also list this RP as one of the "supported Foreign Login Source". So that it can ask its users to login using logins from this RP. See altRapSourceList.
The "capAccessList" option is for websites that want to share this RP's login credentials with other websites. This will allow a user to login to OTHER websites with the username and credentials for THIS RP.
Contains a list. (2) Other rp that are allowed to use this rp's credentials.
The RmlFiskProfile.userLoginCreationRules value is an object. The object can have the "userIdGenMethods" property. The "st1" value means "server timestamp format #1". The "ct1" value means "client timestamp values format #1"
With this configuration option, the RP can provide help to the user when choosing a Single-site UserId, or validate the UserId, before the browser sends the "authentication request" to the RP.
An "identifier type" can be either one of the defined values (i.e. "single_site_userId"), or it can be a QIF type specifier. (i.e. contain the text "qis:", a namespace and type.) For example, either "single_site_userId" or "qis:A:H:9:ri", etc. An RP can choose to trust only QIF identifiers with a particular namespace. Or it can only trust those in a namespace that also have a certain subtype (such as "qis:A:H:9:ri"), etc.
The "single_site_userId" value means that the RP MUST be capable of storing some sort of Credential Verification Rule for the users. (a password, or public key, etc.) When the RP receives the "proof of identity", it will validate the proof using the Credential Verification Rule stored for the claimed UserId.
The "rpMatch" is the list of Foreign RP that this RP allows its User Logins to be shared with. This authorizes the Foreign RP to use Logins from this RP as a "Foreign Login Source".
The Foreign RP must also list this RP as one of the "supported Foreign Login Source". So that it can ask its users to login using logins from this RP. See altRapSourceList.
The "allowedRpIdRules" option is for websites that want to share this RP's login credentials with other websites. This will allow a user to login to OTHER websites with the username and credentials for THIS RP.
Contains a list. (2) Other rp that are allowed to use this rp's credentials.
The list of Foreign RP that this RP allows its User Logins to be shared with. This authorizes the Foreign RP to use Logins from this RP as a "Foreign Login Source".
The Foreign RP must also list this RP as one of the "supported Foreign Login Source". So that it can ask its users to login using logins from this RP. See altRapSourceList.
The "capAccessList" option is for websites that want to share this RP's login credentials with other websites. This will allow a user to login to OTHER websites with the username and credentials for THIS RP.
Contains a list. (2) Other rp that are allowed to use this rp's credentials.
The list of capId that are allowed to create a new User Login. (Using the rapIdSpec as the rapId.) These are ulCreation authorized capId. (for User Login creation)
If the userLoginCreationRules.capIdAccessList is not specified (or is empty) then the default rules of rapIdSpec apply. (Only the capId that the rapIdSpec starts with is authorized. Or, if the rapIdSpec is a JSON file, then it can contain the userLoginCreationRules.capIdAccessList.)
Valid values are "basic1", "basic2". (These include "OIDCD" and "BrowserID".)
TODO MAY_BE_REMOVED (X.509 certificate chain and thumbprints, JSON web key and url, etc.)
Prefix an entry with "-" (minus sign, dash) to drop support for it. Example: "supported.uic.csvm": ["basic2","-basic1"]
Valid properties are "size".
An RP can declare it does NOT support storing any public keys for the user by either setting "size": "0" or setting "pubkey":{}.
Valid property names are whatever types are defined in "credentialReg". Examples are: "pubkey1", "password1", "federated1".
Tells the browser what the RP requires that the "proof of identity" contain. A common "required" Credential Verification Rule (CVR) is a public key. A "supported public-key" CVR means that the RP must be able to store a "public key" for each of its users. (Should a user choose to sign-in with a public key.) Being a "required" CVR means that the RP requires the user to send a digital signature signed by the private key. (Provides additional security.)
Specifies the types of 2nd factor authentication that are supported.
If the attribute is omitted, no 2nd factor is supported.
The most common value is "JWT".
Used to support a 2nd authentication form.
Tells the browser to submit a second JWT, signed by the user's private key for the RP.
Specifies the type of 2nd factor authentication required.
If the attribute is omitted, no 2nd factor is required.
The most common value is "JWT".
Used to require a 2nd authentication form.
Tells the browser to submit a second JWT, signed by the user's private key for the RP.
Type Object;Required. (A value must be specified.)
Specifies the RP requirements for User Logins. Including creating, assigning and activating credentials. i.e. This lists the RP requirements for creating and modifying a User Login.
An array of ulAuthProfile objects. Each ulAuthProfile object details the requirements for authenticating a user.
The credentialInfoList contains credentialInfo items. These items can have a "type" that is one of "public-key", "password", "federated", or "module". The "module" value means that the credentialInfo definition exists in a different place, in the credentialInfoModules.
A Login Credential Profile object. Each ulAuthProfile object details the requirements for authenticating a user. Each ulAuthProfile contains a set of required credentials. If a user chooses the ulAuthProfile, then they have to create and use that specified set of credentials in order to login.
"id": "remere_1",
"protocolUsed": "webauthn",
"userLoginCreationOptions": {
"publicKey": {
"comment_0a": "Note that both the 'rp' and 'user' properties of Webauthn have been moved.",
"comment_0b": "The 'rp' property was MOVED to FiskOffer.'rpInfo'. The 'user' property MOVED to the 'serviceofferdata' HTML attribute.",
"comment_1": "rp is of type PublicKeyCredentialRpEntity (Relying Party)",
"comment_2": "user is of type PublicKeyCredentialUserEntity",
"comment_2b": "The id field in user, will be automatically converted into a Uint8Array.",
"comment_2c": "id conversion is: Uint8Array.from(window.atob(id), c=>c.charCodeAt(0))",
"comment_3": "pubKeyCredParams is an array of type PublicKeyCredentialParameters. The order is important.",
"comment_3b": "This Relying Party will accept either an ES256 or RS256 credential, but prefers an ES256 credential.",
"comment_3bb": "COSE_alg is a COSEAlgorithmIdentifier",
"comment_3c": "-7 is the value for ES256. As registered in the IANA COSE Algorithms registry",
"comment_3d": "-257 is the value for RS256. As registered by the WebAuthn specification",
"comment_4": "timeout is of type unsigned long. 60000 milliseconds = 1 minute",
"comment_5": "excludeCredentials is an array of type PublicKeyCredentialDescriptor",
"comment_5b": "In this example, there is No exclude list of PKCredDescriptors",
"comment_6": "extensions is of type UserAuthenticationExtensionsClientInputs",
"comment_6b": "An extension of {loc:true} means Include location information in attestation.",
"comment_7": "attestation is of type AttestationConveyancePreference. values are none, direct, indirect",
"comment_8": "authenticatorSelection is of type UserAuthenticatorSelectionCriteria",
"challenge_MOVED": "challenge property was moved to FiskOffer.challengeKey.",
"challenge_old": "WwdPrNbUcI1034qZ9LYks32ZPezDLZSieFI9f6NaZZs",
"rp_MOVED": {
"comment_1": "rp property was moved to FiskCatalog.rpInfo.",
"name": "ACME Corporation",
"icon": "",
"id": ""
"user_MOVED": { "comment_1": "user property was moved. renamed to userCreation." },
"userCreation": {
"id_comment": "id is of type BufferSource. id will be converted. Uint8Array.from(window.atob(id), c=>c.charCodeAt(0))",
"name": "",
"userDisplayName": "Alex P. Müller",
"icon": ""
"pubKeyCredParams": [ // Each item is a pubKeyCred.
"type": "public-key",
"alg_COSE": -7
"type": "public-key",
"alg_COSE": -257
"timeout": 60000,
"excludeCredentials": [],
"extensions": {"loc": true},
"attestation": "none",
"authenticatorSelection": {
"authenticatorAttachment": "platform",
"residentKey": "required",
"requireResidentKey": false,
"userVerification": "preferred"
"userLoginProofOptions": {
"publicKey": {
"challenge_MOVED": "challenge property was moved to FiskOffer.challengeKey.",
"challenge_old": "WwdPrNbUcI1034qZ9LYks32ZPezDLZSieFI9f6NaZZs",
"rpId_MOVED": "rpId property was moved to FiskProfile.rapIdSpec. Or to FiskCatalog.rpInfo.",
"rpId_old": "",
"timeout": 60000,
"allowCredentials": [
{ "type":"public-key" },
{ "type":"public-key", "id":"!!!!!!!hi there!!!!!!!\n" },
{ "type":"public-key", "id":"roses are red, violets are blue\n" },
{ "type":"public-key", "transports": [] }
"userVerification": "preferred",
"extensions": {
"txAuthSimple": "Wave your hands in the air like you just don’t care",
"webauthnExample_foobar": 42
Lists the ConfigSettings for creating a credential assertion.
"comment_1": "capId is of type USVString",
"comment_2": "timeout is of type unsigned long. 60000 milliseconds = 1 minute",
"comment_3": "allowCredentials is an array of type PublicKeyCredentialDescriptor.",
"comment_3b": "The id fields in allowCredentials, will be automatically converted into a Uint8Array.",
"comment_3c": "id conversion is: Uint8Array.from(window.atob(id), c=>c.charCodeAt(0))",
"comment_3d": "allowCredentials item, transports values are usb, nfc, ble",
"comment_3e": "allowCredentials item can omit the id field? Example 8 in webauthn",
"comment_5": "userVerification is of type UserVerificationRequirement",
"comment_6": "extensions is of type UserAuthenticationExtensionsClientInputs",
"id": "remere_1",
"protocolUsed": "webauthn",
"userLoginProofOptions": {
"publicKey": {
"challenge_MOVED": "challenge property was moved to FiskOffer.challengeKey.",
"challenge_old": "WwdPrNbUcI1034qZ9LYks32ZPezDLZSieFI9f6NaZZs",
"rpId_MOVED": "rpId property was moved to FiskProfile.rapIdSpec. Or to FiskCatalog.rpInfo.",
"rpId_old": "",
"timeout": 60000,
"allowCredentials": [
{ "type":"public-key" },
{ "type":"public-key", "id":"!!!!!!!hi there!!!!!!!\n" },
{ "type":"public-key", "id":"roses are red, violets are blue\n" },
{ "type":"public-key", "transports": [] }
"userVerification": "preferred",
"extensions": {
"txAuthSimple": "Wave your hands in the air like you just don’t care",
"webauthnExample_foobar": 42
Lists the ConfigSettings for creating a credential assertion.
"comment_1": "capId is of type USVString",
"comment_2": "timeout is of type unsigned long. 60000 milliseconds = 1 minute",
"comment_3": "allowCredentials is an array of type PublicKeyCredentialDescriptor.",
"comment_3b": "The id fields in allowCredentials, will be automatically converted into a Uint8Array.",
"comment_3c": "id conversion is: Uint8Array.from(window.atob(id), c=>c.charCodeAt(0))",
"comment_3d": "allowCredentials item, transports values are usb, nfc, ble",
"comment_3e": "allowCredentials item can omit the id field? Example 8 in webauthn",
"comment_5": "userVerification is of type UserVerificationRequirement",
"comment_6": "extensions is of type UserAuthenticationExtensionsClientInputs",
"id": "remere_1",
"protocolUsed": "webauthn",
"userLoginProofOptions": {
"publicKey": {
"challenge_MOVED": "challenge property was moved to FiskOffer.challengeKey.",
"challenge_old": "WwdPrNbUcI1034qZ9LYks32ZPezDLZSieFI9f6NaZZs",
"rpId_MOVED": "rpId property was moved to FiskProfile.rapIdSpec. Or to FiskCatalog.rpInfo.",
"rpId_old": "",
"timeout": 60000,
"allowCredentials": [
{ "type":"public-key" },
{ "type":"public-key", "id":"!!!!!!!hi there!!!!!!!\n" },
{ "type":"public-key", "id":"roses are red, violets are blue\n" },
{ "type":"public-key", "transports": [] }
"userVerification": "preferred",
"extensions": {
"txAuthSimple": "Wave your hands in the air like you just don’t care",
"webauthnExample_foobar": 42
RML Request Detail
The Remere Login Service Request (RML Request) is a communication from the browser to the Service Endpoint. It asks the RP to perform a user authentication service, such as "login", and it contains all the data needed for that purpose. It is a type of Service Request. It consists of a single JSON object. The JSON contains a JSON Web Signature. The RP will send a RML Response in response to the request.
In general, the RML Request is used to transmit a "proof of identity", along with any other necessary data, to the RP. Using a JWS allows all the data to be cryptographically signed, with multiple signatures. The signatures can be verified by the RP. The payload of the JWS is used to store all the custom information. The payload values include a requested user authentication command (i.e. the opIdReq). The opIdReq value should contain a opId that is one of the RML Operation List. (i.e. "login", "registerUserLogin", "setActiveCredentials" etc.)
The browser sends the RML Request to the "Service Endpoint" in whatever manner the RP designated in its RML FiskProfile. (i.e. In the a FiskOffer, such as in the FiskCatalog.) Usually the method is an HTTP POST. (As a special case, if the ServiceTrigger HTML Element that activated Capis is a form, and Capis is configured to send an HTTP POST, then the browser will send the service request as a special HTTP parameter *in addition to* any regular form data. The default name of the HTTP parameter is capis_request.)
req_factor2 // Contains the 2nd factor authentication. The public key list.
Possible future additions
* req_auth_id // A string containing the unique identifier of the identity.
* _auth_jwt // A string containing a JWT.
* _auth_jwt2 // A second string containing a JWT. (used by opId="grantAccess")
* _auth_x5c // A string containing an X.509 Certificate Chain
* _auth_x5c2 // A second X.509 Certificate Chain. (used by opId="grantAccess".)
(Example: basic1)
The JWS property contains a "JSON Web Signature" type of request. This is only one of the possible types of requests. Other types can be created in the future. JWE, etc. This allows the spec to be extended in the future. (For extensibility.)
Contains the Key ID. Uniquely identifies the key for the User Login.
Key Id value: userIdPK[:n]
The string "userIdPK[:n]" can be used as the "kid" value in signature headers in the RML Request. (Where 'n' is an integer from 1 to 100.) If it is used as the "kid" value, it notifies the RP that the signature was not created by a regular credential. Instead, the signature must be verified using the sig verification key of the public key encoded inside the "UserId". (i.e. In the "payload"."uid" value.)
Key Id value: certPK:n
The string "certPK:n" can be used as the "kid" value in signature headers in the RML Request. (Where 'n' is an integer from 1 to 100.) If it is used as the "kid" value, it notifies the RP that the signature was not created by a regular credential. Instead, the signature must be verified using the sig verification key of the public key with the specified number from the UserId certificate.
The string "userIdF" can be used as the "vkm" value in signature headers in the RML Request. If it is used as the "vkm" value, it notifies the RP that the signature was not created by a regular credential. Instead, the signature must be verified using the sig verification key of the public key encoded inside the "UserId". (i.e. In the "payload"."uid" value.)
Ver Key Method value: certificateF
The string "certificateF" can be used as the "vkm" value in signature headers in the RML Request. If it is used as the "vkm" value, it notifies the RP that the signature was not created by a regular credential. Instead, the signature must be verified using the sig verification key of the public key with the specified number from the UserId certificate.
Type Array();Required. (A value must be specified.)
An array of signatureInfo objects. An array of signatures inside a JWS (JSON Web Signature). These signatures are created by signing the payload with a set of private keys. The signatures are given to the RP in order to authenticate the JWS to the RP. When a RML Request is composed of a JWS, the signatures will thereby authenticate the service request. A JWS supports multiple signatures. Therefore, a JWS service request is capable of Multi-Credential Authentication and Multi-Factor Authentication. (Each signature is proof of a different Credential Verification Rule. Each CVR may be a different factor.)
The Capis specification requires that each signature, except for one (for the "UserId"), MUST match a Credential Verification Rule that the RP stores for the UserId. Each signature MUST have a "kid" value (in the header section) that is the "Credential Verification Rule id" stored by the RP. (There may be less signatures than the number of CVR at the RP. The RP may have some CVR be optional, etc.)
There can be only one signature that does not directly represent a CVR stored at the RP. This is the signature from the UserId private key. The UserId private key signature will be always marked with a special "kid" value. ("kid": "userIdPK") The UserId private key signature is optional. (The RP may or may not require that user authentication requests be signed by it.) (This is for the case when the UserId contains or represents a public key. The UserId private key is the private key corresponding to the public one inside, or represented by, the UserId.)
Type string;Required. (A value must be specified.)
The protocol of the operation to be performed by the RP. It is usually copied from the FiskTrigger.protocolId property. (In the "servicetriggerdata" attribute.)
Type string;Required. (A value must be specified.)
Specifies the Relying Application Id (rapId) that the selected User Login is registered to. This is usually what website the User Login was registered to.
The rapIdUsed is always always equal to the FiskProfile.rapIdSpec. The exception is when the user selects a foreignRapId User Login to use (i.e. to login with).
Specifies how the request wants the RP to authenticate the user. (If it should require that "ownership" of the MSUID be verified. i.e. With a UserId certificate.)
Type string;Required. (A value must be specified.)
A "cryptographic nonce" value. base64url encoded. It is a value generated by, and passed back to, the RP. In order to prevent cross site scripting attacks. (CSS attacks) Copied from the config "challengeKey" option.
Type string;Required. (A value must be specified.)
The timestamp when the challengeKey was issued. It is a value generated by, and passed back to, the RP. In order to prevent cross site scripting attacks. (CSS attacks)
Type Object;Required. (A value must be specified.)
The claimed UserId.
This is not the actual UserId, but a temporary UserId, used only in the current session. The actual UserId is kept secret from the browser. It is encrypted and sent to the RP in an encrypted form in the "login" request. (etc.)
The encrypted UserId and the sessionUserId are extra features to protect User Privacy. They both hide the real UserId from the browser. So that the user can use any browser and the UserId for all RP websites will remain secret from the browser.
The encrypted UserId is used when the browser is not logged into the RP website. In this case, the browser must send to the RP a secret, encrypted UserId. The UserId can be encrypted using the HTTP session encryption key or with the RP website HTTPS key.
If the browser is already logged into the RP website, then the browser does NOT send the encrypted UserId to the RP. In this case, it must send the sessionUserId instead. The sessionUserId is a temporary value the RP creates to "stand-in" for the real UserId.
The UserId session key. The value from sessionUserId.
The encrypted UserId and the "UserId session key" are extra features to protect User Privacy. They both hide the real UserId from the browser. So that the user can use any browser and the UserId for all RP websites will remain secret from the browser.
The encrypted UserId is used when the browser is not logged into the RP website. In this case, the browser must send to the RP a secret, encrypted UserId. The UserId can be encrypted using the HTTP session encryption key or with the RP website HTTPS key.
If the browser is already logged into the RP website, then the browser does NOT send the encrypted UserId to the RP. In this case, it must send the sessionUserId instead. The sessionUserId is a temporary value the RP creates to "stand-in" for the real UserId.
A raw UserId made from a timestamp. It is used with opId="registerUserLogin" as a "service request id". The RP copies it into the response so that the browser will know what request is being responded to.
The requested username to use when creating an account.
This property is only used with one of the "Negotiated UserId" User Login Creation Method. Such as "requested2_ulc".
This property name stands for "requested username". This property value is set from the RML FiskTrigger.ulCreationCfg property. This property is what the browser (or user) asks for. This is different from the RML FiskProfile.userLoginCreationRules, which contains the rules, and the default userId value that the RP provides.
A JSON object containing an array of certificates. Each certificate is a JSON object.
(Note: If the UserId certificate is an X.509 certificate chain, then it can be stored in the UserId Assertion JWT header (in the RML Request) as the "x5c" value. There does not have to be a separate "uid_cert_chain" property in this case.)
The UserId proof includes the "uic.ucv", "uic.format", and "uic.csvm" fields. These are part of the user_id_certificate_chain.
Contains the "UserId certificate signature verification method". This value gives the RP information about how to verify the certificate. It is usually used to tell the RP how to get the sig verification key for the certificate. (i.e. it is usually used as input to Certificate Signature Verification Protocol.) However, the RP must first know the type of the certificate, and have the ability to read it.
Type integer.Required. (A value must be specified.)
Holds the use count. Holds the number of times the User Login has been used. Should always increase. (Anti-forgery protection. Detect a cloned User Authenticator.)
The User Login use counter. Holds the number of times the User Login has been used. Should always increase. Every use of the User Login to login should increment the counter. For extra security, the RP can record the count. If any subsequent login by the User Login uses an equal or lower value, then the User Login was compromised. (Attempts to detect if the User Authenticator is duplicated. Or the security device was copied, etc.)
An array of credentialProof objects. This normally contains only proofs for credentials that are not public keys. The signatures property holds the proof for those credentials that are public keys. (If the RML Request is not represented by a JWS, then the "credentialProofList" may hold public key credentials as well.) Each "credential proof" object can be of a different type.
A single item in the credentialProofList array. Represents a Credential Proof for a credential that is not a publicKey.
Each credential proof object has an "id", a "type", a "format", and a "value". The names of these properties are "cid_p", "typ_p", "fmt_p" and "val_p". The value is a string or a JSON object of a type specified by the format value. Each credential MUST normally have a "cid_p" value, and the value MUST MATCH one of the "Credential Verification Rule id" values stored by the RP for the UserId. (There is only one exception. The "UserId" public key.)
There is one special case. One credential proof object is allowed to NOT refer to a CVR stored by the RP. In this case, the "cid_p" must be set to the special value "userIdPK". ("cid_p": "userIdPK") This marks the credential proof object as being the signature of the UserId private key. (This requires that the UserId be an encoded public key. See UserId.) Note that the UserId credential proof object is optional. An RP may or may not require it.
The RP stores "Credential Verification Rule" values for user authentication. The CVR values are given to the RP during (1) "registerUserLogin" and (2) "Set Active Credentials" operations. The RP may not require all CVR. Some stored CVR may be optional, or the RP may require only a subset. The exact configuration is up to the RP. Because some CVR may be optional, the RML Request may contain less credential proofs than the number of CVR at the RP. (The total number of credential proofs, in the cpl_list and the "signatures" array, may be less than the number of CVR stored by the RP.)
The credentialProof object also allows experiences that combine multiple authentication mechanisms such as fingerprint + PIN.
Type string;Contains base64url encoded binary data.Required. (A value must be specified.)
Specifies the value of a credentialProof in the credentialProofList array. Usually this is a JWT value. The format of the item is specified by the neighboring credentialProof.format parameter. The default credentialProof.format is "TBD-CPF".
If the CVR is a public key, then the credentialProof.value is usually a JWT, with a signature created by the private key.
Holds the 2nd factor authentication. (During User Login creation, the list of public keys. During login, the 2nd JWT.)
When creating an account, the RP might allow additional public keys to be set. (2nd factor authentication) The public keys can be sent to the RP in an additional HTTP parameter. The keys can be in JWK format.
When logging into an RP, the second signature can be sent to the RP in this second parameter. (As a JWT.)
Contains the data from the User Authenticator. Holds base64url encoded binary data.
Don't have any real idea what this should be. Look at webAuthn for ideas.
Example JSON:
dictionary ParsedAuthenticatorData {
ArrayBuffer (32 bytes) rpIdHash; // A hash of the capId string.
ArrayBuffer (1 bytes) flags;
// MOVED signCount; (Number) Moved to useCount.
// MOVED attestedCredentialData; (Object. optional) Moved to attestation_object.
extensions; (Object. optional)
It contains the list of Credential Verification Rule to be stored by the RP. (i.e. the "crList") (Each entry in the "removeList" contains two items, "cid_r" and "typ_r".) Each entry in the "crList" contains at least 4 items, "cid_r", "typ_r", "fmt_r" and "val_r". The data may be passwords or public keys, etc.
Provides a backup way to verify the user's identity. It exists in case the primary public key (in the UserId) is compromised. The public key is also used when verifying an "identity change request". When the user tries to change their identity. (The backup is also verified in case the user's primary public key has been compromised.) This backup key is given to the RP in the RML Request (that uses the opId="registerUserLogin") when creating an account at the RP. The RP should permanently keep the key. It provides an additional way to verify the user. It is only used to verify the user for a few extreme cases.
To unlock the user identity, after it has been locked.
To regain control of the account. I.e. In case the user's account or "User Authentication Device" was stolen or hacked.
When the user wants to set the UserId, he must provide an "identity change request" key. The RP must ensure that the change request is performed by the user. The request must be signed with a signature from the private key linked to the "backup_credentials".
During one of the "Set Active Credentials" commands, the user's "Login Manager" sends a list of credentialReg items (i.e. the "crList") to the RP. It can set the credentialReg."cid_r" values to whatever it likes, with the following restrictions. Each value must be unique within the scope of the crList. Limited to alpha-numeric, dash and underscore characters. (allows base64url encoding). Maximum of 16 characters. The first character must be "c".
This value is NOT supplied by the RP. It is supplied by the browser. It is used during one of the "Set Active Credentials" commands. (i.e. if opId="registerUserLogin" or "setActiveCredentials".) The RP stores the "cid_r" value, along with the actual CVR value. (The password or public key, etc.)
Holds the attestation object format from the LoginManager.
RML Response Detail
The Remere Login Service Response (RML Response) is a JSON object created by the RP, and sent to the browser, in response to a RML Request that was sent to the Service Endpoint. It consists of a single JSON object. All RML Response objects are received and processed by the browser RML implementation first, before any scripts on the HTML page. This is so that the browser will always know the current Remere Login Status at the RP.
The response JSON object can contain a success code or error, etc. If the opId sent to the RP was "registerUserLogin" then the response from the RP will contain the new assignedUserId. (Or an error.)
The "error" property contains the error code, message, etc. A json response must only have EITHER a "result" OR an "error" property. A single response cannot have both.
Type integer.Required. (A value must be specified.)
The id number of the request. The response must have the same id number as the corresponding request. The sender may use these numbers to identify the request and response.
The encrypted UserId and the UserId session key are extra features to protect User Privacy. They both hide the real UserId from the browser. So that the user can use any browser and the UserId for all RP websites will remain secret from the browser.
The sessionUserId is a temporary value the RP creates to "stand-in" for the real UserId.
The browser must remember the sessionUserId. It must send the sessionUserId as the UserId session key value when performing most actions. Example: opId="logout", "proveUserPresence", etc. If the browser is not logged into the RP website, then the browser must send to the RP an "encrypted UserId". Example: UserId using encryption method 1
RP User Authentication Process
The RP user authentication process (login process) has the following flow:
Receive an RML Request at the endpoint. (Probably via HTTP)
If an HTTP request is received at a "fallback" URL, this indicates that the browser does not support the Remere Login specification. The RP should do a fallback operation.
Extract the JSON object from the HTTP parameter. (The default name of the HTTP parameter is "capis_request".)
If the request does not contain the parameter, then the browser does not support the Capis specification. The RP should do a fallback operation, such as redirect to another login type.
Start to verify the proof of identity.
Look up the UserId in internal storage.
If there is a record for the UserId (There is an account for the UserId), then perform credential verification. If the UserId is not recognized, check if it is a Locked Id. If it is, then do NOT send a RML Response yet. The identity proof must still be verified before the appropriate error message can be determined.
For credential verification, get the set of "Credential Verification Rule" for the UserId from the RP's internal storage. (Note that this set may contain different CVR than are in the "binding document" for the UserId. Because an RP can add Credential Verification Rule.)
For credential verification, check that the identity proof meets the requirements of the internally stored CVR. If it does not, then send "invalid proof" error message.
Verify the identity proof. If it is a Locked Id then validate the UserId credential too. If all of it is NOT valid, then send an "invalid proof" error message.
If there is no account for the UserId, send "unknown identity, Please create account" message.
If the UserId is not recognized, do NOT automatically create an account for the identity. The user may have made an error, and clicked the wrong link or selected the wrong identity.
If the RP verification page receives an HTTP POST request, and the request does not contain the special HTTP parameter (Default name is "capis_request"), then the user's browser does not support the Capis specification. The browser simply followed the "href" attribute of the HTML anchor, like normal, and did not add any "_auth_" parameters. In this case, the RP should redirect the user to some other login method. It can also use the default fallback identity login path.
See Appendix D - Browser does not support Capis HTML Attributes
Alternately, it may be easier for the RP verification page to detect a GET request, and redirect on that. But this can only be done if the RP is certain that all GET requests are errors (from older browsers) and all POST requests are correct. Check that the RP does not allow GET requests (in the FiskCatalog), and check that the RP does not send form submissions to the same endpoint.
During the identity proof verification, the RP must check to see if it has a record for the given UserId. If it does have a record for the UserId, then the RP must retrieve all the Credential Verification Rule for the UserId, and the "Credential Verification Methods" for each CVR. Then use the methods to verify each Credential Verification Rule in the identity to the identity proof. If verification fails, then the RP generates and returns a verification error message. (Ex: "The provided identity proof is not valid. Please provide different proof in order to login.")
If RP does not recognize a UserId, then one of two (or more) error messages must be returned. In other words, if an account DOES NOT EXIST for the specified user id. To determine which error message to return, the token must still be validated. Only if the token is valid (and any UserId certificate is also valid), then the user has successfully unlocked the Locked Id. Then the user is who he claims to be, and has proven he owns the UserId. (The user trying to log in is therefore authorized to use the user id he claimed.) If the user is verified, then the return message will be the "unknown user" error message. (This should be "unregistered user". No account exists for this user.) The user should then be prompted to create an account, with the proven user id. (Ex: An account does not exist for that user. Click here to create an account.)
If the token is NOT valid, then the RP should send a generic authentication error message. This prevents unverified users being able to determine if an account exists for any un-owned UserId. The situation where the existence of an account connected to any user id can be queried by anyone, even if they do not own the user id.
Note that an RP SHOULD NOT automatically create an account for identities in response to a login RML Request. (When a user tries to login with an identity, the identity is VERIFIED, but the RP does not have an account for that identity.) Instead, confirmation from the user is required before User Login creation. (To prevent User Login creation due to user error. If the user accidentally selected the wrong identity to log in with, etc.)
See User Login creation and rml.opId="registerUserLogin".
If the signature is not valid, then an error message is displayed to the user.
Note that the login process does not necessarily require the server to communicate with any other website. (This is unlike Mozilla Persona, Open ID, Facebook Connect, etc.) Only if the "authentication method" is for a third party server (an identity provider, etc.) then communication must be done with a third party.
Note that the login process does not send the server (the RP) a password. The server does not store or validate passwords. It stores a public key and validates a digital signature.
The Anchor HTML Element and button HTML Elements call the activateHtmlTrigger when they are clicked. The Form HTML Elements call activateHtmlTrigger when they are submitted.
There must be a way for the library to access the user's RP credentials. The "User Logins" could be stored on the user's machine, or in the browser or at a particular website. (In cookies, in localStorage, etc. How to do this?)
OLD. There must be a way to obtain a "proof of identity". This may involve communicating with an external website. The user's IdP. There must be a standardized way of automatically communicating with the IdP.
function CAPIS_init() {
// let capisControl_api =;
// let capisControl_api = window.capisControl;
// Find all "servicetrigger" HTML elements. Hook them up. (Add an event handler)
let triggerAnchorList = window.document.querySelectorAll("a[rel=servicetrigger]");
let triggerButtonList = window.document.querySelectorAll("button[servicetriggerdata]");
let triggerFormList = window.document.querySelectorAll("form[rel=servicetrigger]");
let clickList = [];
triggerAnchorList.forEach(function (item) {clickList.push(item);})
triggerButtonList.forEach(function (item) {clickList.push(item);})
clickList.forEach((triggerEl)=> {
triggerEl.addEventListener("click", function(evt){return CAPIS_handleUserEvent(evt);});
triggerFormList.forEach((triggerEl)=> {
triggerEl.addEventListener("submit", function(evt){return CAPIS_handleUserEvent(evt);});
* Create a special "capis_stylesheet" and add it to the page head.
* The capis_stylesheet is how CAPIS automatically changes how
* certain HTML elements are displayed.
* Example: class="capisRemere-LoggedOut", class="capisRemere-LoggedIn",
* Special Case: class="capisRemere-NoSupport"
* The anchors/buttons marked with these classes are displayed or hidden.
* The "NoSupport" classes are special. They are meant to be visible ONLY
* if the browser does not support CAPIS.
* When CAPIS loads, it adds a stylesheet rule to hide the "NoSupport" class.
* Any HTML element with class="capisRemere-NoSupport" will be visible by default.
* If CAPIS did not load correctly. (i.e. If it is unsupported by the browser.)
let capis_stylesheet = document.createElement('style');
// Change the capis_stylesheet in response to CAPIS events. (Such as loginStatusChange.)
remereLogin_api.addEventListener("loginStatusChange", RemereLogin_onLoginStatusChange);
window.addEventListener("load", CAPIS_init);
RML Remote Usage. Calling the RemereLogin API functions from non-RP web pages
It can be beneficial for a browser to store direct links to an FiskCatalog. Browsers are encouraged to store opId="login" links. This way, the user does not have to load the RP website in order to look for a "setActiveCredentials" link on the RP website. The "serviceCatalogUri" in the login link is generally the same destination as a "setActiveCredentials" link. (As part of its "password manager", the browser remembers all links where the user logged in via the opId="login".) Therefore, the browser or password manager can display an option screen to the user, and it can contain generated links to RPs to change the user's public key at that RP.
An RP can request that a form be cryptographically signed by the user when it is submitted. This may help prove that the user made the submission, or agreed to the terms in the form, etc. An RP does this by setting the FiskTrigger.protocolOp property to be "remere/signForm". (Note that the FiskTrigger.protocolOp property referred to here is not the "action" attribute of the form. Instead, it is one of the FiskTrigger object inside the name="serviceofferdata" attribute.)
User authentication. Verifies who submitted the form. The User Login of the user is included in the certificate.
Proof of agreement. Verifies the user agrees with the contents. Whether it is a product or service order or a contract with terms and stipulations. A digital signature in many countries carries the same legal weight as printing the form, signing the printed paper and delivering it to the recipient.
Form snapshot
A signed form must contain much more data than a regular form submission. This data is contained in a "form snapshot". It is a JSON representation of the form.
How it works
The use of the "remere" protocol and "signForm" opId (along with the rel="servicetrigger" attribute) will cause the CapisControl.activateHtmlTrigger(formElement) function to be executed instead of the regular browser behavior when the submit button is pressed. This new function does the same as the regular behavior, validates the form as usual, fires the same events, etc. but as a last step, it causes the CapisControl.invokeServiceOp(protocolId, "signForm", opArgs, fiskProfilePath, triggerView) function to be executed, instead of submitting the form.
The RemereLogin.performServiceOp("signForm", opArgs, fiskProfilePath, triggerView) function causes a "form signature" pop-up dialog to be displayed to the user. (Instead of submitting the form.) The pop-up dialog shows a pull-down menu for the user to select which certificate (which User Login) to use to sign the form. There is also an option to create or import a User Login. After the User Login is selected, the CapisControl.createFormSnapshot(formElement, UserId) function is called. And that creates a form signature and adds it as "proof" to the RML Request JSON object.
When the submit button is pressed, all regular JavaScript code runs (such as a validator, and event listeners). The validator, etc, may stop the form submission before the RemereLogin.performServiceOp("signForm", opArgs, fiskProfilePath, triggerView) function is called.
First, the activateHtmlTrigger function detects that the triggerHtmlElement is a form. Then it calls the regular "onsubmit" JavaScript code. (a validator, etc.) If the regular code returns a false or otherwise stops the form submission, then invokeServiceOp stops execution. Second, if the form is still to be submitted, then the invokeServiceOp function checks if the opId is "signForm". If it is, then the form signing path is taken. Third, a dialog is presented to the user asking which User Login (and key) they want to use to sign the form. Fourth, the invokeServiceOp function creates a JWT, that has all the data in the form copied to the JWT payload section. Fifth, it signs the JWT with the user's private key, and adds the JWT to the RML Request JSON object, as an additional property.
The JWT MUST have an issue date, and an issuer string that contains the User Login. That is, the required fields include the "kid" value in the header, and both an "iat" and "iss" claim values. When validating the form, the issuer string is extracted, and used to look up the sig verification key set for that issuer. The "kid" specifies which key was used. (Note that the key used may not belong to the RP. The RP may need to retrieve the list of keys from an internet address.)
Form Snapshot
A form snapshot is a JSON representation of the form. The HTML form is converted into JSON, and most of the form fields and attributes are retained.
A form snapshot must contain much more data than a regular HTTP form submission. A form snapshot is about proving what data a user provided, and thus it is necessary to document the questions on the form, and what options were available for each of them. An HTTP form submission is not sufficient, as it only contains the values that were sent to the server. It doesn't contain the labels, options or even the field types (text, radio button, etc). Furthermore, there is no distinction between the values the user provided, and values from "hidden" input elements. Without this distinction, it would be possible for form authors to add hidden form fields and make it seem that a user agreed to something they were not aware of.
A form snapshot converts each input element in a form into a JSON object. Each converted input element will include the name, type, value, label, and the options available. The options will include the label, value and a marker for if the option is selected. Each option can have its own label.
Converted "input elements" contain a name, value, type, label, and the available options.
Each option contains a label, value, and an "isSelected" marker. (Abbreviated as "l", "v", and "s".)
Radio buttons and checkboxes that have the same name are combined into a single item. (i.e. Each input element with the same name is converted into an option for the combined item. So the labels and values are retained, as options.)
Multi-select elements (i.e. "checkbox" and "select-multiple") have ARRAY values.
Multi-select elements will have a value of "the empty array" if nothing is selected.
Single-select elements (i.e. "radio", "select-one") will have a value of null if nothing is selected.
Hidden fields are included. Each is explicitly marked as the "hidden" type.
Converts an HTML form into a JSON object. Retains most of the form fields, attributes, labels and options.
Function info: (parameter list, return value, etc.)
@param {DOMElement} formElement; The HTML form element to extract the data from.
@return {FormSnapshot} The form snapshot. A JSON object.
This function goes through the form, and converts each input element into a JSON object. Each converted input element will include the name, type, value, label, and the options available. The options will include the label, value and a marker for if the option is selected. Each option can have its own label. (The options are limited to 50 for select fields).
A form snapshot is necessary because the regular HTTP form submission does not retain the questions on the form. It doesn't contain the labels, options or even the field types (text, radio button, etc). Without that data, it is hard to verify what questions the user was answering. See Form Snapshot.
Converted "input elements" contain a name, value, type, label, and a list of options.
Each option contains a label, value, and an "isSelected" marker. (Abbreviated as "l", "v", and "s".)
All Radio Buttons and Checkboxes that have the same name are combined into a single item.
(i.e. Each input element with the same name is converted into an option for the combined item. So the labels and values are retained, as options.)
The "checkbox" and "select-multiple" elements are "Multi-select" and have ARRAY values. ("v":[])
Multi-select elements that have nothing selected, will have a value of "an empty array". ("v":[])
Single-select elements (i.e. "radio", "select-one") that have nothing selected, will have a value of null.
Hidden fields are included. Each is explicitly marked as the "hidden" type.
Contains almost every field that the HTML form has. (But not the "submit" button)
The form snapshot contains a lot more data than a standard form submission. It contains:
The type of the input fields. (Shows if the field is hidden. And if multiple selections are allowed.)
Field labels. (Not just the field name.)
Fields with no value. (This is contrary to an HTTP POST, that omits radio buttons, checkboxes and select items that have no value.)
The available options. (For radio button, checkbox, select)
Option labels. (Not just the option values.) The labels of the options the user selected.
Example HTML Form:
<form ... rel="servicetrigger"
servicetriggerdata='{ "protocolOp":"remere/signForm",
"onSuccess":{"actions":[{"redirectUri":"/some/path/formConfirm.php"}]} }'>
<input type="text" name="firstname" placeholder="Enter your first name"><br/>
<input type="text" name="lastname" placeholder="Enter your last name"><br/>
<input type="text" id="i_nickname" name="nickname"><label for="i_nickname">What you like to be called.</label><br/>
What is your gender?
<label for="g_male">Male</label>: <input type="radio" id="g_male" name="gender" value="male">
<label for="g_female">Female</label>: <input type="radio" id="g_female" name="gender" value="female"><br/>
What kind of vehicles do you have?<br/>
<input type="checkbox" id="v_bike" name="vehicle" value="bike" checked> <label for="v_bike">I have a bike</label><br/>
<input type="checkbox" id="v_car" name="vehicle" value="car" checked> <label for="v_car">I have a car</label><br/>
<input type="checkbox" id="v_boat" name="vehicle" value="boat"> <label for="v_boat">I have a boat</label><br/>
<select multiple name="carmake">
<option value="volvo">Volvo</option>
<option value="toyota">Toyota</option>
<option value="ford">Ford</option>
<select name="favoriteFruit">
<option value="apple">Apple</option>
<option value="orange">Orange</option>
<option value="pear">Pear</option>
<input type="hidden" name="today_date" value="2018-01-12">
<input type="submit" value="Submit">
Example JSON:
// createFormSnapshot example output.
formSnapshot: {
"creationDate": 1555876543210,
"fieldList": [ // The list of fields in the form.
{"n":"firstname", "t":"text", "v":"Mickey"},
{"n":"lastname", "t":"text", "v":"Mouse"},
{"n":"nickname", "t":"text", "v":"Big Ears", "l":"What you like to be called."},
{"n":"gender", "t":"radio", "v":null, "selectedIndex":-1,
{"n":"vehicle", "t":"checkbox", "v":["bike","car"], "selectedIndexList":[0,1],
"o":[{"l":"I have a bike","v":"bike","s":true},{"l":"I have a car","v":"car","s":true},{"l":"I have a boat","v":"boat"}]},
{"n":"carmake", "t":"select-multiple", "v":[], "selectedIndexList":[],
"o":[{"l":"Toyota","v":"toyota"}, {"l":"Volvo","v":"volvo"}, {"l":"Ford","v":"ford"}]},
{"n":"favoriteFruit", "t":"select-one", "v":"pear", "selectedIndex":2,
"o":[{"l":"Apple","v":"apple"}, {"l":"Orange","v":"orange"}, {"l":"Pear","v":"pear","s":true}]},
{"n":"today_date", "t":"hidden", "v":"2018-01-12"},
In JSON, names and values cannot contain double quotes. So, both the names and values of the form items will need to have any double quotes encoded. (Should use json encoding, backspace, '\"', not html """)
Example JavaScript code for creating a Javascript object with all the form names and values.Example JavaScript:
// example implementation
* Extracts structure and user data from a form as an array of data objects.
* Objects include name, value, type, option_list and option labels.
* Important: checkboxes and radio buttons with the same name are combined.
* Each individual radio button or checkbox is one option for the shared name.
* Single select items (radio, select-one) will have a value of null if nothing is selected.
* Multi-select items will have a value of the empty array if nothing is selected.
* Also, the array of selected options ("so"), is an attempt to minimize the length of the option list.
* @return {FormSnapshot} The form snapshot. A JSON object.
function CCI_createFormSnapshot(formElement) {
if (formElement === undefined) {
throw new Error(funcNameV + "Missing form argument.");
if (formElement.nodeName !== "FORM") {
throw new Error(funcNameV + "Invalid 'form' argument. Not a form.");
let theForm = formElement;
let formData = {}; // The data to be signed. =;
formData.creationDate = new Date().getTime();
let fieldList = []; // The list of fields
let fieldSet = {};
let fieldMap = new Map();
// let data_names = {};
let elem;
let formLen = formElement.elements.length;
for(let i = 0; i < formLen; i++) {
elem = formElement.elements[i];
let fldObj;
let addToList = true;
let prevItem = fieldMap.get(;
if (prevItem !== undefined) {
// Only "radio" and "checkbox" types are allowed to have a prevItem (with the same name).
if (elem.type == "radio" || elem.type == "checkbox") {
fldObj = prevItem;
addToList = false;
} else {
throw new Error("Invalid form. Has two fields of type=" + elem.type + " with the same name. name=" +;
} else {
fldObj = {};
fldObj.n =;
fldObj.t = elem.type;
if (elem.type == "checkbox" || elem.type == "select-multiple") {
fldObj.v = [];
} else {
// fldObj.v = null;
// fieldMap.set(, fldObj);
switch (elem.type) {
case "hidden":
fldObj.v = elem.value;
// fldObj.l = Form_getLabelFor(theForm,;
// These types do not have a "name". submit, reset, button, image
case "submit":
case "reset":
case "button":
case "image":
addToList = false;
// Do not include passwords in the fieldList.
case "password":
// case "file":
fldObj.v = null; // elem.value
fldObj.l = Form_getLabelFor(theForm,;
// addToList = false;
case "select-multiple":
let valueList = [];
let optionList = [];
fldObj.l = Form_getLabelFor(theForm,;
fldObj.o = optionList;
fldObj.selectedIndexList = [];
let soList = []; // Array of only the selected options.
for(let k = 0; k < elem.length; k++) {
let op = {};
op.l = elem.options[k].text;
op.v = elem.options[k].value;
if(elem.options[k].selected) {
op.s = true; // option is selected.
fldObj.v = valueList; = soList;
case "select-one":
let theValue;
let optionList = [];
fldObj.v = null;
fldObj.l = Form_getLabelFor(theForm,;
fldObj.o = optionList;
for(let k = 0; k < elem.length; k++) {
let op = {};
op.l = elem.options[k].text;
op.v = elem.options[k].value;
if (elem.options[k].selected) {
op.s = true; // option is selected.
theValue = elem.options[k].value;
// fldObj.selectedIndex = (optionList.length-1);
fldObj.v = theValue;
fldObj.selectedIndex = elem.selectedIndex;
if (elem.selectedIndex != -1) { fldObj.v = elem.options[elem.selectedIndex].value; }
case "radio":
if (prevItem === undefined) {
fldObj.v = null;
fldObj.o = []; // optionList
} else {
fldObj = prevItem;
addToList = false;
let optionList = fldObj.o;
let op = {};
op.l = Form_getLabelFor(theForm,;
op.v = elem.value;
if(elem.checked) {
op.s = true; // option is selected.
fldObj.v = elem.value;
fldObj.selectedIndex = optionList.length-1;
case "checkbox":
if (prevItem === undefined) {
fldObj.v = [];
fldObj.o = []; // optionList = []; // Array of only the selected options.
fldObj.selectedIndexList = [];
} else {
fldObj = prevItem;
addToList = false;
let valueList = fldObj.v;
let optionList = fldObj.o;
let soList =;
let op = {};
op.l = Form_getLabelFor(theForm,;
op.v = elem.value;
if(elem.checked) {
op.s = true; // option is selected.
// case "text", case "textarea", etc.
fldObj.v = elem.value
fldObj.l = Form_getLabelFor(theForm,;
if (addToList) {
if (prevItem === undefined) {
fieldMap.set(, fldObj);
formData.fieldList = fieldList;
formData.fieldSet = fieldSet;
formData.fieldMap = fieldMap;
return formData;
function Form_getLabelFor(theForm, theId) {
let label = "";
let html_labels = theForm.querySelectorAll("label[for='" + theId + "']");
for( let index=0; index < html_labels.length; index++ ) {
// Probably need some check in here to ensure the label is visible.
label += html_labels[index].textContent;
return label;
API Data Types
API Data Types Type: string ("json_string") // A quoted string.
API Data Types Type: integer // Data MUST be an integer. (Not a float)
API Data Types Type: number // Data may be an integer or a float.
There are a few differences from standard JSON. First, property names and string values MAY be enclosed with the caret character (^) instead of the double quote character. This format was added for convenience, because HTML attribute values can be double quoted, and that interferes with standard JSON string quoting. (Internally, all caret characters in the attribute value are simply converted into double quote characters.) A caret character can be included by using "%caret;". A single quote character can be included by using "%sq;".
In order to include a double quote mark in a JSON property name or string value, prefix it with a backslash. HTML entity encoding can also be used. Single Quote (') = (') Double Quote (") = (") Less than (<) = (<) Greater than (>) = (>)
// Allow double quoted HTML attributes to contain double quotes. Ex: attr="{^prop1^:"pick up", ^prop2^:false}"
// Allow single quoted HTML attributes to contain single quotes. Ex: attr='{"prop1":"pick up Steven%sq;s food"}'
A set of API functions for the browser to call in order to perform the behavior required of "auth" elements. These API functions are exposed as Javascript functions.
Note that "many of" these functions have a "context" of the current browser tab.
All "serviceCatalogUri" values must start with a slash. (Also "smallIcon" values too.) They CANNOT contain a domain name. It's a security risk. This is because the functions can be called directly from JavaScript running in a browser tab. A tab should not be able to log into or out of a different site. (Cross site scripting attack.)
RemereLogin.registerUserIdCertificate(uic.ucv, uid_cert.format, uic.csvm, ver_key): Promise(Object); // Should ONLY store valid certificates. MUST PROVIDE THE VERIFICATION KEY.
The LoginManager functions are called from RemereDirector functions.
The LoginManager functions that accept the "fiskClientData" argument are Authenticator functions. (And collectUserLogins is also a required Authenticator function.)
The purpose of fiskClientData is to be included in a signature, created by the Authenticator,
and returned to the RP. This lets the RP know that the Authenticator received the correct data.
For example, The RP can choose to use a parent domainName. The RP needs proof that the Authenticator knew that when it created the signature.
The fiskClientData is used when a response from the Authenticator is delivered to the RP.
The fiskClientData is used (1) when creating credential signatures, and (2) When CHANGING active credentials (3) when creating a User Login. (Note: creating credential sources does NOT require an fiskClientData.)
The credential signatures and attestation signature are signed over the fiskClientData hash.
Low level functions, internal to the browser implementation. These are suggestions only. They are not public, and could be implemented completely differently. The first group is called by the RemereLogin functions.
authsecure.generateKeyPair() -- Generates a key pair. Stores private key securely.
-- Also generates an "id" for the key pair. Records the keys internally. Returns only the public key.
authsecure.createIdentitySignature(); -- Creates a JWT signed by the userId private key.
The difference between activateHtmlTrigger and activateFiskTrigger is that, in effect, activateHtmlTrigger extracts the fiskTriggerContents from the htmlTrigger, and then calls activateFiskTrigger. (The activateHtmlTrigger function uses the htmlElement arguement as the source of the fiskTriggerContents.)
This handler registers an internal function as a failure callback to receive error and failure notifications from the CapisControl.invokeServiceOp function. If "CapisControl.invokeServiceOp" encounters an error, or cannot complete correctly for any reason, then the failure callback is called. That will return control to this handler. It may then decide to display an error message to the user (as a popup or dialog box, etc.), or pass the error on to the browser.
For example: if a login was started, but the user cancels it. or the user supplied the wrong password to the IDP, etc. etc.
Function info: (parameter list, return value, etc.)
@param {string} protocolId; The Service Protocol Id. Ex: "remere"
@param {string} opId; The service operation to be performed. Ex: "login"
@param {ServiceOperationArgs} opArgs; The set of args to be sent to the service operation.
@param {FiskProfilePath} fiskProfilePath; The 'path' parts that identify the FiskProfile.
@param {FiskTriggerView} triggerView; The trigger that started the event.
@return {Promise<OpResult>} The service operation response object.
Example JavaScript implementation:
// example implementation
function CCI_performServiceOp(protocolId, opId, opArgs, fiskProfilePath, triggerView) {
return CCI_invokeServiceOp(protocolId, opId, opArgs, fiskProfilePath, triggerView);
Capis API - Function: CapisControl.invokeServiceOp(protocolId, opId, opArgs, fiskProfilePath, triggerView)
Return Type Promise<Object>; The "login" operation can be canceled.
Performs a service operation.
Function info: (parameter list, return value, etc.)
@param {string} protocolId; The Service Protocol Id. Ex: "remere"
@param {string} opId; The method (function name) for the service to perform. (Ex: "login", "setActiveCredentials", etc.)
@param {ServiceOperationArgs} opArgs; The set of args to be sent to the service operation.
@param {FiskProfilePath} fiskProfilePath; The 'path' parts that identify the FiskProfile.
@param {FiskTriggerView} triggerView; The trigger that started the event.
@return {Promise<OpResult>} The Protocol Handler response object.
Internal steps:
Calls the requested service operation. (fiskProfileId:"remere_1", "protocolOp":"remere/login" or "logout") etc.
Returns the Promise created from calling the opId function.
This function returns a Promise. If for any reason this function cannot complete correctly, then the promise's failure callback will be executed. For example, if the user cancels the login attempt, or the user supplied the wrong password.
The promise's failure callback is NOT called if the function completes correctly. For example, if the POST is sent to the website, the failure callback will never be called. Even if the website rejects the login or has some other error. In this example, if the website has an error, it can redirect the browser to a web page detailing the error.
Example JavaScript implementation:
// example implementation
function CCI_invokeServiceOp(protocolId, opId, opArgs, fiskProfilePath, triggerView) {
let funcNameV = "CCI.invokeServiceOp ";
// Make sure that CapisControl has read the pageConfig before calling the protocolHandler.
return this.ensurePageConfig()
.then( pageConfig => {
if (protocolId === undefined) {
throw new Error("Cannot invoke protocol action. Missing 'protocolId' argument.");
if (opId === undefined) {
throw new Error("Cannot invoke protocol action. Missing 'opId' argument.");
if (protocolId.length < 2) {
throw new Error("Invalid 'protocolId' =" + protocolId + " in HTML trigger. It must be at least 2 characters.");
if (opId.length < 2) {
throw new Error("Invalid 'opId' =" + opId + " in HTML trigger. It must be at least 2 characters.");
if (opArgs === undefined) {
opArgs = {};
if (fiskProfilePath === undefined) {
// throw new Error("Missing fiskProfilePath argument.");
fiskProfilePath = {};
let fiskOfferId = fiskProfilePath.fiskOfferId;
if (fiskOfferId === undefined) {
// throw new Error("Missing 'fiskOfferId' property.");
// let fiskProfileId = fiskProfilePath.fiskProfileId;
if (fiskProfilePath.fiskOfferId === undefined) {
let prSelect = CCI_getFirstSocInfo(protocolId);
// fiskProfilePath.fiskOfferId = CCI_defaultFiskOfferId; // "offer_1"
fiskProfilePath.fiskOfferId = prSelect.offerId;
fiskProfilePath.fiskProfileId = prSelect.linkedFiskProfileId;
if (fiskProfilePath.fiskProfileId === undefined) {
let fiskProfilePath_1 = CCI_getRegisteredFiskProfileInfo(protocolId, fiskProfilePath.fiskOfferId);
if (fiskProfilePath_1 == null) {
throw new Error("Invalid FiskOffer. Missing the 'fiskProfilePath' for protocolId=(" + protocolId + ").");
// fiskProfilePath.fiskOfferId = fiskProfilePath_1.offerId;
fiskProfilePath.fiskProfileId = fiskProfilePath_1.profileId;
let protocolHandler = CCI_getProtocolHandler(protocolId);
let opPromise;
if (protocolHandler != null) {
opPromise = protocolHandler.performServiceOp(opId, opArgs, fiskProfilePath, triggerView);
} else {
let prNoSupportCfg = CCI_getProtocolNoSupportConfig(protocolId, fiskProfilePath);
throw new Error("Cannot invoke protocol action. Unregistered protocolId=" + protocolId + ", opId=" + opId);
return opPromise;
}).then( serviceOpResponse => {
// se9_debug.log("CapisControl.invokeServiceOp: resolved. response=" + JSON.stringify(serviceOpResponse));
// TODO: In the future, reload the page here.
// window.location.reload();
// window.location.reload();
let serviceOpResponse2 = serviceOpResponse;
return serviceOpResponse;
}).catch( error => {
let funcNameP = "CCI.invokeServiceOp";
let funcArgSt = "protocolId=" + protocolId + " op